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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Question White Lions as War Beasts

    Hey fantasy lovers, DBH again! I haven't posted in a few days cause of work, and being all around in a painting frenzy; hopefully I can get some pictures up of my first army soon!

    Onto the question!
    Today I was looking at this young woman's high elf army, and in this young woman's White Lions of Chrace unit, she had converted two white lions, from the chariot kit into War Beasts. They fought alongside her soldiers, which I thought immediately was awesome. I would love to be able to field two white lions as war beasts AND be able to use a chariot such as the Tiranoc Chariot (that way I'm using more pieces for my budget). Essentially my question is this: is there a loophole to where you can field the white lions as war beasts in the High Elf army? or is it only allowed for a certain type of game/campaign?

    I'd really like some feedback on this ASAP. Thanks again for reading my stories/rants/and answering my questions!
    -insert epic signature-

  2. #2


    The Storm of Magic expansion has rules for units of White Lions. Other than that, I don't believe there is a legal way to field War Beast Lions in a unit of White Lions.

    Did you actually see this person rolling for the Lions as Lions?

    What some people do to make their units more interesting on the table is make mini-dioramas that take up the same amount of space as a number of models in the unit. It's possible this person stuck 2 Lions on a 40mm base, put it in the unit, and counts it as being 4 White Lions.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Hey Magickbk!~ Thanks again for all your help!

    So if I understand this the right way, you can only field war beasts in the high elf army (outside of the great eagle) in the storms of magic expansion. Hmm okay well that stinks. Do you think if I asked my opponent beforehand if it was okay to field them, then I could? Also some people choose to "liven" up their units by replacing 4 Elves with 2 Lions gotcha. Hmm interesting, thanks for the feed back!

    -insert epic signature-

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    At the end of the day, anything is ok if you check it with your opponent - play the game how you like as long as everyone's having fun. You could use the rules and points cost from SoM to field them in a normal game, they shouldn't be too unbalanced if you are fielding them in small numbers.

    Edit: I should perhaps recommend you have a regular gaming group before you start tweaking the rules, people you haven't played before might be a bit unhappy about you fielding 'non-legal' units/armies.
    Chief Educator of the Horsemen of Derailment "People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought, which they avoid." SOREN KIERKEGAARD

  5. #5


    Technically speaking, you can do or do away with anything you want with your opponent's permission. I would just tend to try restricting yourself to certain scenarios or campaigns or something. It's always best to save those sorts of things for people you play against a lot and want to spice things up a bit, as opposed to walking into a random store and asking someone you've never played before if you can use a unit of Lions.

    And yes, many people will add little extras to their units, especially in tournaments where painting scores matter. It all started back when GW released Regimental Bases, which were meant to have an entire rank of infantry lined up on them. People would start making little dioramas on them, and it has escalated from there. I use High Elf Waystones in my units from time-to-time. I would just suggest making sure they are themed. I've seen people do some ridiculous things. For example, sticking a rock on a base and making it count as 4 guys would be frowned upon, but take the same rock on a base and put 2 guys in a dynamically converted pose on it, and you're all good.

    Hope this helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Hey Wildeybeast and Magickbk!

    Thanks for your support in helping out this noob with questions.

    I just saw the pictures of that High Elf army and was in "aww" mode, because they were super cool. So some people make other object into characters for style points? It makes sense, now that I think about it. I've seen several armies with things like statues, or ruins etc. in the midst of their units taking up a 4 unit count block or a 2 unit count block; that's definitely interesting. I might eventually try that out. For now though I'm trying to learn the rules and finish painting, I just about finished my first block of High Elf spearmen, and hopefully I'll be able to post them up in the coming weeks. So far I'm 16/36 on the spearmen and I've still got touch ups and their last few little detail paint jobs, such as rune words, extra bits, and jewels.

    Thanks again Fellas!~
    -insert epic signature-

  7. #7


    She may well have been using the Lions as "unit fillers" as others have stated. Seen several armies with varied "fillers" one of the most memorable being big armoured ogres in Empire units in full colours and empire weaponry.

    Likewise as mentioned either draft your own rules/ points or Storm of Magic rules, clear with your opponent and bam field some lions


  8. #8


    Word to the wise: when doing anything that might require your opponent's consent (whether it be a unit of lions in a non-SoM game or a Forge World model), have a backup plan. To use a 40k example, my Mekboy Junka costs 180 pts and takes up an Elites slot in a Codex: Orks army. If my opponent says no, I just swap it out for a unit of nine Burna Boyz. Same points cost, same slot. Nice 'n' easy.
    Last edited by Houghten; 03-13-2012 at 09:59 AM.

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