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  1. #1

    Default 2000 Necrons "The Game Changer"


    The Stormlord : 225

    Overlord : 180
    - Warscythe, Command Barge

    Court 1 : 180
    - Harbinger of Eternity w/ Chronometron
    - 4x Harbingers of Destruction

    Court 2 : 110
    - Harbinger of Eternity w/ Chronometron
    -2x Harbingers of Destruction


    Immortals x10 : 170
    - Tesla Carbines

    Immortals x10 : 170
    - Tesla Carbines

    Immortals x10 : 170
    - Gauss Blasters

    Warriors x20 : 375
    - Ghost Ark

    Fast Attack

    Scarabs x10 : 150

    Heavy Support

    Annihilation Barge : 90

    Annihilation Barge : 90

    Annihilation Barge : 90


    The Lanceteks from Court 2 split off and attach to the Tesla Immortal units to boost their firepower. The Chronotek attaches to the Warriors with Imotekh. My strategy and tactics are based around this unit. The Chronotek helps to keep the Storm active as long as possible and can give a reroll on number of lightning hits, which can be huge (gone from 1 hit to 6 a couple times now!). Plus Imotekh grants the Warriors Relentless so they have an effective threat range of up to 30" with 20 Gauss shots. That'll either rack up a bunch of wounds or suppress the hell out of any vehicle. If something gets within 12", that'll be 40 shots plus an assault. The unit is also supported by a Ghost Ark to replenish casualties.

    The Barge Lord will zoom around and sweep attack heavy armor or other targets of opportunity. He can also hop out and charge non-assault units and destroy them or at least tie them up. The extreme mobility make this unit a great choice to go after enemy backfield units like artillery & heavy weapon squads. Also a great objective contester.

    The "Court of Destruction" rides inside the Ghost Ark and shoots chrono-enhanced lances at hard targets.

    The Immortals pour out shots on the move to force saves and take objectives. The Gauss Immortals can also suppress vehicles as needed.

    The full scarab unit is primarily used to chew up any vehile they touch. They also act as a distraction / bubble wrap / tar pit. 30 wounds with a 3+ cover save, Fearless, and Night Fight is also highly durable.

    The triple Annihilation Barges add a lot of cheap firepower and durable unit saturation. They can be quite dangerous up to AV 12 or force plenty of armor saves.

    There is such synergy in the list that it feels like a well oiled machine on the battlefield. It really allows a lot of control over how the game progresses and gives me so many tactical options. What do you all think?
    Last edited by slobulous; 03-11-2012 at 09:21 PM.

  2. #2


    I don't like spending 350ish points on the Writhing Worldscape / Tremorstave combo any more. It looks good on paper but I have found it is too easy for the enemy to just avoid terrain. Plus I was also under the impression that the enemy units would have to take multiple DT tests each turn for all movement including running and assault moves when under the effects of Quake and WWS. But it turns out Quake only lasts for the movement phase and they are back to normal after that. So now in my newly informed opinion, the WWS/tremorstave combo does not last long enough to be worth the significant points investment. I have spent those newly freed points on a Court of Destruction with solar pulse and a full unit of Scarabs.
    Last edited by slobulous; 02-22-2012 at 06:45 AM.

  3. #3


    I thought only one cryptec could take solar pulse for each court.?
    One special per cryptec in a court?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Vallejo, CA


    YeahBuddy is right, the wargear items other than the staffs are unique wargear, and only one of each can appear in a court.

    I would suggest that other good options could be massed Voltaic Staffs (so long vehicles) or Lords with Mindshackle Scarabs and Staffs of Light.

  5. #5


    changed stuff around
    Last edited by slobulous; 02-22-2012 at 06:48 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Vallejo, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by slobulous View Post
    I don't like spending 350ish points on the Writhing Worldscape / Tremorstave combo any more. It looks good on paper but I have found it is too easy for the enemy to just avoid terrain. Plus I was also under the impression that the enemy units would have to take multiple DT tests each turn for all movement including running and slowing down assault moves when under the effects of Quake and WWS. But it turns out Quake only lasts for the movement phase and they are back to normal after that. So now in my newly informed opinion, the WWS/tremorstave combo does not last long enough to be worth the significant points investment. I have spent those newly freed points on a Court of Destruction with solar pulse and a Chronotek for some serious Tank Hunting power, as well as giving the Lords a couple res orbs to boost the Immortals' durability. Also added a small unit of 6 Scarabs with the last remaining points for just another speedbump / distraction / Land Raider killer.
    It's worth noting that even without Writhing Worldscape, forcing difficult/dangerous terrain checks on enemy units is an incredible bargain at all of what, 30 points a model? I mean not ONLY is it a decent small blast weapon in its own right, you get a spectacularly useful ability in addition? Snipers and Imperial Guard mortar teams would kill for this combo.

    The Ghost ark is a good substitute for your choices, especially considering that you weren't going with a larger scarab unit. I've seen those Arks do a lot of damage to both infantry and vehicles, the ability to fire at two targets each turn is what makes the unit worth its 100+ point investment. Get within rapid fire of a vehicle (r even twovehicles) and you are going to see a lot of glancing hits, which will reliably lock down a number of otherwise excellent Vehicle options for Marines, Guard, and others. And of course, it's also a large footprint model that will give your Warriors a great AV13 cover save for the first several turns. Just make sure to remove those pesky melta units early.

  7. #7


    I've gotten a couple more games in and my list just keeps changing. Imotekh has proven himself to be immensely useful every single game and he is my #1 HQ choice by far. I have also been running Zandrekh and Obyron in addition to the Stormlord for even more special rule spam. This has been an extremely effective combo and the list is currently undefeated, though I've only gotten about a dozen games in total. But lately I have realized that I'm basically paying 185 points for either+1 Strength to my Crypteks' Lances against vehicles, or Stealth on the Command Barge for a 3+. Yes this is pretty nifty, but it's really kind of a small bonus in the grand scheme of things. I have decided he is not worth the large point investment, at least at the 2k level. I think I would still take him at 2.5k. So I took out Zandy and downgraded Obyron to a regular Barge Lord. This gives me enough points to add a third Lord with Scythe/Orb to attach to the warriors and a full scarab unit that will add all kinds of tactical options like tarpitting and bubblewrapping. I think this whole extra unit will give much better results on the battlefield than +1 to a stat.
    Last edited by slobulous; 02-22-2012 at 06:51 AM.

  8. #8


    What does the warrior unit play like without an res orb, I feel like they will die to quickly without one how has it been in game? Also what would your general tactics be against a heavy reserve list? Like DOA blood angels or stealer-spam? As I've seen a few necron lust struggle with this sort of build, just my 2 cent?

  9. #9


    When considering Night Fight, T4 with 4+/5++ save, and the fact that there's 20 with a Ghost Ark repairing them, they are extremely durable. Even more so in cover. Plus I quite often allocate a hit onto Imotekh and let him take a rerollable 2+ or 3++ save thanks to the Chronometron. That alone mitigates quite a nice amount of incoming damage.

    The thing about Deep Strike lists is that you are usually not going to be fighting the entire enemy force all at once. They come in at least partially peicemeal. This, plus the fact that the vast majority of DS units have to wait a turn before they can charge, means that you can focus fire and multi-charge their individual units and just obliterate them as they appear, kind of like Whack-a-Mole.

    Oh, and Stealers just die in droves to massed Tesla fire. Just stay over 18 inches away from the short table edges.

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