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Thread: Sm 1850

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Camael View Post
    So here is what I have learned from lurking and other posts I have seen around the forums and my own thoughts:
    1)The Tactical squads should take razorbacks and meltaguns, combat squad and put the more mobile half in the razor to take objectives/dish pain.
    2) The Scouts need to lose their meltabombs and pick up teleport homers and switch the bolt pistol/combat blade combo for sniper rifles.
    3) Just go for 5 Hammernators

    Thoughts please and thanks?
    It's better to give them rhinos and the combat squad if you find the game favors it. It's easy to take out 5 space marines in either shooting or assault. Kill points don't favor the practice and while you can take more objectives by using combat squads you're creating very fragile place holders. Other units can get away with small space marine units a la combat squads (because they either have furious charge and feel no pain (BA), are chaos space marines who have yet to be introduced to fear (SW) or are magicians with machine guns and excalibers (GK) AND they don't need to bring a full table for the complementary dessert - I'm looking at you, 5 man BA assault squad with a melta gun. yep, 5 marines will last longer than 5 guardsmen, 5 dire avengers, 5 termagaunts, 5 firewarriors, etc., but not appreciably longer.
    Last edited by Sure; 04-20-2012 at 11:25 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Upstate New York


    Well thanks for all the help! I have re worked it a bit and here's what I've got now:
    Epistolary w/ termie and ss Gate and Null Zone

    4 Tac Squads w/ MG ML and Rhino
    2 Scout Squads (5 guys) w/ 4 Snipers, ML and CCs

    Hammernators in LR

    2 Dakka Preds

    1850 on the nose

  3. #13


    On the Librarian: why the Epistolary upgrade with those powers when you run him with hammernators? I don't want to say why to not do it before I hear why you did do it. Fifty points is a lot of little options you could spread out over the list.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Upstate New York


    The idea was for him to take away invuls for the power weapons to really do there stuff and gate was more to get them out of a sticky situation (or into one), prarticularyly if the lr gets fragged. does that make sense or should I re distribute the 50 somewhere else? Oh, and he needs a decent invul himself
    Last edited by Camael; 04-26-2012 at 04:28 PM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Upstate New York


    Or maybe Vulkan? Or how about a master of the forge?
    Last edited by Camael; 04-30-2012 at 08:30 PM.

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