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  1. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by darth_papi76 View Post
    I think I'm beginning to get the hint from GW/FW..."we don't want anyone playing Eldar anymore."
    Please do stop playing eldar.. ill keep doing it and doing very well.. FLYERS are not the end all be all

    i took most of this in jest until this comment...."Seriously though, it isn't about sympathy more just some acknowledgement that Eldar players have had to put up with an awful lot in the past decade so when they get a bit cranky there are actual reasons for it..." scuse me? get over yourself already

    my god your army still is a viable option if you just learned how to play it
    you whine about all the psychers in the other armies yet you can butt cold stop them all from ever casting anything.. and yet you whine

    you havent had a book in how long you waited half the time the orks and wolves and DE players did so shut up already (dark eldar got a book that was worse then the one before) and is even more so in 6th

    templars are older then yours is and now they are unplayable.. eldar are still a very viable army in 6th and more so when the next dex is out templars wont have a dex for 3 years at the soonest so for 3 years an army i have played for 10 years will sit on the shelf as they are unplayable you get 0 sympathy from the rest of us

    RUNES OF WARDING ... nuff said... and you whine about njal 3+ to negate your casting? hypocrites
    oh yeah ghost helm.. STOP for the love of god stop whining about your psychic nerf.. your preaching to def ears

    vibro cannons... end armor and flyers... a 50 point model that can kill any flyer in the game in 1 round.. i feel so sorry for you

    wraithguard end armor and alot of other stuff
    pathrfinders now have a valid purpose

    wahhhhh we dont own the skies our... 4+ save nothing over str 8 1d6 super boost is gone now ill cry some purple panther tears for you..

    maybe you should read the new rule set and adjust your armies like everyone one else has too

    face it the eldar still are a major force they have to do it slightly different now oh boy.. ill actually feel sorry for you if they army is unplayable and un winnable but it isnt.. dont post a whining rant and claim its in jest it doesnt come across in jest and all it does is make those who play multiple armies laugh at you
    Last edited by rle68; 07-08-2012 at 09:56 AM.

  2. #82


    The Eldar players are just annoyed that they were outsmarted by Creed.
    Red like roses, fills my dreams and brings me to the place where you rest...

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Portland, ME


    Quote Originally Posted by rle68 View Post
    Please do stop playing eldar.. ill keep doing it and doing very well.. FLYERS are not the end all be all

    <snipping all the drivel>
    ...spoken as a person who has no effing clue what he's talking about.

    Do you realize that out of all the things you listed, NONE of it can be considered a buff, but rather maintaining the status quo?

    Runes of Wardng is just as effective as it always has been and I guarantee you that, thanks to worthless diatribes like yours, it will get nerfed in the next edition of the codex.

    Its arguable as to whether vibrocannons even work on flyers - and they don't do anything better than they did already.

    The only thing that are actually BETTER are pathfinders and rangers - but even that's arguable since cover saves as a whole have been nerfed.

    The nightwing is a nothing more than a land speeder as far as resilience is concerned yet costs 145 pts. Since the save went from a 4++ to a 5+ cover save its value has dropped precipitously. Those of us that have flyers (I have three nightwings and a phoenix) and have enjoyed using them in the past, are all of a sudden wondering why we even take them when other things such as warp spiders, shining spears and hornets are much more attractive.

    Alsothe fact that now in apoc, they are incredibly nerfed. When playing on our standard 12 foot wide table, they're going to be mostly worthless since they either have to risk deepstriking or come on from a table edge then spend 4 turns getting in range

    My gaming group - which are usually a bunch of hard-***** when it comes to playing by the rules, have all agreed that the nerfs to the Eldar titan holofields are ridiculous and have agreed to play as it was in 5th until FW fixes the issue.

  4. #84


    Quote Originally Posted by Defenestratus View Post
    The only thing that are actually BETTER are pathfinders and rangers - but even that's arguable since cover saves as a whole have been nerfed.
    A little over-dramatic, don't you think?

    The Avatar and lists based around him grew in power thanks to the loss of No Retreat.

