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  1. #11


    Looks interesting. Liked the video and what brief stuff I read from the site.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Kane View Post
    I breifly read through some of your rules and I have a few questions 1st Would it be ok with you if I printed off your rules to read offline? I am on my phone right now, however it's browser has become 'grouchy' ei force closes and generally a pain in my back side. I assure you it is for my personal use only. It is just hard to get net time and a printed book I can pick up where I left off easier. Next questionwhy the use of a d10, you knew someone would ask. D6s are easier to come by, so why a d10? And question z if I decide to fund you can I start small say $1 and then later later increcrease later. I have never 'funded' a game. Money for me is tight, as in the 'boss' keeps a scrooge hand on the purse strings, when it come beteen feeding my little army and buy game stuff, my little army has to come first. Well I had better wrap this up I look forward to your reply.
    Hey Colonel, thanks for the interest =)
    I'll get at your questions one by one.

    You may absolutely print off the rules. In the downloads area there are mobile and printer friendly versions of the rules to do just that. Make sure you put in the code 'indiegogo' to unlock both volumes for download.

    Agreed the D6s are more common. D10s make more sense to me personally and really was the only dice I'd consider when designing the game. You can easily get by with 10 D10s and if you're in a pinch, you could always use a dice roller application.

    Regarding the funding, I believe you can change it at any time (including remove it altogether) until the campaign ends. We're still sitting pretty on $1 at the moment, so hopefully we can get some more on board =)

    Cheers =)

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Cheesesteak View Post
    Looks interesting. Liked the video and what brief stuff I read from the site.
    Thanks =)
    There's quite a bit on the site to get through so take your time =)

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    SE Kansas


    WOW! There is alot of info on your site. I printed the rules off at 50% size for 10 pages, now that is not alot however the armies 'book' is 25 pages at 50%! That is without fluff!I didn't print off the armies list as I want to read the rules first. then I'll print off the armies and maybe have a go to see how it plays. No matter what I end up thinking of your game, I hope you do well with it. Son this set of rules and army list is beta right?

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Kane View Post
    WOW! There is alot of info on your site. I printed the rules off at 50% size for 10 pages, now that is not alot however the armies 'book' is 25 pages at 50%! That is without fluff!I didn't print off the armies list as I want to read the rules first. then I'll print off the armies and maybe have a go to see how it plays. No matter what I end up thinking of your game, I hope you do well with it. Son this set of rules and army list is beta right?
    Thanks for the encouragement =)
    Hopefully you'll get some games in. Be sure to let us know what you think of it if you do, either on here or by email.
    The rules are in beta. They have moved through Alpha testing just with our testers but we would like all those interested to join us in a public beta through the Indiegogo campaign. This will be the last chance to really have any dramatic effect on the rules before it goes fully public in a final release.
    Of course the final release is not final, as we've explained on, we will be making minor edits monthly and planning any major changes on yearly basis.

    Thanks again for getting involved =)

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