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  1. #31


    Dont know if this counts...but a old white dwarf from 3rd edition has a codex astartes write up and rules for iron hands. Been collecting and converting them off and on for 10 years now lol.

  2. #32


    William King is a pretty good writer. His Space Wolf books convinced me to paint my new marine army grey, and gotrek and felix got me interested in Warhammer Fantasy.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Arlington, TX


    definitely SW. Just picked up the new thunder wolf calvary yesterday. It has been a great dex with some great models.

  4. #34


    'The First Heretic' tipped me over the decision line and ensured my first army would be Daemons.
    (coupled with the impressive points to pounds ratio!)

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Grass Valley, CA


    I have a very big Ork army and I always like any books with them in it. During building that army I read three of the Space Marine Battle books that really put the Orks in a better light for me. Rynn's World, Healsreach and The Purging of Kadillus. Heals reach was may favorite of the three with Rynn's World in a close second. I like Purging of Kadillus because of the whole tricky teleporta thing.

    When ever I read Orks out smarting marines it gives me hope.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Topeka, KS


    The flavor/fluff text in the Orc and Goblins army book convinced me I had to own that army... even if they lost in the battle reported included in their own army book.
    "Technically correct is the best kind of correct."
    WHFB: Dwarf - TK - Empire - Goblin 40k: SW - IG - Ork

  7. #37


    While Codex Armageddon was what originally got me into playing Mechanized Imperial Guard it wasn't until Gaunt's Ghosts that I started on my IG with a vengenace.

    I'd also like to say Rebel Winter made me go out and get vostroyans by the bucketful...but I'd already gotten twelve squads by the time that one was published.

    I'm also one of those folks who was inspired by william Kings novesl to finally start the space wolf army I'd been planning for nearly a decade, and to also pick up a small empire army for warhammer fantasy.

    I almost started an Alpha Legion army after reading Legion, but finances kept me back and I was then sidetracked by my three main armies of IG, Space Wolves, and Grey Knights.

    Incidentally if GW would get off their duffs Mechanicus and TItanicus would both have made me hurl money at them in order to get 40k usable Knight suits and Skitarii.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Texas USA


    I am rading the Space Wolves omnibus right now and I want a Space wolf army bad. I don't love all of the models but I love the fluff.

    So far I have a laundry list of books to read from this thread. If it was enough to seperate you from your cold hard cash then it must be a decent read.

  9. #39

    Default far in my opinion the best BL and HH book ever made...ended up making a pre-heresy Emprahs children army and forcibly convince meself that pink is manly...

  10. #40


    I enjoyed Fulgrim well enough but found it odd.. I'm a big Iron Hands fan and how Ferrus Mannus was characterized was a little strange..all rage filled and stuff..

    ..but it was a good read specially the creation of the noise marines.

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