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  1. #1

    Default Nids vs Marines in 6th

    While there are some advantages for Nids in 6th, I can't help but feel things have gotten worse. I played a game of 5th a few nights back which went quite well for a little while, but the same old think happened. I shot at marines with lots of Devaours (22 Devil gaunts , 11 Terimaguants , 10 Gargoyles, 6 warriors and prime, 3 Zonthropesm a Mawloc and even 3 lictors which almost pentitrated that horrible samamander dreadnought with Flesh hooks). Got my meelee units in to close combat (stealers, Hive Tyrant, Mawlock,) but just couldn't punch a big enough hole in the marines. To stop the old. Ok I've wiped out that squad but I can't consulate anywhere useful so I'll just duck into some cover but still get shot to pieces by the remaining squads. So ended up with only my Mawlock left. Needless to say I lost.

    At the end of the game I couldn't see how I could have done much better or had much more luck. I just can't see how Nids are meant to deal with Power Armour.

    Now in 5th I could assault from outflank and run and charge my fleet units in the same turn. Other armies have transports. How do you get your nids into close combat in 6th and make sure there are enough of them alive after all the shooting and over watch to actually do something? I did have some sucess in with Imgarl Stealers, but you can't really on anything that has to be placed in woods. In one game my opponent just stood his men in all the woods so I couldn't place them and lost them the turn the arrived from reserve.

    So has anyone managed to find a good approach with Nids in 6th Ed?
    Are things worst or had it gotton better?
    Rogue Trader since 1991.

  2. #2


    I've been pretty well with my 2k list.

    HQ: Hive Tyrant w/ Wings, Regeneration, Heavy Venom Cannon, and Toxin Sacs

    2x Hive Tyrant w/ Wings, Heavy Venom Cannon, and Toxin Sacs

    Troops: 2x 13 Devilgaunts

    2x Tervigon w/ 3 pychic powers and Toxin Sacs

    Heavy: 2x Tyrannofex w/ Rupture Cannon

    The Tyrants and Tervigons all take their powers from biomancy. So far the only thing that gives me much trouble is Stormravens, but if they every decide to hover I tear them apart. The Hive Tyrants will almost certainly have either Endurance, Iron Arm, or Warp Speed, and with those a single Tyrant can wade through most squads in a turn or two.

    Basically, this is my view of 'Nids in 6th: Flying is your friend, MCs are your friend, and Biomancy is your friend. Use your friends well and you should do just fine.

    Edit: Ymgarl Genestealers are great, it just sounds like you need more area terrain on the board. Forests, craters, and the bases of ruins all count as area terrain. Also, make sure you hit something valuable the turn you come in, because that's the only chance their going to get.
    Last edited by Sam; 07-16-2012 at 05:21 PM.
    "You look at all this gunline and think: 'I could assault with this!'"
    "D*** it, Sam! Stop counting to such high numbers!"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    In one game my opponent just stood his men in all the woods so I couldn't place them and lost them the turn the arrived from reserve.
    If you're playing with an appropriate amount of terrain, this should never be a problem. And you can always sent them out of terrain that's in no man's land.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  4. #4


    If the amount of terrain is low or you are worried about it then just deploy your Ymgarls as a normal unit. Dormant is an option and not a requirment.

    As for Marines, Nids are wrecking them left and right. Your list is lacking crunch. Nids have the most Ignores Armor weapons out of any army.

    Looking at your list I see that you have 3 lictors with rending, a Mawloc MC and that is about it. What does that big brood of warriors with the Prime have? Unless it is Boneswords you ahve very little that takes away the 3+ save.

    That and your target saturation sucks.
    22 Devguants. Thats 66 shots. 33 hits, 16.5 wounds and with a 3+ they will only take @5-6 causualties on average. That will wipe out one combat squad.
    But that is Mathammer. In real life you will be lucky if 1/2 that unit makes it into firing range. All for the price of 220pts. Might work better in a Pod (if you drop to gaunts), but then your at 240pts. How much was that combat squad again?

    I am guessing that the marines are shooting to kill your devguants first, then your Zoans (maybe zoans first if they have a lot of mech), then the Mawloc and then anything else at thier leisure.

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