    Runes of Warding may work the exact same as previously but given the nerf to psychic defenses like the psychic hood, it is an amazing buy for its point value.

    Phoenix Lords, while still lackluster overall, still managed to gain a boost due to the power weapon changes since they all have 2+ armor.

    Fire Dragons are even better at hunting vehicles since they get +2 on the damage chart and can reroll their penetration rolls.

    Artillery received a HUGE boost since they are T7, W2, and 3+ armor and thus far more survivable.

    Jetbikes also gained a huge boost. A permanent toughness increase and not the stupid parenthesis crap like in previous editions is a huge boost. Turboboosting 36" is marvelous given that our jetbikes are scoring troops. A permanent 5+ cover save? Hell yes!

    Warp Spiders gained a great deal since they can once again penetrate vehicles (not like they needed to with HP).

    I could go on. So please, keep the melodramatic rants to yourself. I play Eldar, have played Eldar for 20 years, and 6th edition gave us some sizeable boosts over 5th editon (I'm talking about the main game, not apocalypse). Eldar have been in worse spots on the power totem pole before.
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  5. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by Defenestratus View Post
    ...spoken as a person who has no effing clue what he's talking about.

    Do you realize that out of all the things you listed, NONE of it can be considered a buff, but rather maintaining the status quo?

    Runes of Wardng is just as effective as it always has been and I guarantee you that, thanks to worthless diatribes like yours, it will get nerfed in the next edition of the codex.

    Its arguable as to whether vibrocannons even work on flyers - and they don't do anything better than they did already.

    The only thing that are actually BETTER are pathfinders and rangers - but even that's arguable since cover saves as a whole have been nerfed.

    The nightwing is a nothing more than a land speeder as far as resilience is concerned yet costs 145 pts. Since the save went from a 4++ to a 5+ cover save its value has dropped precipitously. Those of us that have flyers (I have three nightwings and a phoenix) and have enjoyed using them in the past, are all of a sudden wondering why we even take them when other things such as warp spiders, shining spears and hornets are much more attractive.

    Alsothe fact that now in apoc, they are incredibly nerfed. When playing on our standard 12 foot wide table, they're going to be mostly worthless since they either have to risk deepstriking or come on from a table edge then spend 4 turns getting in range

    My gaming group - which are usually a bunch of hard-***** when it comes to playing by the rules, have all agreed that the nerfs to the Eldar titan holofields are ridiculous and have agreed to play as it was in 5th until FW fixes the issue.
    i actually know more then you do obviously
    vibro cannons do affect flyers there is no debate if you dont know that then you should stop playing as you have no idea at all what the fff you are talking about trying reading your own codex before you open your yap.

    no one is speaking about bs apoc games... apoc itself means nothing in the scheme of 40k by itself competetive 40k play has 0 to do with apoc

    ohhh wahhh we dont like the rules we wont play by them .. read all that i ever need to read from you go back to the sandbox but leave your ball well still play

  6. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by Chronowraith View Post
    A little over-dramatic, don't you think?

    The Avatar and lists based around him grew in power thanks to the loss of No Retreat.

    Runes of Warding may work the exact same as previously but given the nerf to psychic defenses like the psychic hood, it is an amazing buy for its point value.

    Phoenix Lords, while still lackluster overall, still managed to gain a boost due to the power weapon changes since they all have 2+ armor.

    Fire Dragons are even better at hunting vehicles since they get +2 on the damage chart and can reroll their penetration rolls.

    Artillery received a HUGE boost since they are T7, W2, and 3+ armor and thus far more survivable.

    Jetbikes also gained a huge boost. A permanent toughness increase and not the stupid parenthesis crap like in previous editions is a huge boost. Turboboosting 36" is marvelous given that our jetbikes are scoring troops. A permanent 5+ cover save? Hell yes!

    Warp Spiders gained a great deal since they can once again penetrate vehicles (not like they needed to with HP).

