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  1. #11


    I sold my Nids around a year ago, it was a large assortment of horribly painted and random models. Seeing these new models has REALLY made me want to pick some up and try my hand at them again. ><'

    It's very tempting, I'll hold off for now but I sense a future project on the winds...

  2. #12


    I haven't lost my 'Nid passion since 2nd edition. Then again, I'm of the old guard mentality. You pick an army and stick with it through thick and thin. If you feel attracted to other armies, you might start them, but you never leave your first.

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by CrimsonTurkey View Post
    I haven't lost my 'Nid passion since 2nd edition. Then again, I'm of the old guard mentality. You pick an army and stick with it through thick and thin. If you feel attracted to other armies, you might start them, but you never leave your first.
    I hear you there, I've been playing nids since '98 and have always thoroughly enjoyed playing them. Now They're not the powerhouse army they used to be, but that has just challenged me to change and adapt...just like the nids fluff. I've played most armies out there now and have had various success in different arenas.

    One off games are fun and I try to not play the "tournament" army, and experiment with all the units in the book. Playing apocalypse has been challenging, I don't have a lot of FW models to supplement my army so those games are usually just massive 40k games for me. Every once in awhile I'll attend a tournament to see how they fair, and usually end up around the middle rung with the current edition. The previous editions I've won some local tournaments but never gone to any large game days. Still an "acheivement" I need to accomplish.

    Did the new models renew my fervor? Not really, I've already converted 3 Tervigons and not really interested in the Tyranofex...though I'll eventually make one and play some games with him to see what kind of impact it can make, though on's just meh.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Sector 0-0-1: Terra


    Tyranids are my first and still favorite army. Even with the new Codex and FAQs. My win/loss ratio is still very good and people at my FLGS dread fighting MY Tyranids.

    I pre-ordered three Tervigon/Tyrannofex kits when I saw pics of them!! Got them as soon as they arrived at my FLGS and got them assembled the very next day. Painting although has been a long, slow process. I won't field a model until it is at least 'Table Legal'. I'll give my opponent at least that much respect. And it's incentive to paint!

    I'm hoping that Tyranids will get some 6th Edition love with the inclusion of a new Codex, but I'm not holding my breath. In the meantime, with insane Codex Creep and more and more Anti-Tyranid Codexes out there (I'm looking at you Grey Knights!) it's tough being a Tyranid fan. But we shall adapt. We shall overcome.

    No matter what happens, at least our army will still look the best!
    Melissia Wrote: "I think the secret to getting more people to stop calling you an arrogant elitist douchebag is to stop being an arrogant elitist douchebag."

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Yes, i bought three kits. Two tervi,s and a tyrannofex. I was able to break the GS off my converted carnis without any damage to the models. Now my caris look small lol. Nids were my first army since i took a ten year break back in RT days. Ive had more fun with nids then i ever did with marines. I now have marines( (three flavors), dark eldar' and IG. Nids will always be my favorite.

  6. #16


    The new releases have made me pretty happy. I've wanted to run a bonesword warrior list for quite a while. I really like the bonesword kit. I'm also pretty happy about the plastic tyrant kit. I'm probably going to start my Nid army.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Ontario, Canada


    The new kits are cool. I plan on picking up another Tyrant so I can make a winged variant...and maybe a third that I can make into the Swarmlord.

    I want to like the Tyrannofex - it really offers something unique to the army and the model is nice! But I have a strict no-gun policy in my 'nid army, and I can't bring myself to break it.

    I would love some Tervigons, if only they could spawn Hormigaunts.
    Armies Played (in order of acquisition)
    Crons, SW, SM, Tau, 1k Sons, IG, Nids, BA, DE

  8. #18


    It will as soon as I can afford to buy more models.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I picked up a Tervigon and Tyrant because the models are great! Now I have to figure out a list but they'll look good on display in the meantime. I wouldn't have considered Tyranids before those kits came out. The Trygon is quite nice too and I hope they release a Harpy soon, I love the look of bugs with wings.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Buffalo, New York


    >_< yes!!!! i want the new kits and to repaint all of my nids, but unfortunately for the nids i have both tau(FW battlesuit) and ghostly grey knight projects both going on at the moment, even with the painting/modeling help of my fiance i dare not take on a third, lest i get poison in my next meal

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