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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Houston, Texas

    Default Wolves First Take

    So, yesterday I showed up at my local GW store almost before the employees did, couldnt wait to get my hands on the new Codex and have a look at what I am going to be getting for my Wolves.

    So here is what I think after a look at the Codex:

    Like the front page said, you get Grey Hunters at standard CSM cost with the same set of equipment. An option of a Meltagun for 5 points, and a 2nd one for free if you take 10 men in the squad. Only one plasma pistol and one power weapon (or fist) can be taken tho.

    Blood Claws are pretty much exactly the same. They no longer get the 1 power weapon (or fist) for every 5 members of the pack tho. They get the exact same options as the Grey Hunters tho.

    Lone Wolf is nice, but mostly for fluff, he is cheap but Im not sure Ill sink points into him unless Im just trying to fill out a list.

    Scouts are still very nice. Pretty much the same, but the "Operate Behind Enemy Lines" has changed slightly. Its like Outflank, but on a 1 its from your left, on a 2 from you right, and on a 3 thru 6 you get to pick, including you opponets long table edge.

    Finally jump pack, or Skyclaw Blood Claws, arent rediculously priced.

    Wolf Guard are pretty much like before. Good stat lines for only 3 points more than the Grey Hunters and you can take ALL sort of options with them. Very nice. Basically for 48 points each you can have a Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor with 2 Wolf Claws.

    The Thunderwolf Calvary are amazing. I can say Im not a big fan of the way it looks for a Space Marine to be riding a giant wolf, but thier stat lines for the cost makes them worth getting even if I dont like the way they look too much.

    Long Fangs are basically the same, except they are slightly cheaper and you can get one more of them. They arent really that expensive, and are a great pick in my opinion.

    No Lemun Russ, but the Land Raider options sort of make up for it. I was a HUGE fan of the Lemun Russ, so Im disappointed, but such is life.

    The HQ choices are bascially the same. The Wolf Priest isnt the close combat beast he used to be, but gets the same abilities as the Chapalin. Rune Priests are finally real psykers with some very nice powers. Wolf Lord is really a bargin, and you can equip him to a rediculous level of gear of coarse you can only take 1 Saga with him like the other HQ picks, and I thought it would be 2 for the Lord. There is also the less expensive Wolf Guard Battleleader, which is like the Lord but 30 points cheaper for the lost of 1 Attack and 1 WS. One more side note. For every HQ slot you take, you can take 2 HQ choices. So if you use both of your HQ slots, you can have up to 4 HQ's on the table.

    Now, the special characters:

    Logan Grimnar is really nice. He lets you take Wolf Guard as a Troop choice. That means you can equip the Wolf Guard with Terminator Armor... so yeah, Terminators as a Troop choice. He can also once a turn impart a special rule to whatever troop he is attached to. One of those is Relentless. Attach him to a pack of Long Fangs and move your Heavy's across the board at will.

    Ragnar Blackmane, still wicked in close combat. He and the unit he is with can take D3 addtional attacks on the charge. He also gets a 4+ invul save.

    Canis is the Thunderwolf Rider... and wow, just wow. So many attacks in close combat, and he can choose to take one attack for every enemy in base to base with him. He is one of the 2 new characters that are simply amazing.

    Arjac is the other. Thunderhammer that can be thrown prior the charge. 6" range, Strength 10, AP 1.... and gets plenty of attacks to boot. He is just rediculous. As a side note he is an upgradable Wolf Guard, but is expenise.

    Bjorn the Fel-handed. Dreadnought with front armor 13, assault cannon (or plasma cannon for free) and plenty of close combat love. He is a HQ choice too. Means you can take him as a HQ, then 1 Ven Dread and 2 regular dreads for Elite choices. 4 Dreadnoughts in any army is scary, I dont care who you are. If he dies tho he becomes an objective for the Wolves, and all Wolves become Fearless.

    Lukas the Trickster is a funny Bloodclaw. He is upgradable from any Bloodclaw in you army, very nice in close combat, and the potienal to go out with a bang if he is killed, he possibly takes everyone in base to base contact with him when he is removed from play.

