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  1. #11


    LOL there was mucho crying and moaning going on last night over Njal.

  2. #12


    Njal is pretty annoying.

    Not only does he just punish the other player for bringing a psyker (they nerfed the psychic hood because it was too good remember) He also has all the powers, which are all good, and in addition, has his silly storm ability that just does crazy stuff for absolutely free every turn.

    Stick him in a landraider, park him in the middle of the board, and its party time.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Ontario, Canada


    Njal isn't overpowered in my opinion. He's merely good.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Midlands, UK


    Gotta agree with Katie Drake... he's good but not overpowered. sure you can stick him in a landraider in the middle of the board and let his (unpredictable) free power work everyturn but in the current melta world that raider isn't going to last long and as has been said before he's going to fold pretty quick with 2 wounds and no eternal warrior. He's a good psyker, possibly the best imperial one as he's arguably better than tigurius or mephiston but he's certainly not broken.
    Cats and Dogs are better than kids because they eat less, don't ask for money and if they get pregnant you can sell their children.

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