    I could go on. So please, keep the melodramatic rants to yourself. I play Eldar, have played Eldar for 20 years, and 6th edition gave us some sizeable boosts over 5th editon (I'm talking about the main game, not apocalypse). Eldar have been in worse spots on the power totem pole before.
    Thank you well said finally a voice of sanity

  7. #87
    Join Date
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    Sacramento area


    I'm not overly optimistic for Eldar. I was initially pretty excited about the ally rules, since I have both Eldar and Sisters that I could ally with my Grey Knights, but Hull Points alone have hit Eldar pretty hard and Sisters are, well, Sisters, so that excitement has more or less died down. I just can't justify taking them, compared to the awesome GK units that are available.

    Quote Originally Posted by rle68 View Post
    i actually know more then you do obviously
    He's got your grammar, punctuation, and spelling beat by about a decade of schooling, however. And while he may or may not be melodramatic about this, he's also completely correct that most of your points seem to ignore the fact that most of the 'buffs' you've mentioned are status quo, and you've ignored a number of nerfs eldar have gotten. Considering the massive flaws in your analysis of how several other armies will be affected by the changes 6th ed has brought, you really don't seem to know more than he does.

    And, by the way, dismissing an argument with "well, I obviously know more about this than you do" without any justification whatsoever is not a solid counter argument. If you want anyone to take you seriously, you might want to consider that. Putting a minimal amount of effort into the quality of your writing helps as well.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  8. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkLink View Post
    I'm not overly optimistic for Eldar. I was initially pretty excited about the ally rules, since I have both Eldar and Sisters that I could ally with my Grey Knights, but Hull Points alone have hit Eldar pretty hard and Sisters are, well, Sisters, so that excitement has more or less died down. I just can't justify taking them, compared to the awesome GK units that are available.

    He's got your grammar, punctuation, and spelling beat by about a decade of schooling, however. And while he may or may not be melodramatic about this, he's also completely correct that most of your points seem to ignore the fact that most of the 'buffs' you've mentioned are status quo, and you've ignored a number of nerfs eldar have gotten. Considering the massive flaws in your analysis of how several other armies will be affected by the changes 6th ed has brought, you really don't seem to know more than he does.

    And, by the way, dismissing an argument with "well, I obviously know more about this than you do" without any justification whatsoever is not a solid counter argument. If you want anyone to take you seriously, you might want to consider that. Putting a minimal amount of effort into the quality of your writing helps as well.
    posting about typing and offering nothing doesnt hellp your case either..i did make counter points

    spec for spec eldar are every bit as winnable as any army out there and this woe is me rant doesnt hold water

    point blank, i dont have to mention the nerfs the eldar got because they dont affect the game play of the army to the point they whine about we have a right to complain.. no they dont.. the army still is a viable winning dex.. the rules changes didnt change that

    dont really care if you agree or not .. i have played more then fair amount of 40k with almost every army out there..

    and for the nerfs oh noes wytch blades are 2d6 plus str 3 for armor pen now not str 9.. oh noes what r we gonna do .. uhmm singing spears anyone? still str 9... that didnt change

    wave serpents lose the 4+ cover save.. the rest doesnt change not that life altering

    pathfinders using ap1 shots now kill terminators alot easier same as before yes but being able to pick what ones i want to die is a major boost.. look out sir doesnt work when you shoot the melta gun in the 5 man squad..that boost is huge.. and its been overlooked by the ones complaining

    as its been pointed out the status quo as you like to say didnt change for everything but what it does do now versus the new rules is major
    Last edited by rle68; 07-08-2012 at 02:21 PM.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Except for the fact marines have an effective range of 30 to hit with weapons that ignore eldar armour on most units, we have had some major nerf's i do believe that eldar players have overlooked the new psychic powers.

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    BC, Canada


    I have probably 5k points worth of Eldar. Love them. Slay with them. 100% non-cranky nor butt-hurt. I even bought a 1500 points worth of DE to be a fluff enemy only to find out GW consider them brothers in arms. I've played them allies in a foot build and the out come is terrifying (for the enemy :P)!

    Though I appreciate the humor and jabs, Eldar are far from bad. Yes their ages old codex is good for 1 build. And? Tau have a newer book than Eldar and still have no good builds :P.

    Of coarse I have 7 armies total, so I guess I don't count.

    P.S. the Avatar crushes now. Love it!

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