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Thread: Reaver Titans

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    U.S. Army

    Default Reaver Titans

    I've been getting ready to tackel a very large project, 2 Reaver Titans at the end of the month. I've already got a Warhound Titan and decided to go with painting them in the colors of Legio Astraman green/gold (yellow)trim. The Warhound is kitted out with Plasma Blast Gun and Mega Bolter. One Reaver(a) has a Laser Blaster, Gatling Blaster and a Double Barrelled Turbo-Laser. The Other Reaver(b) has a Melta Cannon, Laser Blaster and Apoc Missile Launcher.
    O'yeah and I have done a few Forge World models before, so I got the basics.
    Ok so here are my questions.
    1) Could any body point me to a good sight on putting a Reaver together? Preferably something that includes weapon magnitizing or some method of switching weapons out.

    2)Any good suggestions on bases for these. size/material

    3) Any input from anyone who has done a Reaver. Problems? Things to watch out for?

    4)Good paint mixes to get an effect like the hip joints on the Forge World Reaver posted on Forge World web page?

    Thx alot in advance for any suggestions.
    "I have seen what you will see. I have fought what you must fight, and I have slain what you must slay...." Commander Dante

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Sydney, Australia


    Here's my build, with weapon magnetisations, basing ideas and some pointers:


    The trickiest part is the toe assembly, as it all really needs to be painted before assembly, but assembly is a royal pain to fit together, so it then needs to be re-painted.

    Feel free to ask any specific questions you have about anything I did or you're wondering about

  3. #3


    I've got a reaver myself (built. painting is such a hughe project that I'll be holding out and prolly train on a warhound first).

    for basing I really like the old semi-clear palstic 5" ordnance tempaltes. one for each foot is just what fits well.

    magnetizing is really simple (if you can either get rubber tubes or are ok with going without tubes between titan and guns). glue the arm into the titan but fit some hughe (1cm*1cm round did it for me in pairs) magnets between the actual weapon and the arm.

    thos works both for the meltagun and laserblaster (didnt do other weapons yet).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    U.S. Army


    Wow Gotthammer thx that is just what i was looking for. I'll definately be reading over this alot this month to make sure i got your tips down. I really like the technique to align the pinning holes, so much easier then what i did with my Warhound.

    Thx Xas I hadn't even considered rubber tubes, think i'll have to go back and try that out on my Warhound (couldn't get those damn resin ones to shape right)
    With useing the templates as a base, hows the stability for the legs? I would assume that haveing them seperate could cause problems in the long run.
    "I have seen what you will see. I have fought what you must fight, and I have slain what you must slay...." Commander Dante

  5. #5


    Hey I have done a few Titans and warhounds now as commissions and magnets just dont seem work becuase they have to be so strong to hold the weight of the weapons they will eventually crack by slapping together too hard. I have went to using a bolt system on both. On the photo of the red warhound you can see the bolts that are lying under the legs. I jusr run a bolt through the shoulder pad down through the weapon joint and carefully out the bottom of the weapon. I then just put a hex on the end of it and tighten it. This allows the weapon to swivel freely and be switched out easily. Hop this helps. The bolts for the reaver are hidden under the shoulder armor plates (pretty convient). You can probably find more pictures on my website gallery at [url][/url]

    See the bolts lying under the legs!

  6. #6


    Didnt win the lottery! Maybe next week........

    I'll take two of those! lol
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  7. #7


    you kill me. I hope you win the lottery soon as I think your requests alone would keep me busy for an entire year.

  8. #8


    there is one simple fix to save stronger magnets from breaking because of impact force:

    shield them with a layer of <GW clear plastic> (the stuff blisters are made off).

    it will not keep paint on it for long but realistically you are never going to see the spot anyways. the plastic does have the right thickness and flexibility so your magnets dont get shattered through it either and it also doesnt kill the mangetism too much (like some plastics do...)

  9. #9


    thats a great idea. I tried painting a bunch of paint over the magnet to sften the blow but it didnt work. I will have to give the plastic a shot.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Phoenix, Arizona (USA)


    I have set of templates for both the old AC Reaver (Goth and Hun variants) and the current FW Reaver (Mars variant). I can either point you in the right direction (if I can remember where I got them) or e-mail them to you.


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