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  1. #1

    Default So I'm back after a power outage...

    Power went out here Friday at 3ish and came back on earlier today while I was at work.

    So...Did I miss anything newsworthy in the 40Kverse?

    In the meantime, this is a radar composite of what hit the area:

    About where that "91" is me.

    And it looks like we got hit by a flamer or other template weapon. And now, I can actually read the 6th edition book in normal indoor light.
    I'm thinking it'd probably turn out more like Daleks playing Quiddich. "It is the Potter!! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! " (someone I know on twitter)

  2. #2


    Games Workshop announced a merger with Privateer Press to produce a game called Warmahordes 40K


    sorry couldn't resist

    as an Ontario lad that crap came damn close sorry for you though
    Tales from Original WFRP. My Troll-Slayer would be a terror with his axe, then my friend's Tax-Collector would hit the foul beasty with his cane and usually get the killing blow.

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