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  1. #1

    Default 1500 Big Bugs List (Tyranids)

    With the release of the new bugs for the Tyranids, I've decided to start up an army of them (who says GW marketing strategies don't work...)

    As you might have guess by the name of this thread, I want my army to have as many big bugs as humanly (tyranidly?) possible.

    Tactics behind the army after the jump...


    The Swarmlord

    Hive Tyrant
    - Wings
    - Hive Commander




    x10 Termagants

    x10 Termagants

    - Catalyst

    - Catalyst


    - Adrenal Glands

    - Adrenal Glands

    TOTAL = 1460

    As you might have guess from the list so far I'm not interested in having the most competitive list, don't get me wrong, I want to win games but I also want to play with a lot of big bugs!

    General tactics for the army are:
    • Between the Hive Tyrant and the Swarmlord, one of the Tervigons will be outflanking on turn 2 (with a re-roll for which side it comes in on) on a 2+. After casting FNP on itself it'll start to be an annoyance, it'll have to be taken out quickly or it'll spawn Termagants and prove to be a problem; this takes fire away from the other MCs in my army.
    • The Hive Tyrant with wings leaves the rest of the group (everything except the outflanking Tervigon) and start flying towards where the Tervigon will come in, providing more support and harrasment (I don't want the Tervigon to be an automatic sacrificial unit (although I accept its main purpose is to take fire))
    • Everything else advances up, screened by Termagants produced by the second Tervigon, and with some cover given from the Venomthrope (hoping to give cover to 2-3 other bugs)

    That's basically it for the list; got 40 points left over so what should I spend those points on?

    C & C welcome
    Have a look at my Dark Angels blog!

  2. #2


    Per the GW Tyranid FAQ, multiple models with the Hive Commander ability do not add to your roll, so you can only come in on a 3+ on turn 2.

    I love the concept of the list, but you having nothing to kill tanks with outside of CC. This is not good, lol.

    I would drop the Swarmlord (he really is incredibly expensive for 1500) and the Wings on the Tyrant, exchanging them for 2 Harpies with Heavy Venom Cannons. Then I would give your Tyrant a Heavy Venom Cannon as well. I understand that this ruins you plan of outflanking the Tervigon/jumping the tyrant, but to be honest that wasn't the best idea as your Tervigons should be in the back, scoring and creating more gants (they really do suck in CC). You need to be able to shoot tanks.

    I would exchange Hive Commander with Old Adversary, as it will buff your MCs and your Gants. You still have 20 points left after this, if you drop the Adrenal Glands on the Trygons you can add Extended Carapace to the Tyrant, keeping him around for quite a while. Preferred Enemy is incredibly powerful in a Tyranid army like this.

    The list should look like:

    Hive Tyrant 255
    -Venom Cannon, Lash Whip/Bonesword, Extended Carapace, Old Adversary

    Venomthrope 55

    2 x 10 Termagants 100
    2 x Tervigon 350

    2 x Harpy 340
    -Heavy Venom Cannon

    2 x Tervigon 400

    1500 exactly.
    Last edited by Chexmix282; 02-26-2012 at 01:03 PM. Reason: to avoid double posting

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Chexmix282 View Post
    Per the GW Tyranid FAQ, multiple models with the Hive Commander ability do not add to your roll, so you can only come in on a 3+ on turn 2.
    If I was running two Hive Tyrants each with Hive Commander then you would be correct; however, the Hive Commander ability and the Swarmlord's Alien Cunning are two completely different abilities (as per the GW FAQ the tervigon would come in on a 2+)

    Regardless, I agree with what you are saying about the army lacking any shooting to pop light(ish) transports and the Swarmlord along with the Tyrant being a big investment pointswise.

    While I like your suggestion for a list I've come up with this:


    Hive Tyrant
    - Wings




    x10 Termagants

    x10 Termagants

    - Catalyst

    - Catalyst


    - T/L Heavy Venom Cannon

    - T/L Heavy Venom Cannon


    - Adrenal Glands

    - Adrenal Glands

    TOTAL = 1495

    I've kept the wings on the tyrant as I want him to be able to fly up with the Harpys so they can pack a CC punch, I haven't given him a Heavy Venom Cannon as I think the cost is a bit too steep, the only reason I want them on the Harpys is because they are T/L.

    Now I have effectively two waves; the flying stuff moves up first (and given FNP) softens up the targets while the rest of the army (under cover and producing a screen of termagants) moves up ready to assault the turn after the flying stuff.

    What do you think now?
    Have a look at my Dark Angels blog!

  4. #4


    I like this list much more.

    Are you deepstriking the Trygons, or starting them on the board? Also, why do you want Adrenal Glands on them?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Chexmix282 View Post
    I like this list much more.

    Are you deepstriking the Trygons, or starting them on the board?
    This will mainly depend on the army I am facing, but the majority of the time they will start on the board (at least one of them under cover from the Venomthrope and being given FNP from tervigons (and screened by termagants)

    Quote Originally Posted by Chexmix282 View Post
    Also, why do you want Adrenal Glands on them?
    I give them adrenal glands because on the charge it means that my tyrgons will be at I5. That is a huge improvement for them; as the will get the charge most of the time (they'll be screened by the termagants making the tyrgons hard to be charged) and since they'll be I5 they make excelent dreadnought killers (taking it out without taking any hits back) and increases its survivability when it's just going against regular marines.
    Have a look at my Dark Angels blog!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Devizes, Wiltshire, UK


    If you've got ur heart set on this list, Def spend ur last 40 points on 4 spore mines, they are amazing for objective denial as they deploy after objectives have been placed, but before the armies deploy...if my memory serves me right.
    Conscription in the Lucky 88th

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    land of 10k taxes


    Good luck vs DE venom spam.

  8. #8


    Im personally not a big fan of winged tyrants but there are a couple of things that I would personally change.

    I've never been a fan of winged tyrants, I prefer to give them a 2+ save and invest in two or three tyrant guard, it means the tyrant can't be targetted while they are alive and claim cover due to the mix infantry status. This approach isn't for everyone but I take a HT every game with two guard and he nearly always survives after walking the full length of the field.

    The single venomthrope imo is a waste of points, one toughness 4 model with a 5+ save is begging to be shot and will die very easily.

    I've also never been fond of harpies either as the toughness 5, 4+ save means its heavy bolter/assault cannon fodder, they are useful, just overcosted.

    The trygons are great, always keep them in pairs but I would suggest something else instead of the harpies, you lack shooting big style, that's not always a bad thing but its always nice to be prepared.

    Think about adding some hive guard or maybe zoans as they support the reserve theme and add some stealers, everyone loves genestealers!

  9. #9


    You could probably squeeze in more big gribblies if you use some 3-Man Carnifex Broods.

  10. #10


    Have yet to find a Nid player who can make Harpies work. I love Trygons though, DSing them is the best, they don't mishap and can pour out shots when they pop up!

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