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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Ontario, Canada


    I'm gonna chime in and say I like the new fluff. I'm glad Necrons have more to them now than being 'metal Tyranids'. And that all the lords seem to have fun, eccentric personalities, but the rank-and-file in the army are still soulless, silent robots.

    That is all.

    Mind you, I had almost no problems with the new GK fluff, either. The only thing that bugged me a little was Draigo writing his name on Mortarion's heart. But the rest all seemed fine to me.

    I'm going to leave before I get stoned (by people suffering severe nerdrage) now.
    Armies Played (in order of acquisition)
    Crons, SW, SM, Tau, 1k Sons, IG, Nids, BA, DE

  2. #42


    I like what I've heard so far as well, though I'm reserving final judgement until I've read it myself obviously. Even with GK it was only Draigo and the silliness with the SoB that bugged me, most of the background was fine. There are a few small things I dislike in practically every codex except the Eldar and Dark Eldar books.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Madrid, Spain


    I like the new background, even if it makes them be the New Tomb Kings of Space...
    Lord Macragge and wielder of the Ultramar´s Gauntlets

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Sydney, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by eldargal View Post
    Re: Ward, apparent most books are a group effort but there is only one main writer. Most of the background decisions have to be run past the head of IP or something as well, or so I was told. So Ward may be responsible in the sense that he wrote it but the fact it has gone to print indicates approval to some extent from the rest of the design studio/
    See, my problem with Ward is his writing. So apparently this Necron has a primarch and Thor's head - so what? What does that add to the universe? It's the 40k version of a new character punching Superman out to show how badass they are.
    He tends to put these bits in (like the BA/Cron teamup, GKs killing Sororitas) but not do anything with them. If it's just a "this up until now radically out of character/history changing/nearly impossible to explain thing happened" with no explaination it's dumb. Give me a reason how, why, and the effects it has.

    If he'd explained why the Cron's and BA teamed up more than was said, I could buy it. If there was a reason why the incorruptable GKs would be corrupted where the Sororitas wouldn't be, tell us. And I'm hoping there is reason for how this lord got his hands on these great imprial relics more than just stating it as fact. Stating a retcon or major event as a fact and leaving at that is lazy writing.
    It breaks the verisimilitude of the setting when it's just "these guys did this thing, despite it theoretically impossible and/or out of character, because that's what happened". If he'd said the GKs had killed the sisters for fear they'd fall, as even they were at risk, and their martyrdom gave their blood special properties to further protect the GKs, it'd work - the way it's written it doesn't.

    Editorial concerns and page space obviously come into it, but I just don't like his writing for the most part.

  5. #45
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    Jul 2009


    You do understand that these are tiny *** entried in a codex, right?

    Perhaps the real solution is for GW to say, "Eff all you internet whiners. Here are your rules. Screw your fluff."

    I'll never quite understand it when people have a limit to which they're willing to extend their disbelief in 40k. Let me remind you this is a universe where 8-foot tall acid spitting superhumans fight 7 foot tall green monkey-men that are grown from spores and get larger based on how important they are.

    "No! Draigo could not live like that. It just isn't possible!"


  6. #46
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    Sydney, Australia


    You do understand that these are tiny *** entried in a codex, right?
    Yes, and if they'd been internally consistent or expanded thoughtfully on the background, I'd be interested. But they're just tacked on things that have huge consequences for the background as is, but aren't treated as anything more than footnotes. Also these tiny *** entries are the core of what the universe is built on, so when they don't make sense or contradict previous works, people question them.

    For instance when Codex: Daemons introduced the idea that Nurgle keeps Isha prisoner, it was more than that - it explained why he was doing it (testing new plagues on her), and how it shaped the universe because of it (she sometimes is able to pass on cures to the mortal world). It's not simply a matter of "Nurgle is such a badass and rules diseases - he's so diseased that he's enslaved Isha to test plagues on."

    It's not about suspension of belief, it's about consistency with itself - the writers have laid out certain groundrules for the universe, and this stuff contradicts them:

    Angron, in the material world, took an entire company of Grey Knight Terminators to take out, with an entire army and the Space Wolves backing them up.
    Compare to Draigo, who went to Mortarion's base, in the warp, fought his way through his guards single-handedly then defeated the Primarch himself, before escaping and being perfectly fine... I guess Mortarion and his crew were sick that day or sometihng (nyuk nyuk nyuk).

    So yeah, if they're going to say a Daemon Primarch (or hell, a regular Primarch) is capable of destroying any non-Primarch opponent without too much trouble, and have examples of their actions standing as the gold standard of over the top annihilation for twenty years consistently, I will find it hard to believe this new guy could do all that in the given 'rules' of the setting.

