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  1. #1

    Default best tourney 1850 gk list ?

    I am trying to place an order for my new army I really want to get back into competative play it has been almost 2 years since i have played in a tourney of any kind here are two list i worked up trying to decide which one to go with open to suggestions thanks

    list one

    Hq: crowe


    purifier squad x9 with warding stave x1 incineratorx2 halberds x 4 daemon hammers x 2
    purifier squad x9 with warding stave x1 incineratorx2 halberds x 4 daemon hammers x 2
    purifier squad x9 with warding stave x1 incineratorx2 halberds x 4 daemon hammers x 2
    purifier squad x9 with warding stave x1 incineratorx2 halberds x 5 daemon hammers x 1

    fast attack :
    storm raven x 2

    land raider redeemer with multi melta


    hq :
    grey knight grand master


    2x paladin x6 with 2x incinerators 5x halberds 1x daemon hammer


    2x terminators x 7 1x incinerator 6x halberds 1x daemon hammer

    2x storm raven with multi melta

  2. #2


    I'll just look at your Crowe list, as Purifiers can be the basis of a very good tournament list.

    As it stands, though, your list isn't very good at all.

    Stormravens are not very good unless running an assault-oriented list. Same with your Land Raider. Purifiers are not assault units. They are above average in CC, yes, but they are much more efficient when shooting.

    You hardly have anything to bust tanks. At this points level in tournaments, you should be able to handle mech IG with 12+ AV12 hulls. Incinerators are not an effective use of Purifiers. You need Psycannons, and you need transports.

    Depending on whether you prefer Rhinos or Razorbacks, you have some options. Here are two common Purifier loadouts:

    5 Purifiers 234
    -2 Psycannons, 2 Halberds, 1 Daemon Hammer; Razorback w/ TL Assault Cannon and Psybolt Ammunition


    10 Purifiers 338
    -4 Psycannons, 4 Halberds, 2 Daemon Hammers; Rhino

    I personally prefer the 10-man squads in Rhinos (as they have more staying power in CC), but you can go with either. I would take 4-5 of the Razorback squads, 3-4 of the Rhino squads, or a mix. Slight variations on the wargear are appropriate, and splashing in some Strike Squads is always fun.

    Now that we have your 24" firepower covered, you need something shooty at the 48" range. Dreadnoughts are the best unit for this:

    Dreadnought 135
    -2 TL Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition

    4 BS4 S8 shots at 48" is almost too good to pass up. I recommend 3 of these.

    Here's the Crowe list that I like to play at 1850:

    Crowe 150

    10 Purifiers 325
    -3 Psycannons, 5 Halberds, 1 Daemon Hammer; Rhino

    10 Purifiers 325
    -3 Psycannons, 5 Halberds, 1 Daemon Hammer; Rhino

    10 Purifiers 325
    -3 Psycannons, 5 Halberds, 1 Daemon Hammer; Rhino

    5 Grey Knights 160
    -Psycannon; Razorback w/ TL Heavy Bolter and Psybolt Ammunition

    5 Grey Knights 160
    -Psycannon; Razorback w/ TL Heavy Bolter and Psybolt Ammunition

    Heavy Support
    Dreadnought 135
    -2 TL Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition

    Dreadnought 135
    -2 TL Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition

    Dreadnought 135
    -2 TL Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition


    The list is pretty boring, but it is very effective on the tabletop in my experience. The Purifiers are great at busting transports, and are also great against marines in combat. The Dreadnoughts offer a good amount of long-ranged firepower while the 5-man squads provide fire support from just behind the front lines.

    Hope this helps

  3. #3


    yeah it helps alot thanks. the storm ravens were to get the squads into assault helps alot thought thanks

  4. #4


    The best GK tourney list is the one that loses! OH! /troll

    Just kidding, GKs are my primary army.

    Well according to Adepticon, the GK lists were centered around Coteaz and taking MSU henchmen squads in Razorbacks, (totaling < 100 points per unit.) with psybolt. Purifiers and Psyflemen round out the rest of the list.

    Side note:

    If you're going to take Crowe, I'd highly recommend a second HQ that will bring something to the table in terms of character status. Having Crowe wander around by himself is about as effective as an old Necron C'tan, who you literally just avoid the entire game, phase out, win, (hell I still avoid them in the new codex, they're slow.)

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