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  1. #1

    Default Soulgrinder/ Defiler leg question?

    Hi all,

    Picked up and assembled a Soulgrinder the other day.

    I was hoping to be able to leave the legs detached for ease of transport but they are quite lose in the ball joints and continuously fall out.

    Needless to say this will be quite annoying mid game and when painted, so does anybody have a trick to keep those legs snuggly in the joints?

    I am thinking either a spacer of some sort or maybe the primer will help to keep them in the joint?

    Thanks in advance!
    For the Empire-----CHARGE!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Aldershot, Hampshire, United Kingdom


    Always thinking 2 projects ahead of anything I've yet to finish

  3. #3


    I recently had a Defiler take a tumble from my workbench and suffer a Vehicle Explodes! result, so I now have the chance to re-do the legs, and here's what I have found so far:

    -Magnets are probably the way to go, but they will need very precise placement. I would recommend lightly gluing the legs in your preferred pose, then taking a Sharpie of some sort and marking across both the ball joint and socket so you can align the magnets properly.

    -With the ball-and-socket design, you will need something to secure the leg from moving in addition to just the magnet. I am going to go with a thin diameter (.20" or so) brass rod mounted in each ball joint. These will slot into a corresponding hole in the socket and keep the leg from twisting while the magnet holds the leg on. Numbering each leg on the face of the ball where the socket will cover might be a good idea as well, if there is a chance of confusion.

    I will post pics once I start on mine, probably within the next two weeks. Hope this helps!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I'm not sure if this will help for the SG, but I magnetized my defiler at the torso. That way it is just one magnet without any shear force.

    If you're set on doing the legs I would use a combination of a pin and magnet to keep the ball joint from rotating. Otherwise you'll end up with a SG that constantly face-plants.

    Magnetizing the legs will be a challenge. If you can make it work, the torso is the way to go. The legs take up about the same space as a Land Raider, but without the torso on there it is a lot shorter and easier to transport.

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