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  1. #1

    Default Space Wolves 1500 Point Footslogging Playing Tomorrow Night Need Some Feedback

    I am playing tomorrow night and I threw this list together from the models that I had available ... I could really use some feedback before playing

    Space Wolves 1500 Point Army List

    1 Rune Priest (Terminator Armor, Wolftooth Necklace, Wolf Tail Tailsman, Chooser of the Slain – JOTWW, Living Lighting) – 145 (Attached to the Wolf Guard inside the Drop Pod)

    {4 Wolf Guard (4 Terminator Armor, 3 Combi-Plasma, 3 Wolf Claw, 1 Assault Cannon, 1 Chainfist, Drop Pod) – 242}
    {4 Wolf Guard (4 Terminator Armor, 4 Powerfist) – 172 Pack Leaders for the Grey Hunters}
    1 Lone Wolf (Terminator Armor, Stormshield, Chainfist) – 85

    10 Grey Hunters (2 Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard) - 180
    10 Grey Hunters (2 Plasmagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard) – 185
    10 Grey Hunters (2 Plasmagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard) – 185
    10 Grey Hunters (2 Plasmagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard) – 185

    5 Long Fangs (4 Missile Launchers) – 115

    Total Points = 1494
    {All Wolf Guard are part of the same unit - 4 are broken off for pack leaders to the Grey Hunters the rest are in the Drop Pod with the Rune Priest}

    The list is pretty straight forward, 10 man grey hunter units with a wolf guard terminator march forward the entire game while the lone wolf hunts armor or monstrous creatures. I know the list could use a few more long fangs but I do not have any spare missile launcher bits around (going to ebay some next month). The drop pod rune priest and wolf guard terms are suppose to drop and pop a high value target and be a distraction while the rest of the army advances.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Oakland, California, United States


    Not bad. I don't know much about Space Wolves, but I can see how this list would be tough to crack in some ways. With so many units on foot, you'll have to be canny to make sure that your opponent doesn't outmaneuver you, isolate your forces, and cut you apart piece by piece, but that doesn't make it a bad list - just be aware of your weaknesses.

    The only thing I wonder about is the meletaguns on that one squad of grey hunters. Are they really likely to get close enough to an enemy to put them to good use? It's not easy to prioritize destroying that one squad. I think you'd do better with more plasma.
    ElectricPaladin Paints:
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  3. #3


    They are mainly there in case of AV 14 or dreads / killaclans - also thinking about cutting the drop pod and marching the Rune Priest unit on foot ... I have a feeling that unit would be focused to death and there goes 300+ points and a warlord off the bat
    Last edited by Whereswaldo; 10-03-2012 at 08:37 PM.

  4. #4


    Space Wolves 1500 Point Army List

    1 Rune Priest (Terminator Armor, Wolftooth Necklace, Wolf Tail Tailsman, Chooser of the Slain – JOTWW, Living Lighting) – 145 (Attached to the Wolf Guard unit)

    {4 Wolf Guard (4 Terminator Armor, 3 Combi-Plasma, 3 Wolf Claw, 1 Assault Cannon, 1 Chainfist) –207}
    {4 Wolf Guard (4 Terminator Armor, 4 Powerfist) – 172 Broken off as Pack Leaders for the Grey Hunters}
    1 Lone Wolf (Terminator Armor, Stormshield, Chainfist) – 85

    10 Grey Hunters (2 Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard) - 180
    10 Grey Hunters (2 Plasmagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard) – 185
    10 Grey Hunters (2 Plasmagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard) – 185
    10 Grey Hunters (2 Plasmagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard) – 185

    6 Long Fangs (4 Missile Launchers, 1 Lascannon) – 155

    {All Wolf Guard are part of the same unit of 8 - 4 are broken off for pack leaders to the Grey Hunters}

    Total Points = 1499
    Last edited by Whereswaldo; 10-03-2012 at 09:00 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Lincoln, England


    Pros: A lot of models all told, including a fair number of terminators.

    Cons: Lacks mobility, certain units have been overspent on, lack of ranged support.

    Terminator pack leaders on shooty units shouldn't bother with fists. Stick to a power weapon as you'll be wanting to take a lot of shooting on your 2+ save, and he'll likely die before using the fist. At most a claw.

    Combi plasmas are great, but you would likely see more use from combi-meltas and a drop pod. Also, if you're not getting transports then your long fangs will want a pack leader - ideally with a cyclone missile launcher.

    The lone wolf is fine, but consider a combi-melta and deep striking.

    As EP said, meltas on a footslogging unit might be a little dodgy.. Seriously consider a pod or rhino for them (possibly at the expense of the pack leader). Same to the other hunter units tbh.

    Also seriously consider finding room for another long fang unit..they rock.

  6. #6


    -Well of the possible matchups there is a really good chance to go up against orcs and nids (low initative) ... with the monstrous creatures the fist gives me a shot at putting solid wounds on it in melee without it = /
    - Space Wolves cannot deep strike so the lone wolf with a combi melta would be a waste (chain fist and SS makes him a tank / monstrous / character challenge hunter)
    - Next month I plan on adding another long fang squad if not two and drop some of the grey hunters and pack leaders.
    - Later on down the road too I plan to mix in IG allies and go primarius psyker and a 50 man blob of guardsmen with the rune priest leading (master of runes / BRB powers)

    For right now I am just trying out a footslog to get a feel for the play style - thanks for the advice so far, anything else?
    Last edited by Whereswaldo; 10-04-2012 at 07:22 AM.

  7. #7


    Very solid list. Not how I play my Wolves but I guess thats the great thing about the game. Personally I would suggest dropping the 4 Wolf Guard Terminators and the Drop Pod in order to take a unit of 3 Thunderwolves all with Storm Shields. You would have the points available and in my experience TWC really are worth the points investment. Thery give you more mobility, are a scoring unit in one mission (not much of a plus I guess) and really are tank at thining your opponents infantry. Plus they attract so much firepower that you can rely on ur other unnits advancing relativly unscathed. Also I would drop the lone wolf for a drop pod for your Melta Squad if you definately want to keep it. Also maybe consider dropping one Grey Hunter Pack to make room for a second Long Fang Pack, they really do rock (as stated by Seirin). That would infact leave room to keep the lone Wolf I think. Anyway, ramble over and good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    (i am a SW player) the only thing i can add is there is no point in giving your RP a wolf tail. You cant take the save if u have done the almighty no stick(runic weapon) and before anyone says it i know there isnt a lot to be done for 5pts but just in future keep note. The only thing that i would do myself (not saying its what u want to do) is add a second long fang unit. my army at this points has a lot of plasma and a lot of lascannons. On a side note i do like your list.

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