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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by warpcrafter View Post
    Great, more GW smarmy chav attitude. This is almost as bad as the "Liquid greenstuff plus tools to fix unusable finecast" kit. No fething thanks. I'm going to Vallejo...
    Um, that's not actually an official article, GW aren't replacing their entire range (I hope) with just red, yellow, blue, white, and black along with a handy reference sheet. This is just someone cleverly playing with colour theory and GW paints.

    I would be surprised if foundation and washes get replaced, the recent picture with the supposed new paints actually had a foundation paint there, as of for the rest, they will either keep the name and colour or will have a handy chart to tell us what new colours to use. Still, I might just put off starting to paint my new Necrons till after this happens. I think it will be for the better, the paints will probably be better, and I'm sure they aren't going to change the entire range, especially not the popular core paints.

  2. #12



    but it doesn't concern me in the least, seeing as I have access to a book that contains over thirty thousand colors.

  3. #13


    Don't be silly. Ignoring the fact that GW aren't doing what tht article talks about, and ignoring the fact that GWs liquid green stuff is identical to a vallejo product the fact is GW (and FW before them) should have been offering a liquid putty in their range years earlier. The stuff is great for sealing all those irritating hairline gaps between model bits.
    Quote Originally Posted by warpcrafter View Post
    Great, more GW smarmy chav attitude. This is almost as bad as the "Liquid greenstuff plus tools to fix unusable finecast" kit. No fething thanks. I'm going to Vallejo...
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  4. #14
    Iron Father
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    Sep 2010
    Vancouver Island, BC


    I think some people are getting needlessly worried about this paint issue, maybe the whole range is being redone but I expect most of the colours you use now will still be available just in a different guise. The pigments for the most popular colours will either be the same or so damn close you wont notice.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Madrid, Spain


    Quote Originally Posted by Slug View Post
    Um, that's not actually an official article, GW aren't replacing their entire range (I hope) with just red, yellow, blue, white, and black along with a handy reference sheet. This is just someone cleverly playing with colour theory and GW paints.

    I would be surprised if foundation and washes get replaced, the recent picture with the supposed new paints actually had a foundation paint there, as of for the rest, they will either keep the name and colour or will have a handy chart to tell us what new colours to use. Still, I might just put off starting to paint my new Necrons till after this happens. I think it will be for the better, the paints will probably be better, and I'm sure they aren't going to change the entire range, especially not the popular core paints.
    Thanks for your support into my friend´s article...

    Of course it´s not official, it´s only a trick from one of the most spanish´s renamed miniature painters of the european Games Days...

    Only tried to help everyone with that, but seems some people still want to remain in idiocracy better than into knowledge
    Lord Macragge and wielder of the Ultramar´s Gauntlets

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Los Angeles


    I would be absolutely shocked if GW got rid of Codex Gray. I don't think you need to worry, they sometimes seem clueless but there is no way they would anger their entire customer base by getting rid of all paints that match current colors.


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by MarneusCalgar View Post
    Thanks for your support into my friend´s article...

    Of course it´s not official, it´s only a trick from one of the most spanish´s renamed miniature painters of the european Games Days...

    Only tried to help everyone with that, but seems some people still want to remain in idiocracy better than into knowledge
    Your friend is a fantastic painter, love his work! It equally inspires me and makes me wonder why I am even trying

    Don't worry, there's a lot of us out here that loves to learn anything and everything we can about painting and modeling.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2011


    When low on paint many years ago I realised that Dark Angels Green plus Elf flesh makes Snot green and Goblin Green.

    Love the article. Especially the 156 parts yellow in Khaki.

    My FLGS (not the GW one) has a chart for GW colours to vallejo. Found this; [url][/url]

    The 'Eavy Metal Team use Vallejo and Tamiya paints (and the old white dwarf team, dunno about the current guys) as shown in old pics of their workstations, and that the Tau were released in a non GW colour (Tau Spet Ochre being released a loooong time later).

    Foundation paints and washes are brilliant, for everything else I buy elsewhere because its the same or higher quality, cheaper and has a bigger range of colours.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Cumberland, Kentucky


    Looks as if I have another thing to be annoyed with GW about then. It irks me how they're always "improving" things and changes things. As for the paints themselves, I've only used two kinds:

    The first being those exceptionally cheap and lousy paints you get a Walmart's crafts section. I used them when I first started out. And due to being poor I am reluctant to shell out the cash for ever increasingly expensive GW products. Nonetheless after seeing some models in person painted with their paint I made the switch.

    How is the liquid green stuff? I'm a fan of regular green stuff but have found it difficult to fill gaps with.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Ontario, Canada


    Liquid GS is miraculous.

    Seriously, get some. It makes gap-filling ridiculously easy.
    Armies Played (in order of acquisition)
    Crons, SW, SM, Tau, 1k Sons, IG, Nids, BA, DE

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