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  1. #1

    Default 2000 Point in your Face Grey Knight

    Been tossing around an agresive list utilizing the Inticeptor Squads and Dreadknights. Figgured best option for an HQ with this list would be Mordrak as he can get into the frey fairly quick as well. Currious what people think in terms of fun, playability, and tournement.
    Any sugestions for ways to improve this would be awesome as well. Thanks.

    [code]Grand Master Mordrak
    5 ghost knights, 1 brotherhood banner

    Grey Knight Strike Squad
    Razorback- Twin-Linked Lascannon
    Grey Knight Strike Squad
    Razorback- Twin-Linked Lascannon
    Vindicare Assassin

    Fast Attack
    Grey Knight Interceptor Squad
    Justicar w/ Nemesis Daemon Hammer
    10 strong with 1 psycannon and psybolts
    Grey Knight Interceptor Squad
    Justicar w/ Nemesis Daemon Hammer
    10 stron with 1 psycannon and psybolts

    Heavy Support
    Nemesis Dreadknight
    Personal Teleporter and Heavy Incinerator

    Nemesis Dreadknight
    Personal Teleporter and Heavy Incinerator

    The main idea with the list is with Mord, Inticeptors, and the Dread Knights to give an in your face harrasment turn one. The vindicare and the Strike squads/razorbacks are firebases and long range harasement.THis was a list I was toying around with before 6th edition, my issue than was there was too many power weapons floating around and I found my Dreadknights falling like flies. Now it seems they have a better chance of survival. Major weakness I think I might have is a Lack of anti air. Not sure what I should do about that. Once again any ideas to build upon a fast in your face list with the Knights is awesome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Lincoln, England


    Could consider adding a librarian to mordrak's unit with warp rift and shrouding, among other things. Drop him in right next to a vehicle or low I unit and cause mayhem.

    As for the list as a whole? It'd be fun to play but I don't see you winning many games. You need to max out your psycannon compliment on the interceptors to bring them to full efficiency, same to the strikes.

    You need more troops if you want to be competitive, and you'd need to lose interceptors or NDKs to get them. Honestly the best use I've found for mordrak is as a distraction. Drop him in next to the enemy line and run into terrain (ideally 4+ or better) and let them unload everything into drak' while the rest of your army does its thing.

  3. #3


    I usually field a Librarian with Mordrak, but after a few nasty wipes with it(600 points in one squad is too tempting a target) Ive dropped it.

    Yeah I know I need more psycanons in the interceptor groups. The issue is what to drop to pick those up? Is it worth taking the psybolt upgrades in those squads? I'm not sure what is most effective or a better deal there. The Strike squads are 5 man squads. Nothing in terms of upgrades. The Razorback with them is to be long range harassment/tank hunting.

    More troops. Always seems to be my problem. If mission calls for it I have the Grand Strategy. But it may not be enough. Looking at Mordrak he seems like he would be best in a list that is fast moving and up front right away. I want to find a list to make him shine. Besides him my problem is Ive found interceptors got swatted down every time I've used them. I'm still trying to figure best way to compliment them with an army build. And the Dreadknight- I think they work best when you have two of them. Having one seemed to be a fire magnet and not much I can do about that.

    I know everyone is tired of Draigo-wing and Purifier spam. I find them a bit boring. Grey Knights have other 'toys' ANd I just want to find out how to use them in a tournament setting. This seemed a way to highlight some in a list that worked off of the synergy of the other units.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Lincoln, England


    Well, grey knights need a few things in a list that your army, honestly, lacks.

    Firstly, you need a solid core. 4+ strike squads with cannon and transport fill this role - leaving full strike squads without gear suggests you mean to hide them to use as scoring units, keeping at least 10% of your army out of the fight from the get-go, and even if forced into combat range, they then lack the equipment to function properly. Furthermore, at 2k, 2 troops units just isn't enough. As for the razorbacks, if you want fire power, twinlinked assault cannons with psybolt ammo will be more useful overall.

    Dread knights are basically there to be fire magnets. If you can accept that they'll get 1 good turn of warp shunt'y goodness then take the opponents fire from your lines, they did well.

    Interceptors are a specialist support unit, but I can't stress that they are a support unit. They need a core to work around, and they shouldn't ever see combat besides the odd few regular infantry as mop-up. If your list is a good example to go by, I'd guess you play interceptors as part of your 'core' when you use them, in which case, they are only marines so will die as easily. As mobile as they are, 'ceptors work best on the flanks, using terrain to shield themselves and picking off lone targets. This also puts them in a good position to utilize warp quake. An exception to the 'no combat' rule is vehicles, and your justiciar could do worse than taking a hammer to handle just those, or certain other mop-up operations (solo characters are actually a good target).

    Psybolt is worth it on 10-man squads, but no less.

    Mordrak is a brilliant distraction unit, or if your opponent ignores him, he becomes a brilliant line-breaker. Unfortunately, grey knights don't really have the ability to alpha-strike without paying too much for what you get. Not this way anyhow. I have used an interesting combination that includes mordrak and a lot of jokaero and dreadnoughts with strikes in razors. Worked well enough as 'drak distracted while the REAL threat did it's job.

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