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Thread: Slow News Month

  1. #11


    I've just gone over to RC, overclocking and working on my 1:1 car.

    funny thing about RC: news about new products, paints, bodies, etc comes out at a mile a minute, AND they give a release date that's usually two months out. Same goes for computers. News for new products comes two to six months in advance.

    Oh and when you do mods to your PC, people actually LIKE what you do.

  2. #12


    Serious guys? There was an entire edition leak. That should satisfy everybody for a while. Well i have a rumour for you guys. My local flgs is really short on painting supplies. New paints have to becoming soon, no brushes left. Maybe new brushes will be coming out to.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Portland, ME


    Quote Originally Posted by planet psyrum View Post
    Serious guys? There was an entire edition leak. That should satisfy everybody for a while. Well i have a rumour for you guys. My local flgs is really short on painting supplies. New paints have to becoming soon, no brushes left. Maybe new brushes will be coming out to.
    Yes there was the leak - but we're looking for something from GW. The lack of any kind of noise coming from GW regarding any plans for the future is infuriating.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Sacramento area


    Plus that kinda lost steam when we found out that "oh, hey, it's kinda sorta 6th ed but not really anything like it at all".

    I think I can add something to have fun discussing. Some of you may have seen my claim that all the Marine codices (excluding Grey Knights) could be fit into one book, and that it could be more or less done in a couple of days.

    Well, challenge accepted.

    Of course, you can't attach word documents to posts so I can't really just upload the document, and I don't think you can copy/paste word tables into these things, so...

    Anyways, some of the finer details need to be ironed out. I have a pretty much comprehensive list of units with options to recreate essentially any Space Marine unit you can currently make. I didn't include any special characters, but those would obviously be included in the final book.

    The biggest thing that needs work is balancing out what rules each chapter gets, and what units they can and cannot take. The variant codices have plenty to make them unique options, but some of the less common chapters don't have a whole lot to make them significantly different from other chapters. Raven Guard, for example, gets Hit and Run and Assault Marines as troops. Not too fancy, and I'd like to add more to make them unique.

    Here's the Chapter list:

    Mega Marine Codex (not a GW product in any way, shape or form)

    Using this list:
    Before writing your list, select your Chapter. This unlocks a particular Chapter Tactics rule used by your Space Marines, as well as any Special Characters or units unique to that particular Chapter.

    In the Army List section, most units are available by default. If your chapter does not restrict you from taking a particular unit or option, and that unit or option is not unique to a chapter other than your own, you may take that unit. This means your choice of chapter has a significant impact on what units are available for you to take, and can cause drastic changes in the type of lists available to you.

    Each unit entry will contain a side note explaining what chapters may or may not take that unit, as well as listing any special options or restrictions for particular chapters.

    Ultramarines (UM)
    Chapter Tactics (UM): The unit may voluntarily fail any morale test they are called up on to make.

    Each unit of Veterans taken as a command squad or honor guard unit with a Chapter Master or Captain becomes scoring.

    Dark Angels (DA)
    Chapter Tactics (DA): The unit has the Stubborn USR.

    Dark Angles may take Terminators and Bike Squads as troops, and gain access to Mortis Pattern Dreadnoughts.

    Blood Angels (BA)
    Chapter Tactics (BA): Before the game starts but after scout moves have been made, roll a d6 for each squad. On a result of a 1 or 2, the unit replaces And They Shall Know No Fear with Furious Charge and Fearless.

    Blood Angels gain access to Death Company Dreadnoughts, Baal Preadtors and Death Company, and may take Assault Squads as troops. All Blood Angels vehicles become Fast for +5pts.

    Space Wolves (SW)
    Chapter Tactics (SW): The unit has Counter Assault and Acute Senses.

    Space Wolves gain access to Thunderwolf Cavalry.

    Sagas (see current codex)

    Raven Guard (RG)
    Chapter Tactics: The unit has Hit and Run and may outflank.

    Raven Guard may take Assault Marines as troops.

    White Scars (WS)
    Chapter Tactics (WS): The unit has Scout.

    White Scars may take Bike squads as troops.

    Crimson Fists (CF)
    Chapter Tactics (CF)

    Veteran units that have not taken Jump Packs or Bikes count as scoring in a Crimson Fists army.

