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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Sorry for the late reply to your helpfully input. Work, work, work it seems...

    Anywase, I had been reading what you guys had suggested and decided to run it once this last Friday for a quick pick up game against an Eldar army. The guy ran a solid base of 4 squads of 10 Dire Avengers, a Farseer, with Howling Banshees and Fire Dragons anchoring his flanks. Great game, had a blast, and with it being annihilation it was a tie in the end with me not winning because of a couple of stupid mistakes on my part, not so much the list....mostly.

    I'm done with the Rune Priest. I never was really crazy about the guy but I ran him since everyone suggested it for the Space Wolves awesome psychic abilities which are awesome, which they are....but just arn't working for me. The Rune Priest has basically been a 110 point 4+ psychic nullifies at best. Hell, my Wolf Priest with his Talisman nullified more in this last hence, he is out of the pack.

    I also sent the Blood Claws packing (hehe, no pun intended). I admit defeat on what everyone has said about how they are a poor choice compared to Grey Hunters. I love the idea of them and though they slaughtered a good number of Dire Avengers and Fire Dragons the only real reason they did so well was the Wolf Priest. Their WS3 really hurt them bad with some blows laid on them that wasn't necessary.

    If you haven't noticed yet my Grey Hunters, like always, really shined (save one pack that dropped in and got absolutely butchered from the Bladestorm of three Dire Avenger squads but that was just bad rolling/scatter from the drop pod)

    Once big change I made before the battle was cut a few of the Blood Claws for having the Grey Hunter Pack that was footing it for a Drop Pod as well. Proved a great choice.

    A lot of the changes may be with the current gaming environment but come the weekend after this I plan on testing the gaming group of the tournament I will be playing it.

    Space Wolves
    Wolf Priest
    Wolf tail talisman
    105 pts.

    Wolf Guard Pack (3)
    Wolf Guard: Power Fist/Combi-melta (Grey Hunters Pack 1)
    Wolf Guard: Power Fist/Combi-melta (Grey Hunters Pack 2)
    Wolf Guard: Frost Blade/Melta bombs (Grey Hunters Pack 3)
    129 pts.

    Wolf Scouts (5)
    Wolf Scout: Meltagun
    85 pts.

    Replace Storm Bolter with Heavy Flamer
    105 pts.
    {Drop Pod}
    35 pts.

    Grey Hunters Pack (9)
    Grey Hunter: Wolf Standard
    Grey Hunter: Plasma Gun
    Grey Hunter: Mark of the Wulfen
    170 pts.
    {Drop Pod}
    35 pts.
    205 pts.

    Grey Hunters Pack (9)
    Grey Hunter: Wolf Standard
    Grey Hunter: Meltagun
    Grey Hunter: Mark of the Wulfen
    165 pts.
    {Drop Pod}
    35 pts.
    200 pts.

    Grey Hunters Pack (6)
    Grey Hunter: Wolf Standard
    Grey Hunter: Mark of the Wulfen
    Grey Hunter: Power Fist
    140 pts.

    Heavy Support
    Long Fangs Pack (5)
    Squad Leader
    Long Fang: Missile Launcher
    Long Fang: Heavy Bolter
    Long Fang: Lascannon
    Long Fang: Lascannon
    140 pts.
    Twin-linked Lascannon
    75 pts.
    215 pts.

    Land Raider Redeemer
    250 pts.

    Total 1469 pts.

    So basically here I cut the Blood Claws, Rune Priest and did some re-organizing: The Wolf Priest and Wolf Guard with the Frost Blade are now with the upped 6 man Grey Hunter Pack in the Redeemer, the other Grey Hunter Pack got its own Drop Pod, Long Fang's got the Razorback and a new addition I have been wanting; a Dreadnought in a drop pod.

    I will be drop podding the Dreadnought and the meltagun Grey Hunters in 1st turn and the Razorback will sit back with the Fangs and pop stuff. (Another note is that the Long Fangs have been re kitted out) The Redeemer and third drop pod with the Plasma Grey Hunters will be more reactive to support, or hopefully take stuff on on its own. And the Wolf Scouts will just do their thing and be annoying.

    I have 30 pts. left and am thinking a few things: Give the Wolf Priest Runic Armour/add more Grey Hunters for in the Redeemer/add on to the Wolf Scouts.

    My biggest questions are this:
    1.) I want the Wolf Scouts to be more useful. Don't get me wrong. They have done fantastic, but once they pop that vehicle they arn't dead, they stay alive 8 out of 10 games but I am more of just running them around and that's it. And they do pretty damn surprisingly well in combat and hold out. Should I give them a Mark of the Wulfen?

    2.) What about trying to add a Land Speeder Typhoon?

    Thanks again guys. I love the suggestions and input, it's a lot of help. Thanks a lot.

  2. #12


    1) 7x scouts, 1x melta, 1x power sword, 1x Mark of Wulfen attach cm/pf wolf guard

    2) Yeah, if you're not spamming long fangs these guys (and rifleman dreads) are your next best bet
    See my blog @

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    I like your suggestions for the Wolf Scouts. That is kind of what I was thinking of doing for them. As for the 2nd question I think the Land Speeder Typhoons seem like a nice harassing heavy hitter

  4. #14


    Speeders are good and with longfangs you can lay down so much fire your enemy will either just come at you full force or hide and cower with his transports

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    I went down to the local store to pick up a Drop Pod for my other Grey Hunter Pack and had a weird idea for my list.

    I was thinking of scrounging the extra points by putting the 6 man Grey Hunter Pack in the Razorback, keeping the upgrades on them, and throw the 9 man Grey Hunter Pack with the Plasma Gun and Wolf Priest attached in the Land Raider Redeemer. That way I'd have the points for the Land Speeder Typhoon. I also thought about dropping the Redeemer for now in exchange for some Thunderwolf Cav..

    What do you guys think?

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