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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Crowthorne UK

    Default Daemonic Thunderwolves

    This army has been used in tournaments for about 2 years now in various different shapes and forms. The painting effort has continued over time as has the modelling. These Thunder Wolves are one of the worst culprits having been rebuilt in different ways twice now and the paint job has suffered for it but I am happy with where they are and I am glad to say they are all finished.

    First up we have my Thunder Wolf Lord the Headtaker:

    I had real fun building this guy and he uses a vast array of bits from various kits. The cloak and Frost Blade were my first attempts at blending and I was very pleased with the effect on both.

    Next up is a Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunder Wolf with a Thunder Hammer. This guy acts as the Lieutenant of the army and forms the other half of a one, two punch:

    He uses a couple of Maxmini parts such as the Hammer and Bionics. I think he might get some bling added at some point though but not before the Tournament on Saturday.

    Finally the actual Squad of Thunder Wolves who will be cleaning up for the Thunder HQs. These guys are carrying Storm Shields and I really should model some Melta bombs on them just always hate having to stick those ugly bits on...

    If you want to see some more pics of these guys you can see them over on the Blog I contribute to [URL=""]BLOODYdice[/URL]

    Let me know what you think guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    gingerbread house


    dude, sweet conversions. the lord in particular is oozing with character and menace just like khorne would want.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Crowthorne UK


    Quote Originally Posted by CouchViking View Post
    dude, sweet conversions. the lord in particular is oozing with character and menace just like khorne would want.
    Menacing was what I was aiming for so I am very chuffed with him!
    Visit the blog I contribute to and my commission studio website

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