    Imperial Fists (IF)
    Chapter Tactics (IF): The unit has the Stubborn USR

    Iron Hands (IH)
    Chapter Tactics: The all members of the unit have Bionics.

    All Iron Hands vehicles have the Repair special rule. Dreadnoughts, Vindicators, Whirlwinds and Predators may be taken as both Elite and Heavy Support choices.

    Salamanders (S)
    Chapter Tactics: All meltaguns, flamers and thunderhammers become Master Crafted.

    Black Templar (BT)
    Chapter Tactics (BT): If the unit fails a Morale test, instead of falling back to their own table edge the unit instead must move normally and attempt to assault an enemy unit. If the unit becomes locked in combat, it automatically rallies. The unit is Fearless while locked in combat.

    Vows: See current codex
    A couple special rules I added to make a few things work:

    Special Ammunition:
    See Sternguard special ammo options

    Rune Blade: A power weapon that grants +1 S.

    Cluster Mines: The controlling player may select one piece of difficult terrain per unit with Cluster Mines. That terrain becomes Dangerous Terrain as well as being Difficult.

    Psychic Powers
    (See current codices)

    Special Rules:
    Rites of Battle: So long as the model is on the board, any unit in the army may choose to use the model’s leadership for any morale tests.

    Litanies of Hate: The model, and any squad he joins, may reroll all to hit rolls on a turn in which they charge.

    Honor of the Chapter: The model, and any squad he joins, are Fearless.

    Veteran Leader: The model may be attached to another non Independent character, Infantry, Jump Infantry or Bike unit (insert list here) when that unit is deployed or placed in reserves. It counts as part of that unit for all intents and purposes. The model gains any special rule the unit has, such as Fearless, Scoring or Scout. Killing the model and the unit it was attached to only grants one killpoint.

    Righteous Warrior: The model has the Eternal Warrior Special Rule, and does not concede kill points if slain unless it was attached to a unit.
    And here's a unit list, with a brief description of the important details:

    Chapter Master
    The current three wound SM leader. Gets the old Rites of Battle, and has options for the Thunderwolf Mount to be a Wolf Lord, which can also take Sagas. Lets you take a unit of Veterans outside the FOC as an honor guard.

    Two wounds and cheaper to differentiate him from the Chapter Master, nor doe he get Orbital Bombardment or Rites of Battle. He can be tooled up as a Wolf Guard Battle Leader or an Emperor's Champion, and lets you take a unit of Veterans outside the FOC as a command squad.

    Same as always, and the psychic powers available depend on your Chapter.

    Three wound chaplain.

    Master of the Forge Same as currently, though a bit cheaper since no one ever seems to take them.

    5-10 dudes who can be tooled up with virtually anything. Options are carefully prices so that you can build literally any of the currently existing Veteran Options for roughly the same cost, or cheaper for the less common choices. They come with Heroic Intervention, can take Bikes, Jump Packs, an Apothecary, Artificer Armor, multiple heavy/special weapons, anyone can take close combat weapon upgrades, etc. You can make anything from Sanguinary Guard to Sternguard with this unit, for pretty reasonable prices.

    Same as current, though you can mix and match CC and shooty Terminators. DA can take them as troops, obviously. The only real change I made was to start them at 30pts each with a Power Weapon and Storm Bolter, and you can upgrade to a Fist for 10 pts. That makes shooty Terminators more viable since you don't have to buy 40pts of unnecessary Fists if you don't want to. THSS Terminators are also 50pts each, because 40 is way too cheap.

    Again, I consolidated this into one entry. You start with a basic Dreadnought, and can buy all the normal upgrade. You can upgrade to Venerable, Librarian, Ironclad, Mortis (DA only) or Death Company (BA only), which switches out some of your wargear. In this case, I merged Furioso and Ironclad Dreadnoughts.

    Legion of the Damned
    Basically the same, but overall I gave these guys a big boost. They can take two heavy and two special weapons in a 10-man squad, and they're cheaper now. In general they were flat out overpriced beforehand.

    Pretty much the same as current. Servitors, however, were made quite a bit cheaper, so taking a Techmarine for a unit of Servitors wouldn't be a bad idea whereas currently they suck.

