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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Southampton, England


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Mystery View Post
    Not so bothered or surprised by the Imperium centricity. The Galaxy is effectively the Imperium, and to be honest a xenos themed history would just be....weird.
    No, the Imperium is spread throughout the galaxy. That doesn't mean it owns all of that space. It's not like ancient empires on Earth where you almost always had borders which expanded outward and everything within them was yours. (I know this wasn't always the case, but it was in the majority.)

    There are a massive amount of other races and factions spread throughout the galaxy all occupying parts of it (the Tau are just a fairly prominent example of this), they just aren't displayed on all of the maps of the galaxy because that would take ages to do. Despite what Ward would have you believe, the point in 40k is that the Imperium of Man is assailed on all sides, inside and out by all manner of aliens and heretics, and they fight their hardest to hold out in the sectors of the galaxy which they do own.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Anggul View Post
    No, the Imperium is spread throughout the galaxy. That doesn't mean it owns all of that space. It's not like ancient empires on Earth where you almost always had borders which expanded outward and everything within them was yours. (I know this wasn't always the case, but it was in the majority.)

    There are a massive amount of other races and factions spread throughout the galaxy all occupying parts of it (the Tau are just a fairly prominent example of this), they just aren't displayed on all of the maps of the galaxy because that would take ages to do. Despite what Ward would have you believe, the point in 40k is that the Imperium of Man is assailed on all sides, inside and out by all manner of aliens and heretics, and they fight their hardest to hold out in the sectors of the galaxy which they do own.
    Yet the Imperium remains the single strongest single entity. Sure, Orks are everywhere Humies go, but they are by no means organised. The Eldar fart around in space in their city sized ships, doing their best to extend their existence. The Tau expand, but remain tiny (can't be that much bigger than Ultramar by my reckoning)

    Whereas not all species will necessarily meet one another given their distribution, ALL know of mankind. Thus the majority view is of and from the Imperium. A good histoical analogy would be the British Empire at it's height. It faced a great many threats, but none truly united. History is very much Britain centric from this era, as the Empire itself is used as a kind of base line. Take a major Imperial event, and events from outside the empire are referred to it. Exactly the same with 40k.
    Last edited by Mr Mystery; 06-29-2012 at 03:38 PM.
    Fed up for Scalpers?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Miami, Florida


    I don't mind an Imperium filled book, but as Eldar Gal said the Xenos get some space at least. They do deserve it after all. I'll just get my Xenos fill from the codices. I won't bother with the original version of the BRB though. Starter set for me all the way. Lots of marines for my Chaos Legions is just what I need.

    By the way thanks for giving us your thoughts on 6th ed, Eldar Gal. I'm away on a trip in another country and it saddens me that I won't be there for the starting run of the book.

  4. #14


    I like it. It's a nicely made book. The rules aren't a big departure from the last edition but I think it will make for a fun game. The new psychic powers look like they'll be fun and remember to not put the melta-guy up front. Unless they're fire dragons....I think the eldar knew about the coming wound allocation system and went with redundant units. I'm waiting for the stories to come in about dudes taking a whole units fire to the face and coming back for more.
    Also, it's the end of wound allocation shenanigans (i.e biker nobz and paladins). I like it.

  5. #15


    Yes it isn't the fact that the Imperium is the dominant fluffholder in teh book, it is the fact the book increased in size 33% or thereabouts and the amount of space dedicated to xenos halved.

    Also the book actually says while the IoM is the largest entity in the galaxy, it doesn't even control teh majority of habitable planets. So peopel conflating the galaxy wit hthe IoM are really taking it too far.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Sure View Post
    I like it. It's a nicely made book. The rules aren't a big departure from the last edition but I think it will make for a fun game. The new psychic powers look like they'll be fun and remember to not put the melta-guy up front. Unless they're fire dragons....I think the eldar knew about the coming wound allocation system and went with redundant units. I'm waiting for the stories to come in about dudes taking a whole units fire to the face and coming back for more.
    Also, it's the end of wound allocation shenanigans (i.e biker nobz and paladins). I like it.
    So I heard on dakkadakka that paladins are considered Inf(CH) in the appendix. If this is true, shenanigans still exist, because then each paladin is allowed to LOS a wound on a 4+ to a paladin that doesn't already have one. =( I hate paladins. And this is coming from a GK player. Ordos Xenos ftw. Deathwatch forever!

  7. #17


    50% chance of transferring a wound to an unwounded paladin is a whole lot better than 100% chance in 5th.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  8. #18


    Very true, but I think there will be some nice shenanigans with tough characters leading squads. I can already see me bring a White scars bike captain with a 2+/3++ and PF to lead my FnP Assault Marines. You can shoot lascannons and missle launchers at him all day, he's going to make most of those saves, and if he fails he's got 3 wounds. If you manage to get him to one, he can just LOS on a 2+ to a marine. I know you can position to make him not the closest model. But unless your super fast and close, an experienced player won't leave you that option. And the Marine will be on you in two turns, minus a wound or two from their captain.

    I'm just starting in on this, wait until I get my rulebook. I didn't run wound allocation shenanigans in 5th, but I became an expert on them to screw over WAAC players. I think I'll repeat that ideaology in 6th.

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by eldargal View Post

    A full list of weapons in the game is provided but only two are given the new skyfire rule, leaving most codices completely incapable of combatting flyers, at least until race spcific FAQs are released. This is a really odd oversight.
    I think saying "completely incapable" is a bit harsh , deal with Flyers the same way you do in Apoc - weight of fire. They're a bit easier to take down as well without the -12" rule.

    Most flyers are armor 10-12 so you only need Str 6 or 7 weapons.

    Had a rifleman dreadnought that downed a stormraven + stormtalon 1 turn after another when they were using the apoc flyer rules.

  10. #20


    I'm minially annoyed they nerfed barage weapons and made it that if you disembark period you cant assault that same turn. They really reined in you're ability to assault and when. Now my Vet Guard can't monkey stomp marines on a turn one assault anymore :'(!

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