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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Oakland, California, United States


    I'm glad that you're clear on what makes this list fun for you. I will not suggest that you do anything else with your elites points. As far as I know, there's nothing wrong or foolish about building your list around an elite core that can smash everything in its path. However, if the core of your army is so... direct, the rest of it needs to take care of the triksy.

    Here are a couple of potential suggestions:

    1) Trade one or two of your vindicators for dakka or las predators. If you like vindicators, feel free to keep one.

    2) Trade in one of the tac/rhino squads for a devastator squad.

    3) Turn one of the rhinos into a razorback. Lasbacks and las/plasbacks are popular, but even the standard heavy bolter has a 36' range and gets **** killed.

    4) Put one of your tac squads in a drop pod.

    5) Put Lysander and company in a standard land raider rather than one of the close-range variants - then it can double as anti-tank as it trundles towards enemy lines.

    6) Trade in a tac squad or two for scouts who can infiltrate or outflank as the situation requires it. Scouts with sniper rifles are very killy. Scouts with a missile launcher pack a nasty and surprising punch.

    7) Try adding landspeeders (personally, I prefer Typhoons - the long range combines well with their speed to let them attack enemy vehicles and heavy infantry without fear of reprisal). Potentially, put your scouts in a land speeder storm.

  2. #12


    Excellent suggestions. Based on your input, what would you think of something like this? If nothing else, it would probably receive a decent composition score.

    Lysander 200
    1x5 Hammernators in a Redeemer 440
    3x10 Tacticals w/ Flamer/Multi-Melta in Rhinos 615
    1x10 Scout Snipers w/ Camo Cloaks 170
    2x Typhoons 180
    2x Destructor w/ Lascannon Sponsons 240

    1845 poinrs

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Oakland, California, United States


    Quote Originally Posted by Terminator View Post
    Excellent suggestions. Based on your input, what would you think of something like this? If nothing else, it would probably receive a decent composition score.

    Lysander 200
    1x5 Hammernators in a Redeemer 440
    3x10 Tacticals w/ Flamer/Multi-Melta in Rhinos 615
    1x10 Scout Snipers w/ Camo Cloaks 170
    2x Typhoons 180
    2x Destructor w/ Lascannon Sponsons 240

    1845 poinrs
    Now that is a list. Good job. There are a few things I'd personally do differently, but YMMV.

    • I don't recall if the assault termies being all hammers all the time is important to your fun, but if it isn't, I'd consider letting some of them keep their lightning claws. I think it's a good idea for some of the squad to be hitting on initiative, just in case.
    • I like that you're mixing it up a bit with the flamers/meltas on your tacs, but I'd consider taking it further. Maybe you could decide what each of your three tac squads is for, with meltas/multi-meltas on one, plasma guns/cannons on the other, and something else on the third. Being able to say - to yourself, anyway - "this is my tac squad for killing light infantry, this is my tac squad for killing heavy infantry, this is my tac squad for charging tanks" or even "these are my two tac squads for killing infantry and this is my tac squad for killing tanks" (rather than attempting to configure all three tactical squads as multi-purpose squads) can be a good choice.
    • I think you might get a little more mileage out of one full-on Predator Annihilator (all lascannons) and one Predator Destructor (all dakka) might serve you better. Or maybe not. I've only just started fielding predators myself, so...

    Anyway, I think you're set to win some games. Come back and tell us how it went.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Planet of Sorcerers


    All you need is time and safe passage for you Land Raider to reach destination. You may need to think carefully what target you’ll assault first and where it will probably happen. I would exchange all rhinos for drop pods and drop them in the first turn right where enemy long-range units are (or anything that you think it will threat your Land Raider). I use one vindicator & Defiler in my Thousand Sons army. Two large blasts are very good, three will be even better. But you may somehow find it hard to deploy them in your needed location, especially when you face Tau which has superior range weapons. IMO, if you drop one vindicator, you can purchase two more drop pods and now you can put two dreadnoughts with heavy flamers & Multi-Melta in two drop pods! If you face Tau, drop these two where his troops are (probably in cover) and burn them. So, in summary…
    Lysander 200
    1x5 Terminators w/ Hammers/Shields in a LR Redeemer 440
    2x Dreadnoughts w/ Heavy Flamer & Multi-Melta in drop pods 300
    3x10 Tactical Marines w/ Missile Launcher/Flamer in drop pods 615
    3x Vindicators 230
    1785 points
    You got 65 points to spare for more upgrades, perhaps sth in Tactical marines for better close firefight. You now got 3 of 5 drop pods for first turn, just choose them carefully which one to make drop first. And with only 3 units (LR, 2 vindicators) on the board for the first turn, you can find it more easier to find cover save for them. Three units from drop pod would not be likely destroyed entirely in the first turn and that can draw fire from your LR. Gd Luck!

  5. #15


    All good ideas above, thanks for the responses. I can't say I have any experience with drop pods. But perhaps. In the mean time, I've had some other ideas for my Fists; trying to keep with their fluff and still trying for a hard list.

    Lysander 200
    1x5 Assault Terminators in a Land Raider 450
    3x10 Tacticals w/ Plasmagun/Plasma Cannon in Rhinos 660
    2x2 Attack Bikes w/ Multi-Meltas 200
    2x Vindicators w/ Dozer Blades 240
    1x Thunderfire Cannon 100

    Total: 1850
    Last edited by Terminator; 09-11-2012 at 09:55 PM.

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