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  1. #1

    Default Vampire Counts, Blood Dragons + Old Vampire Models

    Good evening. Does anyone know any places I can get my hands on the old Vampire Count Blood Dragon models, Preferably the lance mounted and foot and the great weapon mounted and foot? I've attempted to look around, however I may not be the most proficient of people when it comes down to this sort of thing. But I am suprised by how fast these models seem to have disappeared, especially as some of them are so very nice :/
    [I][I] =][= "Things are very seldom what they seem. In my experience, they’re usually a damn sight worse” =][=

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Morgantown, WV


    Looks like they took them off the Collectors section, which is just silly. Your best bet is Ebay seem to be some decent ones on there: [url][/url]

  3. #3


    There are two online stores that may have them. [url][/url] and [url][/url] both carry alot of oop minis.

  4. #4


    Agreed SaltyWendigo, I am not sure why they would do that? Especially as i'd imagine the collectors section would, for some of the older models, be some sort of 'print on demand' system. However thanks to both of you, i'll see what I can find
    [I][I] =][= "Things are very seldom what they seem. In my experience, they’re usually a damn sight worse” =][=

  5. #5


    Agreed SaltyWendigo, I am not sure why they would do that? Especially as i'd imagine the collectors section would, for some of the older models, be some sort of 'print on demand' system. However thanks to both of you, i'll see what I can find
    Possibly getting the Finecast treatment? - Tips on modeling and terrain to enhance your gaming experiences!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Col_Festus View Post
    Possibly getting the Finecast treatment?
    Maybe, I had thought that might be the case. I'll very happy if they do release them in Finecast
    [I][I] =][= "Things are very seldom what they seem. In my experience, they’re usually a damn sight worse” =][=

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