    Njal Stormcaller. All I can say is: OH... MY... GOD. He s expensive, 275 points. He is a bargin at that price. He is in Runic Terminator Armor, so 4+ invul and 2+ regular. Great stat line. He gets all 6 Wolf psyker powers, and can use 2 of them a turn. Not to meantion he gets this Lord of the Tempest special rule, which potentially can be devestating to the enemy. There is more Im forgetting, just as I said. He is worth every single point you spend on him.

    Saga's basically give your HQ choice something for flare. They are nice, but not huge game changers.

    Wolf Claws let you re-roll to hit, or to wound, you pick proir to the beginning of close combat.

    There are some other things that I am forgetting. I played useing the codex last night, used Bjorn the Fel-handed... and Fel-handed a Chaos Space Marine player his rear end. I like it.

    To sum up (and probly what I should have just said to begin with) its a very nice Codex. It brings Space Wolves into line, and makes them once again into the close combat Space Marine army they are supposed to be. Worth every point you spend on anything. Im excited and the sprue is amazing. Lots of VERY nice wolfy things on it.

    Excited? Ya think?

    What are other people's opinions that have looked at the Codex?

  2. #2


    Saw the codex this morning.

    I agree completely.

    The artwork, the rules, the writing, EVERYTHING.

    They hit the ball out of the park with this one. The book is amazing. The models are amazing.

    Everything said above is true. The previous poster mentioned Logan giving rules to his squad. One is Relentless. The other choices are Fearless, Tank Hunters, or Favored Enemy.

    This book is completely and totally amazing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I'll probably be able to look though this evening if my LGS got a preview copy, but I just have to ask, is there any mention of the 13th company in the book?

    I have a small 13th company army, and I'm hoping I can figure out a way to upgrade to the new Codex, but keep the same "feel" to the army.

  4. #4


    sadly, 13th company is the 1 thing that is missing.

    You can use wolf packs as fast attack, and MANY units can take mark of the wulfen, but not in wulfen squads...

    In short, no more 13th company except in fluff.

    That said though, if you used the... forget the name, the 13th company still in armor, not wulfen... then yea, you can do that still.

    Grey Hunters with CCW BP and Bolter with Fenrisian wolf packs, Thunderwolf Rider Cavalry, and lead by a Priest I think would be pretty decent as 13th company myself.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    what are the models like?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    London U.K


    Haven't seen the codex yet. Can't wait.
    Are their models for the Space Wolf cavalry in the codex or is it just Canis that is shown?
    Are the old Ragnar and Grimnar models shown or are we getting new ones?

  7. #7


    Only Canis is shown, so Wolf Cav might be second wave. Ragnar, Logan, and Ulrick all have the old models shown, so might be second wave as well.

    New kits SEEM to be:

    Space Wolves Box (makes 10 Blood Claws OR 10 Grey Hunters OR 10 Wolf Guard in Power Armor)

    Wolf Guard Box (makes 5 Wolf Guard Terminators)

    Canis Wolfborn (Mounted Wolf Rider)

    Njal Stormcaller

    Trickster Blood Claw (keep forgetting his name).

    In other notes, I dont think there are any plans to release Long Fangs or Skyclaws.

    Devestator Squad + Wolves Box = Long Fangs

    Assault Marines + Wolves Box = Sky Claws

  8. #8
    Occuli Imperator
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Feast of Blades


    I am very excited for this codex, not just because SW deserve the new dex, but what it means for my Blood Angels who are set to get a new dex in 2010.


  9. #9


    Oh, and as far as what the models are like....


    The Power Armor and Terminators are AMAZING.

    Completely shockingly good.

    Fantastic details.

    I cant say it enough, amazing.

  10. #10


    Oh, and just for a bit more information....

    The Space Wolves Power Armor Sprue.

    We THINK you get 2 of them in a box.

    The sprue has (I think, if i counted right)

    5 Legs
    6 Torso fronts
    5 torso backs
    1 torso back with pelt
    5 backpacks
    28 heads (yes TWENTY EIGHT!!!!! I think 7 armoured the rest not!)
    4 Chainswords
    4 Bolt Pistols
    4 Plasma Pistols
    4 Bolters
    2 Plasma guns
    2 Wolf Claws
    1 Frost Blade
    1 Power Axe
    1 Thunder Hammer
    1 Storm Shield
    1 Storm Bolter
    1 Wolf Banner

    and LOADS and LOADS of Wolf Bits, details, etc

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