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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Stern is part of that unit, so the unit is PM2 for those purposes. It doesn't matter though, because either way the unit is not a higher PM level than Stern and so it's a 5+ Deny the Witch.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  2. #32


    Ofcourse, my bad. Was thinking of the mastery bonuses somehow differently.

    Thanks for the contribution.. Seems like Stern still isn't as viable as i would have hoped anyway.. (with my newfound usefulness of Crowe)

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Sternie boy is ok if you look at him alone, but once you compare him to the other HQs, he sadly just pales in comparison.

    Mordrak can create quite a tactical dilemma for an opponent, especially if you use his deep strike intelligently. He might seem like a great way to distract an opponent but he will die like a grot to massed plasma fire. For what is it...25 points or so more than a stock Grand Master, you get some very hefty bonuses. The good thing about him is that he gets more durable Terminators against shooting, and he also never has to worry about buying a transport, a handicap other Terminators typically have to face. He might be part of a 400 point unit but at least he doesn't have to pay another 200+ points to get where he needs to be.
    Last edited by Learn2Eel; 11-08-2012 at 05:38 AM.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Washington =D


    Im very confused on this Characters can only join this one squad or cant join any squad. Am i missing a sentence from my rule book or something? or am i just failing to read it very plainly somewhere? So far ive heard that Crowe has to go it alone and now Mordrak can only join Ghost knights. I was under the impression that Mordrak [I]had the option[I] to take ghost knights and didn't have to thus allowing him to deepstrike with paladins which is how I use him at my game place. Please someone point out the rule that states where these characters can or cant join whatever unit they like. I fear my game lounge might linch me after discovering such Heresy.

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Animus Silvanna View Post
    Im very confused on this Characters can only join this one squad or cant join any squad. Am i missing a sentence from my rule book or something? or am i just failing to read it very plainly somewhere? So far ive heard that Crowe has to go it alone and now Mordrak can only join Ghost knights. I was under the impression that Mordrak [I]had the option[I] to take ghost knights and didn't have to thus allowing him to deepstrike with paladins which is how I use him at my game place. Please someone point out the rule that states where these characters can or cant join whatever unit they like. I fear my game lounge might linch me after discovering such Heresy.
    What you're looking for, Animus, is the distinction between characters and independent characters. As page 63 indicates, only independent characters have the option to join other units (cf. the Independent Character rule, page 39). Simply being a character doesn't give you that option, so if you're a plain old regular character, you are either stuck in the unit you come with (like a justicar), or stuck by yourself if you don't come with a unit (like Crowe). As page 5 of the BRB FAQ clarifies, unique models (such as Mordrak or Crowe; cf. BRB page 110) do count as characters, but they are not independent characters unless they specifically have that rule.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Washington =D


    Quote Originally Posted by Nabterayl View Post
    What you're looking for, Animus, is the distinction between characters and independent characters. As page 63 indicates, only independent characters have the option to join other units (cf. the Independent Character rule, page 39). Simply being a character doesn't give you that option, so if you're a plain old regular character, you are either stuck in the unit you come with (like a justicar), or stuck by yourself if you don't come with a unit (like Crowe). As page 5 of the BRB FAQ clarifies, unique models (such as Mordrak or Crowe; cf. BRB page 110) do count as characters, but they are not independent characters unless they specifically have that rule.
    Ohhhhh. I see the light now. Makes sense to me I appreciate the knowledge bomb.

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