I have been away from the hobby for a while (and this site) but i recently got back into both thank to the lovely new necron codex and a local tournement i attended. I figured I would share some of the things I learned during my tournement.

First off it was three rounds, the first was against Chaos Marines (fun fight) then Necrons (lame) and finally Grey Knight (Killed draigo!!!). I tabled my oppenent in all three rounds.

Second off... I play CC heavy Necrons... yes... you read that right CC Necrons, have been since there old Dex and still do. (No one expects it!)

Overlord - Awesome support unit, kept my large block of warriors going with relentless and the rez orb.
Destroyer lord - Kills all it touches, Im serious everything it touched died. Stuck it in a squad or praetorians with a rez orb and they could not be stopped. It took Draigo backed by a sqaud of termies to stop him (cost Draigo his life). Will try with a squad of wraiths next time and see how they perform.

Royal Court - Amazing support squad, they dont drop models on their own but when cleverly combined with other squads they increase either the squads damage output or suvivability or mobility or whatever! Worth the points, worth the upgrades everytime.

Warriors- Take in large blocks, they die easily but the also put out some good damage. They need supporting units or they will be useless. Key word SUPPORTING as in multiple units supporting them.

Immortals- Small squads with a lord+rez orb make for an awesome objective holder.

Lychguard + Shields - Very survivable and hit hard. The ability for the shield to bounce projectiles back while not something you should rely on or even expect to happen often is still very useful and quite entertaining at times. Not very mobile so careful placement and use of veil and monolith is required.

Praetorians - By themselves die pretty easily but with a little bit of support from a destroyer lord they become an unstoppable juggernaught. Be smart with your movement and placement because they will be shot at, especially if the enemy knows how dangerous they can be.

C'tan - Against common opinion it was worth every point (well almost). It was a beast in close combat and suprisingly durable. Grand illusion is a phenominal ability and it alone was able to win me the game against necrons. The psychological effect it has on your opponent should not be underestimated. Writhing worldscape on the otherhand was completely useless. If I had know how awesome the C'tan was going to be in CC and that it would actually make it to CC i would have rather got some CC abilities for my C'tan.

Scarabs- Need I say more?

Monolith- No longer the unstoppable juggernaut it now actually has a chance to be destroyed! Slim... but the chance is there. Its guns were nifty and more guns is always helpful. The thing that made me wish i brought two monoliths is its dimensional corridor ability. ANY Necron unit and it doesnt care if its in reserve??????? AND!!! can be from anywhere on the field???? It almost bring a tear to my eye in joy . The portal of exile was never used though so... yea.

Ghost Ark- NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT ONE!!!!!! And for goodness sakes... keep it within 6 inches of your warriors at all times... I actually had mine in the middle of my warrior squad just to be sure!

A lot of usless information for most of us? Sure it is, but I hope its useful to some newer player who might be interested in Necrons. Um... I have been playing Necrons for years (My first love) and if anyone wants some more in depth information on whats good, bad, ???, how to beat them or how to win I am more than glad to share my experiances.