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Jacksonville, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by wittdooley View Post
    You do understand that these are tiny *** entried in a codex, right?

    Perhaps the real solution is for GW to say, "Eff all you internet whiners. Here are your rules. Screw your fluff."

    I'll never quite understand it when people have a limit to which they're willing to extend their disbelief in 40k. Let me remind you this is a universe where 8-foot tall acid spitting superhumans fight 7 foot tall green monkey-men that are grown from spores and get larger based on how important they are.

    "No! Draigo could not live like that. It just isn't possible!"

    You could easily do as such, to strip away all the fluff that most of this game is built around and just say "here is your straight rule set now sit down, shut up and roll your dice!"

    To bring up that yes it is 8-foot tall acid spitting superhumans taking on the universe is no different then trying to tell people when something occurs in their Star Wars universe or their Star Trek universe. Yes some of the events that occur in either them can be beyond disbelief but isn't that why it is referred to as a world of sci-fi/fantasy because that is all that it is. Most of the players also read a lot of the novels that take you on adventures throughout the Warhammer 40k universe and then when something new comes out that takes what was written and throws it out the window they simply want to know what this is; for different reasons it can be a way for Games Workshop to build up some hype, or to instal a fail safe just in case sales for the game start sliding and they can bring it back by triggering said fail safes that have been implemented throughout a lot of the fluff. Who isn't to say that the Primarchs will return within the next three editions? It is just a simple fact of what can be going on and since none of us work for Games Workshop we can speculate.

    A game with a story is more entertaining to play out then a game with nothing really there.

  8. #48


    But there is your problem, it occurred in the warp where there are no rules. Not in the material realm, not in an area where the warp leaks into the material realm but in the warp itself. Draigo was a little bubble of incorruptibility who got sucked into a realm of Chaos, ignoring the fact that for all we know it was a warp-delusion who is to say what might happen under those circumstances? For all we know the Chaos Gods let it happen for lulz. The Angron piece is different because it happened in the material realm or rules do apply, and Angron was both a primarch and a daemon so would be tough as something really tough.

    It isn't my favourite piece of fluff but I really think people are making a mountain out of a molehill. It is one silly piece of fluff in a book that is largely extremely good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gotthammer View Post

    It's not about suspension of belief, it's about consistency with itself - the writers have laid out certain groundrules for the universe, and this stuff contradicts them:

    Angron, in the material world, took an entire company of Grey Knight Terminators to take out, with an entire army and the Space Wolves backing them up.
    Compare to Draigo, who went to Mortarion's base, in the warp, fought his way through his guards single-handedly then defeated the Primarch himself, before escaping and being perfectly fine... I guess Mortarion and his crew were sick that day or sometihng (nyuk nyuk nyuk).
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  9. #49


    I haven't even got to the end of this thread because I've just read some nobjockey comment about 'You don't own 40K, it isn't real you know blah blah blah'...

    Why is there always some PEDANT pointing out obvious shyte like this? Do please leave the forums alone and masturbate quietly in the dark. This being a forum on a fictional world, EVERYONE can have an opinion and should be allowed to debate and talk AS IF THE 40K world WERE real without some smart arse gving it all, 'OH YOU AAAAARE A SAAAAD MAN FOR THINKING IT'S ALL REEEEEEAL, I'M SO CHUFFING INTELLECTUALLY SUPERIOR TO YOOOOO...' ad nauseum...just stick it up your bum mate...

    Screw Ward's fluff, his rules are always mental, so you know this codex is going to be good. And Trayzn has got himself a big ole Primarch eh? Who do we want/not want it to be? WHo's in the running?

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Unzuul the Lascivious View Post
    Screw Ward's fluff, his rules are always mental, so you know this codex is going to be good. And Trayzn has got himself a big ole Primarch eh? Who do we want/not want it to be? WHo's in the running?
    I'm not British, so I never quite understand the context of mental.... It means good here, right? Ward's codecies have been the best of 5th edition, hands down (DE aside). He's the dude largely responsible for codecies where you can have multiple viable army build options.

    I read nearly all the Black Library books, and If there was a 300 word entry in a codex about Dante and Hesperax having some kinky, rough sex, I'd hardly be bothered. Dude needs some play after being a Chapter Master for so long. That's why people getting so bent out of a shape over tiny entries regarding pragmatism (BA + Necron team up) or over-zealous mass murder (GK & Sisters) makes me roll my eyes. #Geddoverit.

    And there's an entirely different thread regarding Trayzn, so I'd point you there for that discussion.

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