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  1. #71
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Ontario, Canada


    I think Pariahs will be able to find a home as Lychguard, for some. Lychguard are the CC unit with warscythes as standard weapons, I believe...and that's what Pariahs were (or were supposed to be) in the old codex.

    I'm kind of disheartened by the things I've heard recently about Wraiths and Destroyers...though, actually, I've never really liked the Destroyer model, so maybe it's a blessing in disguise (for me). Of course I'm really eager to see the book and figure out what's really going on for myself.
    Armies Played (in order of acquisition)
    Crons, SW, SM, Tau, 1k Sons, IG, Nids, BA, DE

  2. #72


    Seems like a lot of people are freaking out about the new destroyers, but something to keep in mind. I have a feeling they will have preferred enemy (2) in 6th edition which means they will have it on their shooting attacks. Other wise it makes no sense to have it on them, at all. I don't thin Ward is that bad of a game designer to throw useless rules on a unit. He usually has a plan.. albeit a crazy plan, he usually still has one. - Tips on modeling and terrain to enhance your gaming experiences!

  3. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by Col_Festus View Post
    Seems like a lot of people are freaking out about the new destroyers, but something to keep in mind. I have a feeling they will have preferred enemy (2) in 6th edition which means they will have it on their shooting attacks. Other wise it makes no sense to have it on them, at all. I don't thin Ward is that bad of a game designer to throw useless rules on a unit. He usually has a plan.. albeit a crazy plan, he usually still has one.
    Then why not give them twin-linked now and FAQ/Errata it out for next edition?

  4. #74


    Yep TL the Destroyers would have made more sense, and actually been worth it when it came to the Heavy Destroyers. Luckily I only have about 8 combined. Mine will be most likely sitting on the shelf as Wraiths and Scarabs seem much better choices.

    Ill have to see the rules for the Snipers. They seem cool in concept, but it would make more sense if they could Deep Strike and shoot immediately after doing so. Deep Striking to stand there and die doesnt make too much sense.

    Personally I think Pariahs were better than their Replacement. If they would made them 2+/5++ save and let the Warscythe be +2 Str, Assault 2 guns (losing the bypass inv) that added 2d6 pen, they would be worth 40-45pts each.

    As they are now, they lost the ability to shoot (huge), they gain an inv save at +5 points, however lose the +2 str and +2d6 pen if they do this, they lost their Psychic Feedback defense, and the - leadership modifier. AND they are more expensive than they were!

    Warriors are about the same. Their armor went down 1pt, however they are 5-6pts cheaper, and can take WBB vs anything.

    Immortals were nerfed into 3rd Edition Warriors. Toughness went down, basic guns now suck. hopefully the Tesla will be worth it.

    Wraiths gained +1 wound and Rending, however they are more expensive now, and strike at Init 2. Not to mention they are much slower as JI than Jetbikes.

    Monolith is basically garbage now. Ill field one since I have 2 painted ones already, but the living metal change sucks, inability to suck people out of CC to blast them down sucks, and not being able to assault out of them sucks. Plus add in they no longer have Deep Strike protection, which makes 0 sense since they are so friggin huge. I doubt Ill deep strike one again.

    On the other hand, I like that Tomb Spyders seem to be a lot cooler, the transports seem pretty awesome, the lords/crypteks are pretty nice, the special characters seem to have neat rules, and the mobile gun platform seems like an awesome idea.

    All in all Im hoping for some fun times with them. Hopefully Ill keep up my decent winning percentag whien I play them

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Suburbs of Hell.


    I'll be honest. I was excited about Necrons, until I heard what the possible changes are. I'm not one generally for conspiracy theories, but everything I've been hearing sounds very much like a nerfing of the old to force the buying of the new. I'll have to see the codex, but what I've heard has me seriously considering mothballing my 'Crons and just concentrating on my Darkies.

    Necron2.0 (a.k.a. me) - "I used to wrestle with inner demons. Now we just sit for tea and scones, and argue over the weather."

  6. #76
    The Dark Mechanic
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    Satellite of Love, MD


    Advance Orders are now available!
    See my latest eBay auctions at

  7. #77


    As Phaeron of the Sautekh Dynasty, and with over eighty Tomb Worlds under his command, Imotekh can draw upon incredible resources, for the armies of the entire dynasty are his to requisition at any time.
    Sorry for bringing up this difficult topic again, but this is strong evidence for the Necron designs having been inspired by ancient Egypt.
    Dark Eldar 4000pts, Eldar 2000pts, Dark Angels 2500pts, Tau 2000pts.

  8. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by Necron2.0 View Post
    I'll be honest. I was excited about Necrons, until I heard what the possible changes are. I'm not one generally for conspiracy theories, but everything I've been hearing sounds very much like a nerfing of the old to force the buying of the new. I'll have to see the codex, but what I've heard has me seriously considering mothballing my 'Crons and just concentrating on my Darkies.
    Once again I'll agree 100% with you.

    Old Warriors: 3+ Save, 4+ WBB
    New Warriors: 4+ Save, 5+ WBB (Marine Scouts with no weapon options?)

    Old Immortals: Toughness 5, 4+ WBB
    New Immortals: Toughness 4, 5+ WBB - Initiative 2 (Space Marines with 2 weapon choices and bad Initiative)

    Old Flayed Ones: 2 A, 3+ Save, 4+ WBB
    New Flayed Ones: 3 A, 4+ save, 5+ WBB - Initiative of 2? No power weapons, no Rending...WTF?

    Old Monolith: Living Metal ignores all Melta, Lance, Extra Dice Damage attacks + Lots of special rules.
    New Monolith: Living Metal gives a saving throw against stunned or shaken? Still only 6" move, 24" weapon Range? New 200 point Melta bait...

    Old Necron Lord, 5 WS, 4 Init, 3 Wounds
    New Necron Lord, 4 WS, 2 Init, 1 Wound

    I have 6 Monolith, 3 Gauss Pylons (also hit hard by the living metal nerf bat), 15 Destroyers and 9 Heavy Destroyers.

    I'll buy the codex and decide if the whole 14,000 point army goes on ebay...
    Last edited by Maelstorm; 10-30-2011 at 03:40 AM.
    "Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." ~ T. Pratchett

  9. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by Farseer Uthiliesh View Post
    Sorry for bringing up this difficult topic again, but this is strong evidence for the Necron designs having been inspired by ancient Egypt.
    PLEASE don't get them started on this line again - the boys and girls don't play well when discussing design influence...
    "Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." ~ T. Pratchett

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    The States


    Sounds to me like they're just leaning towards swarm tactics now...

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