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  1. #11


    eHaley isn't exactly a 1-trick pony, but there are plenty of ways to get around what she does.

    Just play anticipating the feat for starters. Space your models in such a way that they won't be in each other's way as much as possible, and try to limit the amount of suffering that can be imposed. Realize that if you have a good defensive position that it's okay to not advance with important models for safety's sake.

    Also realize some models are supposed to be fodder, and make use of that. Try to use faster models to jam, forcing her to pop feat at an inopportune time.

    Also, do NOT place any important models next to low defense models. Keep far enough away to avoid getting caught in those dang AOEs if they target something easy to hit with it (jack/beast)

  2. #12


    As an eHaley player (and only ever seen her on my side of the table), I can tell you what has worked against me.

    Ranged attacks: People covered this already. You care less about the feat if you can still kill my stuff.

    Really fast stuff: I don't want to have to pop feat on the bottom of turn 1, but I've had to before and it did not go well for me. When your whole army is in my grill without giving me 2 or 3 turns to shoot it, my eHaley builds aren't able to deal enough damage to the key pieces generally.
    Specifically, I generally run 1 or 2 heavy hitters like a Stomclad or Hammersmith. They can't be everywhere at once and can only really deal with one heavy before they end up being a trade.
    actually... that brings me to...

    Sacrificial units that can't be ignored: Pretty much every model in the game threatens eHaley (unless she's really REALLY camping). Granted, her DEF can be daunting (especially on the charge), but one well-placed hit will put her on the ropes if not kill her outright. So, your infantry or tricksy light beast/jack missile will have to be dealt with immediately.
    If you can bait out my heavy with your light (or heavy infantry) in a post-feat turn, you can most likely take out my heavy next turn which will swing the game decidedly in your favor (as I lose the ability to deal easily with your high-ARM/damageboxes stuff).

    multiple Arc nodes: The feat turn gets tricky when there's too many things that need to go last. Do I let your caster go first and cast buffs? Do I let the nodes go first and position to where your can sling spells at me? Obviously this depends on your board positioning when I feat, but try to overwhelm me with bad choices.

    Calvary: I hate these guys so bad... They're to fast to ignore, have rules that allow them to bypass a lot of my safeguards, and are autonomous enough to stay out of the feat bubble when the rest of your stuff gets caught. My Khador friend likes to run a dragoon on either flank and walk straight at me with everything else.
    Haley (and Cygnar in general) has to focus fire most of the time and I don't do well when I have to split fire between 3 fronts.

    Mind games: Using the first turn or so to swap your deployment makes me call into question my own positioning. Backing up when I make you activate units in the back makes me want to activate your front units next... which can set up the rest of your stuff to make advances FORWARD.
    Think outside the box and mess with my head. eHaley is all about control and I can only control you if I know what you want to be doing.

    So, to recap/generalize, force bad trades/matchups through a combination of misdirection, fast/autonomous models and multiple fronts in order to remove the (probably very) few key models that can threaten your stuff... than steamroll when I can't stop you.

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