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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Playing 40k Through DoW

    Hey, I'm not sure if everyone knows about this mod or not, but its called 'Firestorm Over Kaurava/Kronus'. Basically it tries to make playing Dawn of War just like playing tabletop, or atleast as close as you can get considering. It also uses the codex's and has ton more units. I think it turned out really good, and its definately worth checking out.


  2. #2

  3. #3


    looks interesting

  4. #4


    This looks like a great idea

  5. #5


    Looks like it's worth investigating

  6. #6


    Nice, looks very cool! Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

  7. #7


    I tried it out, and yeah it's fun.

    Tau isn't some soft, floppy, half-hearted army anymore. they are absolutely brutal when they're set up properly. Even just a 2+2 setup of ion cannon hammerhead and broadsides is enough to ruin the AI opponents' day.
    Last edited by Uncle Nutsy; 11-15-2012 at 09:48 AM.

  8. #8


    More fun with this mod. When I'm not playing tabletop, i'm playing this. every day. As Tau, I can go up against three AI opponents and win. The trick is to grab as many strat points as you possibly can, spamming that run command.

    I just hobbled an angry marine base of ops by killing off one of their troop squads and ganking their strat point right in front of them. That powered me forward enough to get all the building done as fast as I can. And I won because I was super-aggressive and weathered the first wave, where they hit you with as much stuff as they can. So there you go. To win, you race to as many strat points as possible, and build up as fast as possible while plunking down as many listening posts as possible.

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