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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Newcastle, UK

    Default Vengance is here, and its dark

    Ok no pics up properly yet. but here is my little project (hopefully more fruitful than my unpainted BA hoard).

    not wanting to do red, but still wanting word bearers. here is my off shoot cohort idea.

    The Byssos Pilgrims
    for those that do not know, the center of the eye of terror is known as the byssos (byssus: filament or wispy tendril in ancient greece), and is the point of which the warp seeps into the real world.

    the WB believed that the pilgrimage would take them where gods met men (covered in first heretic, i shall say no more as to not spoil it for people who have not read it).

    so here is my quick mock up of my scheme for the start of my WB army, with the chaos side of the dark vengance box.

    note the left hand is red as it is the (in real world) hand often used to recieve, so they offer it in supplication.
    i will probably knock up a suitably twisting story about them in the coming week or so as i get them built up and painted.

    the chosen champ, like in the WD will be a fallen chaplain/dark apostle unless a donkey kicking version is released with the new dex
    Last edited by Cpt Codpiece; 09-04-2012 at 04:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Aldershot, Hampshire, United Kingdom


    I like the look of that. I really enjoy seeing Chaos schemes that aren't just one of the traitor legions and your basic fluff, the reasonings behind the scheme and the imagery all seem pretty solid. looking forward to seeing it applied to the models themselves. Especially the hellbrute with that huge red claw
    Always thinking 2 projects ahead of anything I've yet to finish

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Newcastle, UK


    my modified WB force was for the same reasons...... im tired of the same old same old.

    i never realised the helbrutes claw would have been the red one a total Bob Ross happy accident moment.

    im hopefully gonna start tomorrow, so there may be a tester current chaos model up.

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