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  1. #1

    Exclamation I hate 1750 and 1850 pt tournaments

    Seriously if you're worried about time for the tournament then you're doing it wrong.

    1750 and 1850 bring nothing but a 1500 point list with something ad hoc tacked on to fill out the army list.

    Now I'm a IG player and have three different list I run, my Air Cav, my Ryza Regiment and my actually competitive list (which I rarely bring out since I like a challenge and shooting a army off the table gets old quick).

    My whole area everyone plays at 2000 point list and all the tournaments are 2000 (central-south eastern NC), yet I go almost anywhere else and it's almost always 1850 pt tournaments. I hear the same two arguments over and over. Time limits and 'player skill'. I call BS on both. If you're worried about time as an organizer then you're doing it wrong and not properly planning out the times. If you're claiming skill that's a red herring. Why not run 500 or 1500 pt tournaments instead? Skill will always shine through in the end.

    That being said I can complete at 200pt Kill team list through 2500 with no issues (thank god the IG codex skills very well). But I've found that at 2000 pts good army lists really fill out and bring the best of the newest codices to the table. All 5th Edition Codices are built with 2000 points armies in mind.

    So why this sudden uptick in 1850 pt tournaments in the last six months?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Fort Worth


    1850 breaks my ork soul as well. 1500 is great fun, 2k is greater fun.
    I agree that 1850 lists are a bit of ******* child. I understand the need to make sure that the games finish in under 2 hours. Less toys go faster. I get it.
    That being said, 1500 point games are better if you can't commit to the 2k. They finish faster, and every codex can play at 1500. They have the added challenge of making the best all comers list you can without taking 1 of everything.
    2000 point lists let you cover your bases, and leave it all on the table. No excuses of "I didn't plan for (4 Landraiders) (150 boyz) (7 Monsters) (any other absurd list)."
    At 1850, the only list I've drawn up that I like is with my blood angels. I take 1850 tourneys as an excuse to play them.
    I don't know why 1850 has become so popular, but I wish we'd all move down to the leisurely fun of the 1500 for all but the greatest of GTs, where 2k should be king.

  3. #3


    While like you, I like 2k games better, the whole nation pretty much plays 1750-1850.

    Here's why:

    1. Time: I read your answer, but you have to realize is that most tournaments run from the morning and end before dinner. Generally speaking that leaves about 8 hours of gaming, figure 1 hour for lunch, and 2 half hour breaks so tabulate scores and you are looking at 2 hour rounds, which is the right amount of time for 1750-1850. Where 2k usually takes 2.5 hours.

    2. At the 1750-1850, you get to bring one or two bells and whistles, but for the most part you need a lean mean fighting machine, 2k is everything and the kitchen sink.

    Take a look at the entire nation circuit, they are almost all in the 1750-1850 range.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Morning-side Table of Heck


    My LGS runs 1000 point tournaments, almost evey month, in fact. They are oddballs, usually with unusual FOC requirements ( 3 FA required, or nothing required), and they are all well received.

    As for 1850, not all codices can compete beyond that level well, and it's a good point for a competitive list without having everything. It's also a little easier to obtain models than 2000 points. Heck, my LGS just went to 1850 for the "official" tournaments after years of 1750.

    But, boo hoo, you're playing the army which can out point any other army by at least a factor of 3, if not more, with the standard FOC build (heaven help anyone if it's Planetstrike!), and it's all effective! It may change when all the 4th Edition books are finally gone, we'll have to see, but until then, there is a level of practicality that has to be in place.

  5. #5


    I, also, am angry about the way other people play the game! I know that my opinions are facts and that other people's opinions are stupid!

    In fact, not only are their opinions stupid and wrong, but they are also impossible and I have proven it with math that I will not allow you to see. But trust me on this one, as I am inevitably right about everything.

    Why doesn't everyone else just make things easy for themselves and agree with me on this (and every) subject? Is there some reason they keep insisting on being wrong all the time? Can anyone tell me why?

    But, boo hoo, you're playing the army which can out point any other army by at least a factor of 3, if not more, with the standard FOC build
    Incorrect, sir; the winner of "most points for a FoC" (not counting unlimited choices like Lesser Daemons) is, in fact, Blood Angels, at 26,611 points. IG clocks in ~500 below that as I recall. : better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

  6. #6


    So why this sudden uptick in 1850 pt tournaments in the last six months?
    2k too good for IG. most people dont play IG. most judges and orgs will have more players/friends not playing IG. ergo a setting good for IG is not good. that is why for example euro land is mostly 1500.

  7. #7

    Default I LOVE 1850 games!

    I, on the other hand, LOVE 1850 games! Now, my favorite point level is 1500. If I MUST go above 1500 then send me to 1850. I'll play 2000 point games if I must. I lose interest at 2500...

    So... it takes all kinds in this hobby! Cheers! Copeland

    PS I'm a Tyranid player who runs as many Genestealers as I can fit on the table, so it's not like I couldn't USE the points... I just prefer smaller games. When I play WarmaHordes (my primary game) I prefer 35 point games...

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by AbusePuppy View Post
    I, also, am angry about the way other people play the game! I know that my opinions are facts and that other people's opinions are stupid!

    In fact, not only are their opinions stupid and wrong, but they are also impossible and I have proven it with math that I will not allow you to see. But trust me on this one, as I am inevitably right about everything.

    Why doesn't everyone else just make things easy for themselves and agree with me on this (and every) subject? Is there some reason they keep insisting on being wrong all the time? Can anyone tell me why?

    Incorrect, sir; the winner of "most points for a FoC" (not counting unlimited choices like Lesser Daemons) is, in fact, Blood Angels, at 26,611 points. IG clocks in ~500 below that as I recall.
    Thank you for bringing nothing to the discussion! At least you're a humorous troll

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    i actually really like 1750 pt games! it means you can have your 1500 pt list and a few fancy extras: but not as many as a 2000pt game!
    visit my blog: I do cheap commsion work
    And COME TO BOLSCON UK and yell about my font!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Barrie, ON


    I've learned to play my Orks quickly so that I'm not in other people's way so to speak. When you run a horde list, you rather have to do something like that.

    In terms of game size though, I can do whatever. I actually like games in the 1000 point or less range, but I'm also conscious that not everybody has 6 point troops. It can be a hard place to play for some lists.

    To that end, I'm pretty happy with 1500 or 1850 since they both seem to take a reasonable (and similar in my area) amount of time. When you go to 2000 though, things seem to balloon. I'm not sure why that time gap exists where I play, but it does. That said, most of the tourneys around here are 1500, 1850 singles or a 2000 point team format.

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