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  1. #1

    Default 2500pt Dark Eldar for 6th: The Need for Speed

    I like speed, fire power, and redundancy. I picked the Razorwings over the ravagers because I like the models better (and they are flyers!) and reavers just because they are so damn fun and are very fast and now resilient melta platforms. I am considering 2 squads of 9 reavers instead of 3 of 6 reavers because of more damage output even though it will have a larger footprint but I am still split on that (ha! get it!). Without further ado:

    Archon 75pts
    w/ Blaster

    3 Trueborn 156pts
    w/ 3 Blasters, Venom w/ 2 Splinter Cannons, Night Shields

    4 Trueborn 183pts
    w/ 4 Blasters, Venom w/ 2 Splinter Cannons, Night Shields

    4 Trueborn 183pts
    w/ 4 Blasters, Venom w/ 2 Splinter Cannons, Night Shields

    5 Warriors 135pts
    w/ Blaster, Venom w/ 2 Splinter Cannons, Night Shields

    5 Warriors 135pts
    w/ Blaster, Venom w/ 2 Splinter Cannons, Night Shields

    5 Warriors 135pts
    w/ Blaster, Venom w/ 2 Splinter Cannons, Night Shields

    5 Warriors 135pts
    w/ Blaster, Venom w/ 2 Splinter Cannons, Night Shields

    5 Warriors 135pts
    w/ Blaster, Venom w/ 2 Splinter Cannons, Night Shields

    5 Warriors 135pts
    w/ Blaster, Venom w/ 2 Splinter Cannons, Night Shields

    6 Reavers 196pts
    w/ 2 Heat Lances, 2 Cluster Caltrops

    6 Reavers 196pts
    w/ 2 Heat Lances, 2 Cluster Caltrops

    6 Reavers 196pts
    w/ 2 Heat Lances, 2 Cluster Caltrops

    Razorwing 165pts
    w/ 4 Monoscythe Missiles, Flicker Fields, Night Shields

    Razorwing 165pts
    w/ 4 Monoscythe Missiles, Flicker Fields, Night Shields

    Razorwing 165pts
    w/ 4 Monoscythe Missiles, Flicker Fields, Night Shields


    I still don't know what to do with the last 10 points, I could drop 2 Blasterborn and equip some warriors with haywire grenades as a suicide tank buster unit or upgrade one reaver to a squad leader. I am a little reluctant to drop the night shields now that rapid fire weapons are move and fire even more so before. I have had a lot of luck and use out of them even in 5th.

  2. #2


    could add some more trueborn or razorwings if you dropped the bikes or vice versa with the now being able to doublt force org.

    i like it though

    with the last 10 points give the archon a venom blade or something

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