    Two wound guy, just like in the BA codex.

    Basically the Sanguinary Priest options. However, being an IC that grants a bubble radius so you can just hide them in a razorback is stupid, so I nerfed that.

    Veteran Scouts
    WS/BS 4, and can control where they come in from the board edge, just like Wolf Scouts. Land Speeder Storm is a Dedicated Transport.

    A mix between Lone Wolves and Wolf Guard. You can take them and stick them in a squad like Wolf Guard with all the cool close combat weapons, or you can run them on their own as Lone Wolf types. They also make their squad Fearless.

    Tactical Squad
    Kinda like now, but 15pts each and with an extra CCW to make them like Grey Hunters. Grey Hunters are good, vanilla tacticals are overpriced. Black Templar can take Neophytes along, and Space Wolves lose the Sergeant but can get free special weapons, and a second special weapon instead of a heavy weapon.

    Like now but significantly cheaper. And the Land Speeder Storm is a Dedicated Transport.

    Death Company
    Same as now, though jump packs aren't stupidly expensive.

    Dedicated Transports
    Rhino, Razorback, Drop Pod, Land Speeder Storm

    Fast Attack
    Assault Squad
    Pretty much the same as the BA version. Raven Guard and BA may take them as troops.

    Land Speeder Squadron

    Baal Predator
    BA only.

    Bike Squad
    Same, slightly cheaper. Troops for DA and White Scars.

    Attack Bikes

    Thunderwolf Cavalry/Fenrisian Wolves
    SW only.

    Scout Biker Squad
    Again, quite a bit cheaper and with special weapon access so there's actually a reason to take them. Because Scouts currently suck.

    Storm Raven
    Slightly cheaper, I think they're currently a bit overpriced.

    Heavy Support
    Basically slightly more expensive Long Fangs, minus the second CCW. Regular Devestators are overpriced, Long Fangs are a bit too good, so these are right in between.

    Thunderfire Cannon

    Land Raider

    Same, but lascannons are not absurdly overpriced.



    Anyone actually read all the way through that?

    Anyways, this is only a day or two's worth of work, and there are still a few things missing. Like Blood/Sky/Swift claws.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  5. #15


    If you don't like the policy, email and tell them. When asked about it at Games day Australia (the only Games Day where people actually asked sensible questions instead of just whining, well done Australia) they said they were trying a variety of things and would change/drop policies depending on feedback.

    I like news and rumours as much as the next girl, but I have to admit I can see the merits in not having to wait four weeks for advance orders like we used to.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  6. #16
    Iron Father
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    Vancouver Island, BC


    Unfortunately with their 40% profit increase last year ( I am sure I read that somewhere) I can't see them changing many policys as far as sales are concerned.
    The 40k 25th anniversary WD dedicated to LOTR was infuriating to say the least.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    "The Pines", Victoria


    Well im sooo bored waiting for anything to be heard about SOB, i'm actually finding the time to re-base the whole army.
    So far 45 down......200+ to go.
    2011 was a big dissappointment for SOB.
    "Heretics crave the cleansing fire of absolution. They need not fear, for we shall deliver"

  8. #18


    That is true, as much as I enjoyed the 40k and WFB bits the issue was easily the worst WD in a long time. But they change these policies all the time, if they get enough negative feedback they may decide the policy is hindering even more profit growth, not responsible for it. Or they may not, point is if you should still send them polite feedback.

    I feel your pain SRS, I was really looking forward to SoB too.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  9. #19


    Here is some news, sort of:

    Note the little sign saying 6th edition - 2012 / Change is coming*'.

    *Or 'Oranje is darning...', whatever. I'm high on flu medication it could be any damned thing.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by eldargal View Post
    If you don't like the policy, email and tell them. When asked about it at Games day Australia (the only Games Day where people actually asked sensible questions instead of just whining, well done Australia) they said they were trying a variety of things and would change/drop policies depending on feedback.

    I like news and rumours as much as the next girl, but I have to admit I can see the merits in not having to wait four weeks for advance orders like we used to.
    What is this blasphemy, THE ONLY thing a proper Aussi should do is complain.

    Still, with games nights on a Thursday and uni + rugby about to start, meaning I won't be home till 9-10 on a Thursday my hobby has really died off.

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