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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by jonsgot View Post
    And I believe he was the person responsible for take terminator armour from 3+ on 2 D6 to 2+ on one; and then putting the invulnerable 5+ back later.

    But I wasn't trying to say he is secretly writing rules for GW again. I was wondering what he wanted to put in 4th and if some of the new rules for 6th have come from those ideas. (assuming the rumours are true). We don't know who is writing 5th, I wouldn't be surprised if it is the same author as WFB.

    I don't know what Andy's idea's were. What was so difference about Starship Trooper/Dust Warfare compared to 40K. What was the reacting in your opponents turn all about?
    Loads of differences in DW to 40k. The rules are really streamlined and easy to learn. I posted this somehwere else on BoLS, but here it is again: [url][/url]

    It is the antithesis of cluttered rules. I think I state it in that article, but I'm fairly certain the 'acutal rules' account for only about 40 pages.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by eldargal View Post
    Yes GW reviving the Chambers Manifesto two editions after he left for a radically changed game. The moment someone at GW leaves they become some kind of divine arbiter of all that is good and holy in tabletop gaming, and their return will usher in a golden age for us all, an untold bounty of balanced

    we won't see radical change and perhaps streamlining in 6th edition, but UNLESS something sneaky is going on and he is working in development again they are keeping it secret.
    Sorry couldn't resist an edited out of context. Quote there.

    Yep it does sound like a work of GW fiction. Oh for the return of the Primarch know as Chambers who will lead the Games Workshop to a new age of cheap models, high profitability and growth.
    Rogue Trader since 1991.

  3. #23
    Iron Father
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    Sep 2010
    Vancouver Island, BC


    Quote Originally Posted by jonsgot View Post
    Sorry couldn't resist an edited out of context. Quote there.

    Yep it does sound like a work of GW fiction. Oh for the return of the Primarch know as Chambers who will lead the Games Workshop to a new age of cheap models, high profitability and growth.
    2 out of 3 aint bad

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


    Quote Originally Posted by Deadlift View Post
    2 out of 3 aint bad
    uhm deadlift I hate to drag the argument back in here but they've only got one at the moment, and even that's questionable until we get the report this year.

  5. #25


    I'm not sure they have any? just good dividends from past profits, when they had all 3.

    But back on point. Does Dust or SST have over watch or snap fire?
    Rogue Trader since 1991.

  6. #26


    technicly everything was overwatch and snap fire at the same time . offten the overwatch/snap fire/reactions being different for different type of units
    Chambers hated the "I only roll saves on my opponents turn" or stupid stuff like IG comissar with astr 7 plasma pistol being forced to chop a carnifax with his str 3 sword in hth . His systems were always very fluid for example , while you technicly there was your and your opponent turn , you still did tons of stuff on your opponents turn . you move your dude inside the reaction range of a melee opponent unit they counter charge you . his unit moves in the range of your shoty unit they shot , but hey if they also happen to have jump packs they arent stupid , they can for example stand and shot [twice] and probably get eaten but kill more or they can jump pack shot durning flight [less accurate ] or jump back land and shot [more accurate but stuff maybe out of range for some models] . Imagine stuff like that . Your 6 man assault sm unit with a flamer and sgt with a fist gets charged by a unit of 30 boyz with a nob . dudes are dead meat . in the "Chambers world" they jump over orc unit fire their pistols and flamer in mid flight [killing zounds of orcs] and land on the other side of the now mostly dead orc units , but this jump brings them in to the range of the orc loota units . dakka happens , RAS die . this triggers your captins "suffer not the alien to live" one per game rule and he drops a lance barrage on the lootaz . very dynamic , very fluid , very skirmish . non of the "and now let me roll for those 5 psybacks and 4 rifle man and 17 psycannons , you can go to sleep I wake you up when its save doing time"we get in w40k.

  7. #27
    Iron Father
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    Vancouver Island, BC


    Quote Originally Posted by daboarder View Post
    uhm deadlift I hate to drag the argument back in here but they've only got one at the moment, and even that's questionable until we get the report this year.
    Point taken, back under the bridge I go

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by jonsgot View Post
    I'm not sure they have any? just good dividends from past profits, when they had all 3.

    But back on point. Does Dust or SST have over watch or snap fire?
    Had you read the gameplay overview I wrote, you'd know that yes, there are reactions.

    You can make them when a unit moves w/in 12 inches of you or when your unit is being fired at. It requires you to have an action available.

    @ Jeske-- Sentences, man, good god use sentences. Reading your blocks of text is horrible WITHOUT formatting issues making it harder to read. But you do have a good point. His ruleset for Dust Tacticts engages both players during every turn phase which, IMO, is a very good thing.

  9. #29


    Never have bought the thing about Andy Chambers jumping ship with a rulesset.

    Why? Well, like pretty much like every company in the world, anything developed on company time, especially on the company pound, is owned by them, not the author. Heck, if I wrote something and submitted it to GW, it's theirs, not mine. It's in the small print for submissions.

    And since GW would likely have the notes and that on their own IT System, had Mongoose obtained these from Mr Chambers, that would be a pretty open and shut 'stop stealing our property' type court case, and likely very expensive for Mongoose.

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