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  1. #1

    Default Good painting books

    I have been wanting to learn how to paint better, but really non of the players in my area are painters. Are any of GW's books offer good advice?

  2. #2


    They have good advice for beginners. Definatly pick up the new how to paint minis book and if your into armour grab that one as well. If money isnt an option the fw masterclass book as some really good info in it as well but its not for beginners.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I agree with Cherub, and the masterclass is deffinately not for beginers however reading will not hurt and will most likely speed up your tank painting techniques.

    I do believe however, that a good DVD format tutorial is the best way to go about learning painting.

    Whats better than having someone actually show you, explain the details etc... you not only get to see the mini being painted, but you get to pick up things that a book wont show you, like what the correct flow of paint should look like... Most book say water down ur paint blah blah but until you actually see someone do it, you wont fully grasp the understanding.

    Watching someone blend and feather is also something a book just cant do in as much detail

    theres heaps of tutorials out there...

    Try the store. They stock some good ones. If they arent in stock just try getting them from the actuall supplier.

    Hope it helps :P

  4. #4


    I have to say that there is no substitute for practical experience. Books are all well and good, but practice is what painting is all about, don't be afraid to experiment, try new things. I find GW's books to be overcomplicated. You don't need to do half the things they suggest to have a great looking figure.
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Vancouver, B.C.


    Quote Originally Posted by Aldramelech View Post
    I have to say that there is no substitute for practical experience. Books are all well and good, but practice is what painting is all about, don't be afraid to experiment, try new things. I find GW's books to be overcomplicated. You don't need to do half the things they suggest to have a great looking figure.
    Exactly. You could read every painting book in the world, but you're never going to improve without lots of practice. Books are good for inspiration, learning colour theory etc., but they are not going to tell you some secret of miniature painting that will improve your ability to put paint on pewter (or plastic I guess). The articles in white dwarf are good for the odd tip or trick, but it's really all about practice. As long as the model you just painted is slightly better than your last one, you're on the right track.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Agreed with the two fellas above. Just play around. If you have a metal model, practice on that. Why? Paint is super easy to strip off the metal with some Simple Green or other cleaner. See what works for you, mess around with colors. Just have fun with it and, the most important thing I've learned, is to BE PATIENT!

    However, the FW Masterclass book is so neat, as it is just chock full of ideas that you may not expect!

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Aldramelech View Post
    I have to say that there is no substitute for practical experience. Books are all well and good, but practice is what painting is all about, don't be afraid to experiment, try new things. I find GW's books to be overcomplicated. You don't need to do half the things they suggest to have a great looking figure.
    I completeley agree with yall. I have actuallly been painting a large Ork army on and off for a year and a half or so. I can already see improvement from my first boy to my last. I simply want some reading materials (Or dvd's, which actually sound much more helpful.) to help me better now that I have a steadier hand.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Edmonton, Alberta


    save your coin you already have net access.

    you tube has some resources to learn some techniques. also there are a lot of net books.

    but as above stated nothing beats sitting down and painting.

    grab a bunch of the troopers to try stuff with. if you don't like the result drop them in some simple green for a couple days. clean them up and start again.

    bug the local GW staffers or the local game store, usually have a few people willing to lend a hand. (bring you paints for the local store, gw stores sometimes provide paints but you will need your own brushes)

    all else fail ask us forums arn't just about *****ing about the game, some like this one and a few others are here to help
    tied more games than i've won and still have fun every time i lose.

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