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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Great Britain.

    Default Hypothetical Repoint Discussion.

    Some units in some codicies are badly costed. We all know this.

    Which units would you recost, what values would you recost them to, and why?

    N.B.: Bear in mind that codicies are not meant to be equivelant; a unit with identical stats and equipment should not be identical in cost in two different armies. Think how much more valuable a Land Raider would be to Tyranids, given that they have no APC of their own. You must consider the unit's value in relation to all other units in the army, as well as the army's play style.

    I'd reduce the cost of a no-gun Carnifex to 50 pts. The plasma blast would be 10 pts. Twin-linked devourers would be 35pts, TL deathspitters 20pts, and everything else as it's currently written.

  2. #2


    Give Warriors T5, same cost.

    Everything in the Tau book dropped by 10%, rounding down.

    Chaos Land Raider dropped by 20 points, icon of nurgle by 10 points, drop the cost of TS by 3 points, and the accompanying sorcerer by 20.

    Everything in the GK book increased by 5 points (not wargear)

    Everything in the sisters book by 10%, rounded down.
    Borderline alcoholic and happy about it.
    Don't get your religion mixed with my Constitution. The mixture curdles.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Knoxville, Tennessee, United States


    Quote Originally Posted by L192837465 View Post
    Everything in the GK book increased by 5 points (not wargear)
    A warrior henchman should not be double digits base cost.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by bfmusashi View Post
    A warrior henchman should not be double digits base cost.
    In the GK book, I disagree. Their super cheap cost fills in every gap the marines have, and accordingly should cost that much.
    Borderline alcoholic and happy about it.
    Don't get your religion mixed with my Constitution. The mixture curdles.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Knoxville, Tennessee, United States


    You have to blow an HQ slot to get them and even then there's only one HQ that lest you take more than one squad. If it's that rough Coteaz should be beefed up from his paltry 100pts.

  6. #6


    I started to reply to this string, and then caught myself ranting and raving about the Tau book in general. Then I realized it was four paragraphs long and growing.

    I'll hold off on this one 'til we get the new codex. Cheers!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Barrie, ON


    Jeff and Jim actually repointed GK Strike Squads in the last episode of the TCP Podcast.

    It's worth checking out if you're talking about recosting things.

  8. #8



    Reduce Azrael by 10pts
    Belial by 10pts
    Ezekial by 5pts
    Librarian by 10pts
    Increase cyclones for deathwin by 5pts, and reduce ***-cannons by 5pts
    Reduce dreadnoughts by 10pts
    Tactical marines are harder to put a point on, since they could do with re-written rules.
    Ravenwing Attack Squadron -20pts (to 100pts for base 3, so 200 for 6 without upgrades)
    -10pts on both landraiders (ideally with the option for a Redeemer thrown in)
    -10pts on vindicators
    -15pts on drop pods.

    I'd say -2pts per Flayed One for Necrons.
    -15pts on Szeras
    -5 points on Necron Lords (The Royal Court variety, not Overlords)
    Canoptek Spyders +10pts
    Annihilation Barge +10pts
    Can't decide what the changes in points should be for Lychguard and Praetorians
    +1pt per Scarab

  9. #9


    Imperial Guard:

    Make CCS Carapace Armour upgrade 15pts, give them Krak grenades (bring them into direct line with the Veteran Squads).

    Make Yarrick 160 pts
    Make Straken 115 pts
    Make Kell 70 Pts
    Make Creed 110 pts

    Reduce Ogryn to 25pts per Orgryn, 35 per Bonehead.
    Make Storm troopers 13 pts.

    Harker and Bastonne both at 30 points each.

    Make Vendettas 160 to 180.

    Make Medusas 125

    My biggest beef is that the Characters are either way over priced (Yarrack, Kell, Bastonne, Harker) or under price (Straken and Kell).

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Things that actually need to be fixed in the GK codex:
    Remove Rad/Psykotroke Grenades completely.
    Give Brotherhood Champion 2 wounds.
    Hammerhand doesn't stack.
    Falchions grant +2A
    GKSS Halberds are 3pts, Purifier Halberds are 4.
    Cleansing Flame only hits models in base contact.
    Psycannons are 10pts on Purgation squads, 15pts on Purifiers/Strike Squads, 25 on Terminator/Paladins.
    Psilencers gain an assault profile, and AP2.
    Incinerators are always cheaper than Psycannons.
    Rewrite all Inquisitor stuff.
    Rewrite Crowe.
    Rewrite Techmarines.
    Dreadknight should get guns that make walking a viable option. Personal Teleporter should be more like 40-50pts rather than 75.
    Dreadnoughts are 130pts base, and psybolt ammo is 20pts for them.

    Land Raiders and Storm Ravens in general should get a point decrease, including in other codices.

    There are a few other changes you could make, or slightly different directions you could go with some things like Psilencers, but that should buff the crappy stuff in the codex, nerf or remove the overpowered stuff, without ruining the balanced stuff and removing everything that allows the codex to compete at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by L192837465 View Post
    Everything in the GK book increased by 5 points (not wargear)
    So, you think Brotherhood Champions, Brother Captains, Grand Masters, Strike Squads, Interceptors, Dreadknights, Storm Ravens, Land Raiders, Inquisitors, every henchmen option other than DCAs, Techmarines, Purgation squads, the Assassins are all massively underpriced? I'm glad you're not writing codices for GW. Most of the units on this list are underpowered, and the ones that aren't are priced appropriately for what you get.

    Strike Squads/Interceptors are some of the most balanced units in the codex. Storm Ravens and Land Raiders are overpriced in general. The only good options on Inquisitors are the grenades and the psycannons, and the grenades are broken and should be removed anyways. Techmarines are only ever used to get grenades, they suck otherwise. Purgation squads are decent, but no one uses them because they compete for heavy slots with better options, and they can't score. Brotherhood Champions suck. There's no reason to ever take a Brother Captain when you could take a Grand Master, and the only broken thing about a Grand Master is the grenades again. All the Assassins suck. Yes, even the Vindicare. Other than Death Cult Assassins and cheap Acolytes, all the henchmen options suck, and the only problem with cheap Acolytes is the minimum 12pt scoring vehicle upgrade, not their base point cost.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

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