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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Blue Mountains, Aus


    Quote Originally Posted by Diagnosis Ninja View Post
    As it is, I don't exactly like the majority of people who I've run into on MMO's, and I can just imagine them making the whole thing suck, rather than there being any problem with the game.
    People are what make MMO's amazing, and absolutely appalling at the same time.

    Take WoW for instance. It's full of elitist jerks, high school trolls, and socially inept basement dwellers. But the majority of people are actually just nice, regular folks, and there are some amazingly helpful, kind and thoughtful individuals that make it a great experience.

    In short, it seems to be a fairly accurate representation of humanity and society as a whole. We would all live in our own personal utopias, if it wasn't for a minority of people ruining it (all totally subjective btw).

    You have to take the good with the bad...

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    I kind of hope the 40k MMO doesn't happen just for one reason: I don't have the time to play an MMO but I wouldn't be able to resist.

  3. #53
    Join Date
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    The Frozen North


    Quote Originally Posted by Arch_Bishop View Post
    People are what make MMO's amazing, and absolutely appalling at the same time.

    Take WoW for instance. It's full of elitist jerks, high school trolls, and socially inept basement dwellers. But the majority of people are actually just nice, regular folks, and there are some amazingly helpful, kind and thoughtful individuals that make it a great experience.

    In short, it seems to be a fairly accurate representation of humanity and society as a whole. We would all live in our own personal utopias, if it wasn't for a minority of people ruining it (all totally subjective btw).

    You have to take the good with the bad...
    Or in most cases the Insane and the crazy............I really do hope this game happens since playing as an Archon would be great.....(and epic...Hey look i got a pet wytch!)

  4. #54


    Sad to hear this. Was looking forward to it from the early trailers but looks like it's not likely to happen. Possibly a blessing in disguise as Warhammer MMO seems to have suffered from the "WoW but different" disease and i'm not sure 40k MMO would have avoided this

  5. #55


    to have a chance at the MMO market, you have to do something truly different, like The Secret World or Pathfinder Online. i think 40K could do that, if they got some really clever designers on it. i guess we'll see.

  6. #56
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    League City, TX


    Dunno, a lot of MMO's simply copy off each other and try to use the same formula with a different coat of paint (be it story or factions and such). A few try to venture out and actually create a very new player experience. Ultimately it seems one of the worst things (getting people addicted to the point where they feel they "need" to play) is what helps make a game so successfull (i.e. WoW vs. EQ2).

  7. #57


    Really a shame if it doesn't fly. I saw some of the preliminary work on this at GD 2010, looked very promising.

  8. #58


    I disagree, while doing something different may help an MMO be successful, the most successful MMO, WoW, was not at all innovative. If took the best of previous MMOs and refined it into a more user-friendly package. SW:TOR has done much the same thing for the post-WoW MMO generation and it is looking to be extremely successful, too (approaching two million subcribers after only a few months).

    If you compare to, say, AoC it tried a new combat system which was very good, but it still failed to meet expectations for its success. The reasons why are complicated, but it does help illustrate that an MMO needs something more than jsut doing some things differently.
    Quote Originally Posted by p00zer View Post
    to have a chance at the MMO market, you have to do something truly different, like The Secret World or Pathfinder Online. i think 40K could do that, if they got some really clever designers on it. i guess we'll see.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  9. #59


    THQ should just stick to what it does best. Find some story they want to follow in the Fantasy/40k world and play it out. The problem with an MMO is that you can never really advance a story. As a previous poster mentioned, if you mess up the immersion you're just riding along rails on a theme park ride.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Ontario, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by Gorfang View Post
    THQ should just stick to what it does best. Find some story they want to follow in the Fantasy/40k world and play it out. The problem with an MMO is that you can never really advance a story. As a previous poster mentioned, if you mess up the immersion you're just riding along rails on a theme park ride.
    I can tell you with near-certainty that the story they 'follow' is worked out in the earliest stages of a game's development and pretty much left as it is through production.

    The stories in THQ's (read: Relic's) 40k games are like most game stories: competent, for a game, but that's about it. They did touch on some nice themes/nuances of the 40k universe a bit in Space Marine, but it wasn't anything to write home about.

    That's my opinion, at least. On the second bit. The first bit is a well-educated guess from a long time following the games industry very closely and working directly in it for 5-6 years.
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