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  1. #31
    Abbess Sanctorum
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal2Crusaders View Post
    Well then, an Astartes with Faith and Willpower must be a thousand times better than a mere mortal with faith and willpower.
    My answer to this is quite simple: An Astartes does not know fear, therefor he cannot conquer fear. His willpower is therefor weaker than the common man's, whom knows fear and has conquered it. Oftentimes the very aspect of the Astartes that makes them strong also makes them weak, like a muscle that has been overtrained and suffers for it.
    The mouth of the Emperor shall meditate wisdom; from His tongue shall speak judgment

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    West Midlands, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by L192837465 View Post

    Normal woman suffer something once a month

    Why is it suffering? The only chance we get to commit murder and get away with it .. i call it a blessing.
    If you ever find yourself on fire, never look into a mirror, that could really send you into a panic!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Edmonton, Alberta


    Sisters are a tough army. i've been foiled by the powers of faith more often than not.

    the mini's make great conversions to Slaanesh though. heck all the -][- forces make great conversions to the dark powers. particularly i like the walking throne i saw at the flgs.......
    tied more games than i've won and still have fun every time i lose.

  4. #34
    Occuli Imperator
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    Feast of Blades


    Quote Originally Posted by Melissia View Post
    My answer to this is quite simple: An Astartes does not know fear, therefor he cannot conquer fear. His willpower is therefor weaker than the common man's, whom knows fear and has conquered it. Oftentimes the very aspect of the Astartes that makes them strong also makes them weak, like a muscle that has been overtrained and suffers for it.
    Im going to have to argue with this one... I don't think that your logic here is sound.

    I could easily convey my thoughts by using theology, but to keep myself from getting banned I won't even touch actual religion. . . As such I am going on the opposite side of the spectrum with drug abuse, if this is a sensitive topic for you then feel free to skip the following paragraph.

    Based on your logic I could translate your argument to say that a person who was a drug addict and overcame it is stronger than a person who never was addidicted, becuase he/she didn't have to fight it. I can say that I have known drug/ alcohol addicts and they don't 'get over it,' they learn to live with it... That's why they call themselves addicts after being clean for several years. It is something that haunts them constantly, thus serving as a potential weak link in the chain. Whereas a person who never experienced it has a stronger chain because that specific link isn't weaker.

    Please feel free to openly dispute my argument, should you feel so inclined... Or PM me.

    Duke (Forever)

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal2Crusaders View Post
    Well then, an Astartes with Faith and Willpower must be a thousand times better than a mere mortal with faith and willpower. Because, well he is an Astartes, and as such above mortals. Its like a wildcat, sure they could kill a person, but a person can kill a bear with less trouble than the wildcat could kill a person.
    I believe the Astartes you refer to are called Grey Knights.

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    U.S. Army


    Hey Duke fluff wise our Blood Angels believe they are stronger for risisting the Red Thirst and Black Rage every day. Where as some say they are weak for even haveing this "taint"
    Wouldn't this kinda be along the same lines.

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Duke View Post
    Im going to have to argue with this one... I don't think that your logic here is sound.

    I could easily convey my thoughts by using theology, but to keep myself from getting banned I won't even touch actual religion. . . As such I am going on the opposite side of the spectrum with drug abuse, if this is a sensitive topic for you then feel free to skip the following paragraph.

    Based on your logic I could translate your argument to say that a person who was a drug addict and overcame it is stronger than a person who never was addidicted, becuase he/she didn't have to fight it. I can say that I have known drug/ alcohol addicts and they don't 'get over it,' they learn to live with it... That's why they call themselves addicts after being clean for several years. It is something that haunts them constantly, thus serving as a potential weak link in the chain. Whereas a person who never experienced it has a stronger chain because that specific link isn't weaker.

    Please feel free to openly dispute my argument, should you feel so inclined... Or PM me.

    Duke (Forever)
    I hear what you're saying, and in this particular case I might agree with you, but Mel's point touches on something that's always bugged me about marines, which is that they're ... oversold? There is something distinctly more heroic to me about the Imperial Guard and the Sororitas.

    Marines go where they want, to fight who they want, when they want, on the terms they want. When they do so, they have the advantage of the best of everything the Imperium can provide - the best equipment, the best bioengineering, the best psycho-indoctrination.

    They can do plenty of things that ordinary forces can't do, even ordinary spec ops like storm troopers, but at the end of the day, they're still just glorified spec ops. There's plenty of things that ordinary forces do that marines either can't or won't. Try asking a space marine chapter to do what the Death Korps did on Vraks and they'll laugh in your face. Is Armageddon being overrun? Well, too bad - the Blood Angels lost a hero, so they're going home for the funeral. The Inquisition needs help? Well, they'll think about it. If the going gets too rough, they'll just leave, or never arrive at all. When they do arrive, they decide what their objectives are, and you just have to hope that their objectives are useful to you. If their objectives screw over your war effort, well, too bad. At the end of the day, the most important thing to a space marine is ... space marines. They may be badasses, but they're also insufferable gits.

    That's much less true for the Sororitas. The Orders Militant are less like independent nations and more like soldiers. They don't have the luxury of saying, "Sorry, too many of us will die if we do that vitally important thing you've just asked us to do." The just front up and do it. Faced with the choice between the death of a battle-brother and the death of a pious, unquestionably loyal civilian, a space marine will let the civilian die. I'm not so sure that a sister would do the same.
    Last edited by Nabterayl; 10-02-2009 at 01:19 PM.

  8. #38


    Its all a bit "Macho women with guns" for my taste. You just know that they were thought up by some twisted little perve with a leather fetish.

    I can picture the scene..........

    "We need to make a new SOB Codex"
    "Bring out the Gimp!"
    "Gimps sleeping"
    "Well wake him up!"

    He cant write the next one yet, someone got medieval on his ***.
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Detroit, Michigan


    Personally I love the "badass chicks with guns" aspect of the SoB. Hell, they were my first army. I ran SoB with soem inducted Guard, until I seg-wayed into Guard entirely.

    If the SoB weren't so expensive, I'd still be running em.

    And I do like the human armies more than the superhuman ones. My friend regularly kicks my *** with his chaos marines, but in my mind I'm more heroic - I'm fighting superhumans with friggin lasguns and ******* flak armor.

    So keep it up, Mel. If you ever want to start a campaign to get GW to update the Sisters, you have my axe.

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Minneapolis, MN


    My #1 rant about the 40k world is that there are so few female models, and that's my only real complaint with the Sisters. It's like GW put all of the females into one army so that they didn't have to bother putting females anywhere else.

    I'm always surprised how much it bothers people to see females in terminator armor. "But . . . but . . . women can't fight like that. It's just wrong." You are playing a game with aliens and daemons and people who shoot psychic power out of their fingertips, and you can't accept that a superhuman woman with powered armor and 40th century weaponry can fight? Or if she does, she is only a sex object and not just a badass character? What does that say about you?

    That's what is so awesome about sisters. They aren't superhuman and they don't rely as heavily on technology as the space marines do, and they are still badass. And they don't have to wear chainmail bikinis to do it.

    I'm currently building a female terminator HQ to count as Logan Grimnar. I'll enjoy the fits of apoplexy from some of the guys.
    Last edited by Lerra; 10-02-2009 at 02:16 PM.

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