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  1. #11


    It most be my area since if you're playing over 2 hours for a game at 2000 points you're either running a horde list (Orks, IG, or Nids) or you're new to the game. Otherwise almost all games take between 90 and 110 minutes.

    Again my point is why play 1750-1850 if they're really just 1500 with a few extra's? If it's about time you're doing it waaaayyyyy wrong.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Flammenwerfer13 View Post
    Thank you for bringing nothing to the discussion! At least you're a humorous troll
    Says the person who started a thread by telling everyone they were "doing it wrong" and that you were "calling BS."

    Irony police gonna getcha', boy. : better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    land of 10k taxes


    Lower point games are better for Hoard type lists. Nids and Orcs @ 1500 are tough to beat, even worse the lower you go.

  4. #14


    Can't quite fit as many melta vets in Vendettas as you want in 1850 huh?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wellington, New Zealand


    IMO building a 1500 point list requires more thought than a larger point one simply because you have to really choose which toys to leave out while still being able to successfully complete all the missions at an event. At 2000 points it's easier to simply bring along all your favourites.

    Consequently I prefer the 1500 point games.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by AbusePuppy View Post
    Says the person who started a thread by telling everyone they were "doing it wrong" and that you were "calling BS."

    Irony police gonna getcha', boy.
    I presented my point of view and my opinion (which from both your post you have shown to clearly grasp) and ask for both your opinion on why this is common and thoughts on it.

    You've only provided a cliche troll response that achieved nothing and provided nothing to the thread.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by AnEnemy View Post
    Can't quite fit as many melta vets in Vendettas as you want in 1850 huh?
    Actually no I tend to run a pure Air Cav list with Assaulting Vets. I have (at 2000 pts) 7 plasma guns and 8 Melta guns and 3x flamers. I'd run more plasma guns but apparently you can't assault with them so melta guns it is for now.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Topeka, KS


    Quote Originally Posted by Flammenwerfer13 View Post
    It most be my area since if you're playing over 2 hours for a game at 2000 points you're either running a horde list (Orks, IG, or Nids) or you're new to the game. Otherwise almost all games take between 90 and 110 minutes.

    Again my point is why play 1750-1850 if they're really just 1500 with a few extra's? If it's about time you're doing it waaaayyyyy wrong.
    *Face palm*

    Your 1,750-1,850 point list may be similar to your 1,500 point list but you do not speak for everyone. Frankly, telling everyone that they are playing/building their armies "waaaayyyyy wrong" is presumptuous, pompous, and conceited.

    You are certainly within your right to form your own opinion on your opponent's list and their play style, and you are within your right to play at a pace you're comfortable with, however, you clearly didn't want to start a discussion here because you've called the posters who disagree with you as trolls and you preemptively called the two largest reasons for the point limit as "BS." I'm not sure why you posted the question about the uptick in 1,850 point tourneys if you don't want to listen to valid arguments.

    I will argue that most players will play 1,750-1,850 point armies faster than a 2,000. I'm a fast player myself but I understand that the number of models to move around and tactical decisions for those units will make for longer game play to more points you bring to the table. (Obviously, a large sit-and-shoot army that doesn't move may play faster than a smaller rounded-list that uses all three main phases.) I will also argue that player skill is a factor because many new players don't have 2000 point armies ready to drop on the table and this will allow new players to join in the fun and give incentive for them to add new units to their armies to work towards larger games. Also, less skilled players aren't as familiar with other armies and they will ask more questions, read rules and ask for clarifications during game play, which can slow things down. I wouldn't call any of these factors as "BS" reasons for a 1,850 point tourney.

    I also take issue with calling out tournament organizers and the job that they do for you. While you may not like the point limit that some tourneys are running, it's up to you to choose to play in that event. Tournament organizers have many types of players to work with when making a tournament, ranging from brand new gamers, experienced competitive players, to causal gamers who would just like to play for fun. While some organizers snooze their way through it, it is a tough job to make sure that everyone has a rewarding time. I've seen many new players become frustrated with the game and quit because tournament snobs have crushed them on the tabletop and broke their spirit through snarky and degrading comments while playing. From the tone of your posts, I would hazard a guess that you haven't run a tournament yourself and you may have a different prospective if you organized a few events.

    Also, congratulations on telling us how great gamer you are at 200-2,500 point games!
    "Technically correct is the best kind of correct."
    WHFB: Dwarf - TK - Empire - Goblin 40k: SW - IG - Ork

  9. #19


    I think you can learn a lot from your own army and others by playing at different point levels. I dont think one is better than the other, while speed difference is marginal and often requires context. If your spending the day playing 40k then who really cares how big the games are? Just have fun and maybe learn something new.

    If your store says its running smaller games because of time, it really means they want to get home to feed the cat and not wait for you to get one more turn in.
    Gamer • Painter • Designer • Englishman

  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Flammenwerfer13 View Post
    It most be my area since if you're playing over 2 hours for a game at 2000 points you're either running a horde list (Orks, IG, or Nids) or you're new to the game. Otherwise almost all games take between 90 and 110 minutes.
    Ok I will concede that since I don't play where you do. But by your own admittance in a tournament you can expect the play horde armies or people who are new. Trust me nothing pisses a player off more than losing a game that only went to turn 3 to no fault of your own.

    Put yourself in those shoes, I am a new player with an orc army and you play me in a tourn in round 1. Most of the other tables finish all their turns but you and I only get to turn 3, and because of that you lose or tie, effectively taking you out of winning the tourn. Wouldn't that make you really mad?

    Games like that happen all the time, that's why good OT either build 2.5hours games, or limit the points to under 2k.

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