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  1. #1

    Default Wound allocation Question

    Hi all,

    Yesterday I played my very first 6th edition game (I only play every 6-8 weeks or so).

    We took a long time to look up all the rules and stuff (so we didn't include some 5th edition rule that we know by heart into our game ). Overall it was very enjoyable playing with 6th edition.

    I only have 1 question... the answer probably is very easy but I still want to check to see if we understood the rules correctly (it is the only part of the rules I encountered yesterday that felt a little awkward')
    (I did a quick search in the forums but couldn't find the answer I needed)

    The question concerns wound allocation. I scored 4 wounds on a unit (consisting of a Chaplain and 2 Sternguards - Chaplain in front) so we allocated the first wound to the Chaplain which he saved, second wound to the Chaplain, saved again, third wound to the chaplain...etc... For some he had to use his special Invulnerable save because AP was 3.

    Same happened with a squad of 10 Dire Avengers, I scored 8 hits (template weapon) that had enough AP to penetrate their armour except for the exarch. So the first 4 wounds were on 4 Dire Avengers (which were killed outright) and next in line was the Exarch which promptly saved all 4 remaining wounds assigned to him.

    Is this correct ??

    Do you really keep on assigning wounds to the nearest model until he dies or do you assign 1 wound to the closest 8 models (in the above situation) and let them each take a save.

    We think it is the first possibility (keep assigning until dead, then next) but just wanted to check if we understood the rules correctly

    (It probably is something to get used to - in yesterdays battle the Sternguard I thought I would kill, like in 5th, took out my Land Raider next turn with their 2 combi-meltas )

  2. #2


    Both examples are correct.

  3. #3


    Yes that is how it works.

    Now some gamers will put their big bad *** character up front just so that it can soak up the fire.

    There is both benefit and risk.

    Benefit - is that the character just might survive.

    Risk - is that Las Cannon shot is not save and kills him outright.

    So if you run up against this often then use you movement to get a different angle on the unit you want to shoot so that the easier to kill models are the closest.

    But I always did love to make models dance, which is what you get when you pour a lot of fire into that one unit.

    6th Edition will cause you to think a bit more when it comes to shooting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Austin, TX


    Quote Originally Posted by Eberk View Post

    We took a long time to look up all the rules and stuff (so we didn't include some 5th edition rule that we know by heart into our game ).
    Be careful of this trap. There are a lot of rules that have been tweaked and if you think you know the rule, you probably don't anymore. For instance, Counter-attack is now per model, not one model in a unit gives to all. Fearless, if one model has it the whole unit has it.

    I would suggest reading up on the rules again to make sure you know what they are now.

    If you only play with one or two people and don't care, then whatever. However, I played a game in 5th shortly after I started playing and found a rule that my group had not been playing right for a year. Couple people felt a little cheated having been screwed out of some potential victories because of it.

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