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  1. #1
    Adeptus Custodes
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Top Captions 2011

    Thanks to recent changes in the Discus system it is now possible to view comments in order of most popular etc. I have gone through all of this years captions from the Daily caption contest on the war games gallery and found the best captions of the year. In reverse order here they are

    No. 8. 58 Likes "This is why women hate going into gaming stores" by Sean M Celba [url][/url]

    No. 7 60 likes

    "Sergeant: Jenkins, have you got this Chimera started yet?

    Jenkins: Sarge, it's like I keep saying, this ain't a Chimera.

    Sergeant: Bollocks, Jenkins, it's a transport, we are Guard, we have claimed this transport, that makes it a Chimera.

    Jenkins: I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way, Sarge.

    Sergeant: Look it's got a turret and a hull mounted gun, so obviously it isn't a Rhino. It cannot possibly be a Centaur or a Razorback because it has room for more than five of us. The roof is not high enough to allow Terminators, so plainly this cannot be a Landraider. I fail to see how it could be anything other than a Chimera, so make the fething thing run Jenkins or I will have Smith shoot you in the face.

    Jenkins: Wait, I have an idea on how we can make this work. (writes something on the front of the Wave Serpent), there, I bet it starts now. Try it, trooper.

    Sergeant: Excellent! Was it an easy fix? How did you do it?

    Jenkins: Oh, I just wrote "Counts As Chimera", we should be good to go now... " By Cavalier 1864 in [url][/url]
    More Necromunda please.

  2. #2
    Adeptus Custodes
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    No 6. 61 likes

    "I'll never join you!"

    "Good, we didn't ask."

    "Oh.. Are you sure? Don't you want to, like, lure me to the Dark Side?"

    "No, sorry. You're overqualified for any position we have, we simply can't afford your services in these tough economic times."

    By Chuck777 in [url][/url]

    No 5. 64 likes "He took the Vow of Virginity, ensuring that he and many others will not get laid this weekend." by Suffokate in [url][/url]

    No 4. 68 likes "Typically IG, always getting a little carried away." by Rober Goral in [url][/url]
    More Necromunda please.

  3. #3
    Adeptus Custodes
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    No 3. 69 likes THIS IS MY RIFLE. THERE ARE MANY LIKE IT...mostly because of spam lists. by Grailkeeper (me) in [url][/url]

    No 2. 73 Likes "It's time for the piranhas to throw in the Tau'el. " by Tophat_gorilla in [url][/url]

    No 1. 74 likes I am Lucius the Eternal, a soulless, life destroying monstrosity preserved beyond the ages through evil magics and exotic plastic surgeries in which man was never supposed to meddle, reaking a terrible vengence on humanity.

    A bit like Madonna really.

    By (a bit embarressing this) me again in [url][/url]

    A couple of things I noted going through the year
    40k pics are the ones with the most liked comments, specialist games, or stuff made by companies other than GW tend not to pick up likes. PLEASE STOP QUOTING MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL. Going through a years worth of comments and seeing the same quotes crop up on a daily basis was cripplingly dull. On a similar note, just because there is a plane in the picture doesn't mean you have to quote Top Gun.

    Anyway thats enough accidental ego stroking from me. Have at it.
    More Necromunda please.

  4. #4


    He he, "Stop quoting pop culture".

    Good luck with that...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Naperville, IL


    Ye gods, yes! Please stop quoting Monty Python...

    It grew tired and old before many of the quoting offenders were out of diapers...

  6. #6

    Default the best of all possible worlds

    "I feel the need, the need to quote the airspeed of an African swallow!"

  7. #7


    Poo, didn't make the top ten. Think my highest was 54 for:
    We all live in a Yellow Stormraven,
    Yellow Stormraven, Yellow Stormraven
    We all live in a yellow Stormraven

    Full speed ahead, Mr Brother-Pilot, full speed ahead
    Full speed ahead it is, Sergeant
    Cut the cable, drop the cable
    Aye, aye sir, aye aye

    Part of the Mystical Rites and Incantations for releasing a Dreadnought from an Imperial Fists Stormraven as recorded by Inquisitor Gerald at the battle of Bigglesworth Valley.
    In relation to [URL=""]this picture[/URL].

    Wonder what the post with the highest likes was overall.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Bay Area, California


    That Stormraven reminds me of the old Crazy Taxi games!

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