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View Poll Results: Which of the 3 ideas would you like to see converted into a full Kill Team?

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  • Legio Cybernetica Robotic Maniple

    3 18.75%
  • Dawn Of War's Blood Ravens

    4 25.00%
  • The Outcast Dead

    9 56.25%
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Results 11 to 16 of 16
  1. #11


    Don't have the book to hand so these may not all be possible when you check the detail.

    Psyker (Pyromancy fits with the pyrae robots chanelling powers through them, exploding fire out of the joints/weapons)

    Preferred enemy (targeting software package, lots of lenses etc.)

    Crack shot + assault cannon or cyclone (if still a USR, same conversion)

    Shrouding (Thermoptic camouflage generator - paint as blending into base up to waist)

    HULK SMASH + mark of Wulfen for lots of s8 AP2 hits at normal Initiative (Motor overdrive on arms) - might want to check this doesn't specify monstrous creatures in its rules.

    Fleet (motor overdrive on legs): very useful for anything CC based

  2. #12


    Made a few adjustments to the cataphract robot conversion; One of the biggest criticisms of the previous model was the fact the legs looked too Tau based in origin. So in response to this I removed the hoof feet and replaced them with interceptor backpacks and plasticard to create more robotic looking feet. I then covered up the joint using part of the barrel of the burst cannon.

    Also regarding the outcast dead any idea who the warrior with the beard and fur cloak is? I'm reading the book from when then escape the prison and none of the characters have been described with a beard?


  3. #13


    I liked the first iteration of the conversion better -- the small legs gave them a pleasant top-heavy look.

    That sounds dirty ... but I liked the unbalancedness of the original version.

  4. #14


    I've decided to go with the robot cohort (5 chaos terminators) as I can't afford the time or money to create the outcast dead at the moment.

    However one of the cataphract robots will have the 'smash' rule and I'm trying to think of a way to convert it on the robot, so far my best idea is to give him a CC weapon gauntlet on each arm and replace the blade with a sort of knuckle duster. However both the boltgun and plasma weapon will then have to be mounted on his back which may look a bit cluttered.

    Any suggestions?

  5. #15


    i think the bearded guys is the son of horus... because only sw and luna wolves have pelts

  6. #16


    Well the Kill Team event was fantastic quick paced and a lot of fun. The Kill Team I decided on was the Thousand Sons Cataphract robots representing a Wolf Guard terminator squad at Operation Protineus yesterday at Warhammer World. They played well, the only game I didn't enjoy was went I faced 3 flamer and 4 screamers, to add insult to injury 2 robots died from overheats in the first turn.

    Because this is a Kill Team I can't just have robots so I need someone to lead them and who better than a Techmarine. I decided not to give him a servo hardness as he will never be used as a techmarine, he will be either another wolf guard terminator. I positioned the Techmarine's staff round so the staff top was facing the front, he'll also have the FNP rule to help him survive the firepower Kill Team leaders are likely to attract.

    Next with have the 'Smashbot'; because of he's twin power gauntlets that represent a Power Maul with the Smash rule I had no where to put his ranged weapons, the storm bolter didn't look right so I replaced it with an old ork pistol and created a attached servo skull to represent the single plasma gun shot.

    This one is by far my favourite as he looks like he's ready to take on any opponent. This robot has a combi-melta which I have given the 'Torrent' special rule (yes this was legal at this event but has been removed) so I added a shoulder mounted flamer for the bolter's template, but best of all I converted this awesomely destructive weapon I call 'The Firestorm Cannon' which destroys everything is fires upon however it suffers from a long recharge time so it can only be fired once per game (i.e the metlagun's torrent shot). He was certainly a destructive force in most games.

    I plan to attend the next event in April and will likely create the Outcast Dead for that one since I'll have 3 months to take time painting and preparing them.

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