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  1. #71


    First: Defending my previous statement. I actually find a space dinosaur in grey's anatomy more realistic than a sudden new necron lord managing to invade Terra the worlds probably best defended place and steal the head of one of the greatest saints in the Imperial universe and then get away.
    Or The whole draigo episode, space dinosaurs is once again more likely because there is nothing in the fluff of the mentioned shows that goes AGAINST it. There's nothing saying space dinosaurs can't exist more than relistic expectations.... oh wait, that... would be exact same thing.

    Please leave the carbon conflict to another thread, or start PM:ing each other. It's really not the forum for it.

    And finally, just let us complain about ward and his fluff. Personally I think the fluff is more important than the rules, I'd rather have a fluffy army than a top tier one . (not that I mind if it's both) therefor the fluff is important to me and to several others. If you don't want to discuss fluff don't read this thread. Let us that want to complain about how we could never steal the head because of A and B or what he must have done to get past A and B do so without you being condescending space dinosaurs.

    For some of us discussing fluff is just as fun as playing a game, and I'd like to remind you that you are all playing a game! with plastic soldiers. Take a step down from your throne of self-importance and awesome-I-only-care-about-rules horse.

    Show the same curtesy here that you would to a your opponent on the gaming table

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southampton, England


    Good fluff is most certainly important.

    While I can't stand most of the crap that Ward has written, so far the Necron stuff is sounding a lot better than his previous attempts, so I think everyone should really wait to read the codex before judging. There will probably be a couple of silly parts, but so far it's shaping up to be quite good. (Blood Angels was probably his best so far, which is amusing considering the whole Blood Angels-Necron thing).

    So yeah, people can get better at writing, and considering how I usually can't stand Ward's fluff from the get-go, I'm feeling optimistic about this one. Perhaps a non-marine codex is just what he needed. Necrons aren't too far away from the power-armoured thing, but they're edging away from it, and gradual progression is a good thing.

  3. #73


    What makes you think they did that? Why does it have to be authentic, how would Trazyn know, afterall, without breaking into a heavily fortified and defended monastery to check. Every private collector of antiquities has fakes in their collection whether they will admit it or not, I don't see why Trazyn the Infinite would be an exception. Am I really the only one show thinks of the skull of John the Baptist age 12 when they read the bit about Sabastian Thors head?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fellend View Post
    First: Defending my previous statement. I actually find a space dinosaur in grey's anatomy more realistic than a sudden new necron lord managing to invade Terra the worlds probably best defended place and steal the head of one of the greatest saints in the Imperial universe and then get away. e
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  4. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by eldargal View Post
    What makes you think they did that? Why does it have to be authentic, how would Trazyn know, afterall, without breaking into a heavily fortified and defended monastery to check. Every private collector of antiquities has fakes in their collection whether they will admit it or not, I don't see why Trazyn the Infinite would be an exception. Am I really the only one show thinks of the skull of John the Baptist age 12 when they read the bit about Sabastian Thors head?

    Well it's possible that it's a fake but... That seems like a convienent save.
    I haven't actually read the necron book yet but if it says that he has Thor's head we have to assume that he has it. Otherwise it's kind of pointless to even mention it

    But this is also disturbing because nothing else mention this happening so we can't know. All and all an annoyance

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Fellend View Post
    I haven't actually read the necron book yet but if it says that he has Thor's head we have to assume that he has it. Otherwise it's kind of pointless to even mention it
    Ahem.. DING DING DING!

    I'm sorry that you find space dinosaurs in Grey's Anatomy (hell I'm more sorry you watch Grey's Anatomy and admit that), a television show rooted in the REAL WORLD, more believable than an evil Space Robot stealing the head of a the fictional magistrate of a science fiction world. My condolences to your family.

    @Anguul - Please, can you give me more examples of the "crap" Ward has written beyond the three tiny, tired examples? Or is it now that en vogue to hate on Mat Ward?

  6. #76


    I prefer the idea that he has the real one and the one on Terra is/was teh fake, part of a political cover up.

  7. #77
    Iron Father
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    Vancouver Island, BC


    Quote Originally Posted by isotope99 View Post
    I prefer the idea that he has the real one and the one on Terra is/was teh fake, part of a political cover up.
    Very cool idea.

    I will admit to getting a bit f**ked off with the hate towards a codex that non of us have even read fully yet. What's interesting though is at my local store and amongst my wargaming friends there seems to be nothing but enthusiasm for the Necron update. I just dont get the negativity here, but are the posters who have it in for this release before it happens the same people than genrally moan at everything GW do ? I suspect so.

    So Isotope how will this codex effect your Death Guard counts as army ? , or have you something new up your sleeve .
    Last edited by Deadlift; 11-01-2011 at 07:21 AM.

  8. #78
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Ontario, Canada


    On the whole 'Thor's Head' issue.
    There is a lot of assumptions going on here; mostly, that his body is on open display, on a very important planet, and that his corpse has a massive military organization on constant protective duty.

    Since there is no chance his body is on a lesser shrineworld (like his homeworld); and shineworlds have never been invaded before *cough* Garm, *cough* Hagia.

    I mean, Abraham Lincoln is a vital piece of American history and life; but his body is only in Springfield Illinois (pop. of less than a quarter million). If I had a lot of extra time and money on my hands, some extra skill sets (and a very warped state of mind); it could be possible for me to steal Lincoln's body, and people might never even know about it.
    It is not the combat I resent, brother. It is the thirst for glory that gets men cut into ribbons.

  9. #79
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    With all the pissing in each others pots,about the good and the bad of Wards work. Look at it like this its been about 10 years since the crones have got a dex thats a good thing.and as long as it works, leave the hateing at home or should call this (The Real Life of bols)

  10. #80


    You'd be surprised how difficult it is to surreptitiously extract a body from a cemetary actually. Not that I'd know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Old_Paladin View Post
    On the whole 'Thor's Head' issue.
    There is a lot of assumptions going on here; mostly, that his body is on open display, on a very important planet, and that his corpse has a massive military organization on constant protective duty.

    Since there is no chance his body is on a lesser shrineworld (like his homeworld); and shineworlds have never been invaded before *cough* Garm, *cough* Hagia.

    I mean, Abraham Lincoln is a vital piece of American history and life; but his body is only in Springfield Illinois (pop. of less than a quarter million). If I had a lot of extra time and money on my hands, some extra skill sets (and a very warped state of mind); it could be possible for me to steal Lincoln's body, and people might never even know about it.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

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