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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Space Wolf Color Scheme

    I want to try and do something unique and different for my Space Wolves and I came across this picture that I absolutely love:

    To me their armour looks a bit shinny, maybe more blue. Just looking for some insight and ideas.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Aldershot, Hampshire, United Kingdom


    For something like that, I'd be tempted to try something along the lines of Astronomicon Grey with an Asurman Blue wash, possibly with a varnish layer inbetween to give a more subtle sheen, rather than a full on glossy shiny look.

    the trim looks like a fairly muted gold/yellow, so maybe go with Iyanden Darksun graduallyhighlighted up to Kommando Khaki, maybe even Bleached Bone for the more extreme highlights (rather than white, taking some edge off it) and using Burnished Gold highlighted through to Mithril Silver for HQ/Characters.

    Balance those with a natural reddish-brown spot colour on cloaks, wolf pelts, weapons, gems, scabards (as appropriate for the models) and you'd have a fairly attractive/balanced scheme.
    Always thinking 2 projects ahead of anything I've yet to finish

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    I really like your suggestions and am defiantly going to have to try them out. I have a crap model I am using to just paint up and try different techniques. Worse case I'll just go with a 13th Company Space Wolf color scheme

    A GW staff member recommended I try Mithril Silver and a few heavy washes of Asurman Blue. So far that looks alright but almost too blue. I also was stupid and got a foundation: Fenris Grey; which looked good from the bottle but once I put it on the model it was way to dark and flat. I put that same wash on it anyway and I personally don't notice it.

    Having the Varnish in between paints seems interesting and am really going to try that....Thanks again

  4. #4


    GW doesn't make it anymore but you should find a blue ink. That will give a bit of sheen to the minis. I use it all the time for shading Grey Knights, tinting clear canopies from the inside, and giving flat black more depth. I think that a Space Wolves Grey with Shadow Grey in the recesses, a wash of blue ink, and a highlight of Space Wolves Grey (possibly lightened) might get the point across.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Austin, Tx


    Windsor Newton makes a dark blue water soluable ink - called Ultramarine


    Its much darker than it appears here.

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