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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

    Default recomendations for female cultist and female heads.

    With plague zombie no 50 now complete i was thinking of expanding my CMS army in to a more slanesh detection.

    as it stand now , my kit basked Dark apostle of slanesh is looking mighty sexy "i suddenly feel very confused now" and i was wondering on what would be the best source for female looking heads for my marines as well as appropriate females models to do cultists .
    I may be getting ahead of my self , my concept for my army boils down to pretty chaos marines with breast and curves , i can do most of the work on my own but i need pretty heads to make it convincing.

    Slanesh has been generous to his devout followers bestowing gifts of beauty in his/her/whatever own image as his followers now spread the word of freedom and love (free love) to the oppressed (or repressed) masses of humanity , running afoul of prudish imperial bureaucrats and there agents of oppression.

    Not your topical Chaos build don't you think ?

  2. #2


    isnt slaneesh not love at all... just pleasure, lust, excess... some of the de wyche heads might work

  3. #3


    Yeah, Wych heads might work, or Daemonette heads.

    Also, careful with how you handle doing breasts etc on space marines, that look can fall on its face pretty heavily if not careful.

  4. #4
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    Oakland, California, United States


    Quote Originally Posted by Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer View Post
    Yeah, Wych heads might work, or Daemonette heads.

    Also, careful with how you handle doing breasts etc on space marines, that look can fall on its face pretty heavily if not careful.
    As a rule, female armor would still look pretty masculine. Things like breasts and hips would be covered by the armor, not accentuated. Remember that most armor is designed to carry force away from the body by shape, not just block it through hardness. Things like the dip between breasts or a sharp curve from hip to waist would act as natural "nets" to "catch" attacks and let it slide towards the body, not away from it. I think marines that have found themselves with... unnaturally feminine endowments would hide them under their armor out of sheer practicality.

    Not to mention the fact that a pair of boobs would have to be pretty freaking enormous to show under six inches of ceramite. Seriously. You can't quite tell how big a female person's breasts are under a heavy coat, unless they're on the large side, can you imagine how big they'd be to show under armor that thick?

    I'd stick with feminizing the bodies of models that aren't wearing proper armor, but only the faces of those in full armor. That is, put Daemonette heads on your space marines and use greenstuff to make lines of horrible sagging boobs on your chaos spawns.
    ElectricPaladin Paints:
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  5. #5
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    links aren't working but that's ok , what i want to try to do is sort of go with cartoonist proportion adding to the over all gender confusion , i cant realy justefy buying an entire kit of an army i don't play just for a couple of bitz , i need a better option.
    not to mention female cultist options.

    as for the Slaneesh and love issue ? that's what being delusional "and possibly high" is all about , They thing there doing good by bringing there vision of freedom to the masses but there just making things worse .

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


    Quote Originally Posted by ElectricPaladin View Post
    As a rule, female armor would still look pretty masculine. Things like breasts and hips would be covered by the armor, not accentuated. Remember that most armor is designed to carry force away from the body by shape, not just block it through hardness. Things like the dip between breasts or a sharp curve from hip to waist would act as natural "nets" to "catch" attacks and let it slide towards the body, not away from it. I think marines that have found themselves with... unnaturally feminine endowments would hide them under their armor out of sheer practicality.

    Not to mention the fact that a pair of boobs would have to be pretty freaking enormous to show under six inches of ceramite. Seriously. You can't quite tell how big a female person's breasts are under a heavy coat, unless they're on the large side, can you imagine how big they'd be to show under armor that thick?

    I'd stick with feminizing the bodies of models that aren't wearing proper armor, but only the faces of those in full armor. That is, put Daemonette heads on your space marines and use greenstuff to make lines of horrible sagging boobs on your chaos spawns.
    We've been over this.

    Armour SHOULD be form fitting to a reasonable extent to provide adequate protection for the wearer, modern police and military armour is not designed with the female body shape in mind as they are not perceived to operate on the "frontlines" as such studies have shown that such compromise actually offers inadequate protection from the resulting "misfit" of the armour.

    and lets not even go into the fact that this is a gothic setting, or that artistic style almost demands such exaggerations due to get a point across on the small scale.

  7. #7
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    Gatineau, Quebec, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by ElectricPaladin View Post
    As a rule, female armor would still look pretty masculine. Things like breasts and hips would be covered by the armor, not accentuated. Remember that most armor is designed to carry force away from the body by shape, not just block it through hardness. Things like the dip between breasts or a sharp curve from hip to waist would act as natural "nets" to "catch" attacks and let it slide towards the body, not away from it. I think marines that have found themselves with... unnaturally feminine endowments would hide them under their armor out of sheer practicality.

    Not to mention the fact that a pair of boobs would have to be pretty freaking enormous to show under six inches of ceramite. Seriously. You can't quite tell how big a female person's breasts are under a heavy coat, unless they're on the large side, can you imagine how big they'd be to show under armor that thick?

    I'd stick with feminizing the bodies of models that aren't wearing proper armor, but only the faces of those in full armor. That is, put Daemonette heads on your space marines and use greenstuff to make lines of horrible sagging boobs on your chaos spawns.
    Ah yes but we are talking about delusional devotees of Slaneesh , serialized embellishment of there armor isent for combat efficiency , it's a fashion statement , and yes in true slanessh fashion i fully plan on them looking like masculine females , or feminine looking men , confusing gender is fully intentional .

    but thank you for commenting .

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Oakland, California, United States


    Quote Originally Posted by daboarder View Post
    Armour SHOULD be form fitting to a reasonable extent to provide adequate protection for the wearer, modern police and military armour is not designed with the female body shape in mind as they are not perceived to operate on the "frontlines" as such studies have shown that such compromise actually offers inadequate protection from the resulting "misfit" of the armour.
    Just because I'm curious and want to educate myself...

    Has anyone done studies of armor that minimizes the female shape, but does so intentionally, rather than accidentally as a result of a misfit? For example, armor with built in support in the chest, the space between the breasts padded and cushioned appropriately?

    Remember that I'm not suggesting that girl-shaped-beings should be crammed into ill-fitting male armor... I'm saying that armor designed with the female form in mind would have an androgenizing effect, as it would seek to minimize the curves that females are so well known for to reduce areas that would catch blows (as described above).

    Re: the actual topic of the thread...

    Heck, it's your army - go to town. I hope the choice you make works for you and looks good. Post pics!
    ElectricPaladin Paints:
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


    Quote Originally Posted by ElectricPaladin View Post
    Just because I'm curious and want to educate myself...

    Has anyone done studies of armor that minimizes the female shape, but does so intentionally, rather than accidentally as a result of a misfit? For example, armor with built in support in the chest, the space between the breasts padded and cushioned appropriately?

    Remember that I'm not suggesting that girl-shaped-beings should be crammed into ill-fitting male armor... I'm saying that armor designed with the female form in mind would have an androgenizing effect, as it would seek to minimize the curves that females are so well known for to reduce areas that would catch blows (as described above).

    Re: the actual topic of the thread...

    Heck, it's your army - go to town. I hope the choice you make works for you and looks good. Post pics!
    yeah the UK cops were doing it and I know the australian defence force has an inquiry underway give that they've just allowed females to begin serving in combat roles soon.

    If I remember correctly Eldargal has the specifics of the information I'm talking about.

    Your right proper female armour should be accommodating of things like the chest shape without emphasizing the negative, even if the requirement is additional padding.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    The Frozen North


    Buy Dark Elf Wytches they are pretty much your only choice for a cool sexy female model from GW.....
    Potential war gameing Jawa.

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