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Thread: Relictors

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Tilburg, Holland


    Thanks guys and i really doesn't take that much skill. In fact I'm really lucky I have this much disposable income, otherwise I'd be using nothing but plasticard and foamcard

    @ Schnitzel - actually the book came with the altar. It's one of the more affordable Forge World buys, but you are completely right you can easily make one yourself using the old chaos vehicle upgrade sprue! _______________

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Tilburg, Holland


    Woot, I actually have something real to report again after 3+ weeks of 0 hobbying activity. Missed the Lounge, but other events kept me away from my computer and (mostly) from the internet. Well it feels great to be back, looks like the lounge has picked up a ton of new members and dozens upon dozens of new project logs.....there goes another evening of just browsing!

    Back to finishing some more Relictors at the moment, though progres is as sluggish as ever:

    Filled some holes on the assault marines and sternguard and in the midst of undercoating the assaulties. And yes, by hand. Rather time consuming, but it really helps to get a clearer / smoother result on any subsequent layers. But much more important I've decided on what unit (or more specifically, which units) to continue work on first.

    I'll be working on the assault marines first. Once I hit the blue-ish segments of their armour I'll also be starting on the Sternguard and Termies. That way I have an entire batch with identical weathering, highlights etc in a single go. Looking into doing the same for the remaining units as well (Thunderfire Cannon, Razorback, Predator and another SM squad). Come to think of it, if I manage to get the current batch sorted this month I'll be in excellent shape to reach my 1800 point goal before januari! Actually starting to think about what I could do to push the army to 2K. Too many choices really, though an extra SM squad would probably be most in character. Time will tell......

    And a final pic of how far the sternguard and termies have advanced so far:

    Next update should be this weekend. I'll have time in between papers and other crap to finish the undercoating and hopefully get some basecoating sorted on the assault marines _______________

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Norfolk, VA


    The bastion conversion looks great... Very creative. Your Relictors also look really good, but I am not understanding the eldar models. What are they functioning as?
    Also have you come any further with the screaming thing in the vat? That looks pretty wicked!
    When there is no peril in the fight there is no glory in the triumph. Pierre Corneille(M2)

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Tilburg, Holland


    Thanks! The bastion is on hold till I can gather enough courage to undercoat that monster

    As for the Eldar, well I use them as 'count as' sniper scouts. I initially had a fullblown weird background story for these guys, which included 5 different, scratchbuild xenos merc races. Got a little carried away, but I just couldn't resist keeping the Eldar Corsairs in there. Besides, every army needs some purple.

    The vat creature is also still in the works, though his body has taken a bit more shape. I'll see if I can't dig up a working camera somewhere to snap some fresh pics. Thinking about expanding the critter a bit so he could serve as a biogenetic version of an autocannon on the fortress....see, tons of wacky xenos ideas I need to keep under control.

    I just noticed I haven't posted up pics of the completed build on the bastion, so here goes:

    Nearly invisible to see in these pics but the foamcard sections have been treated to have structure similar to that found on GW's wall sections. Should really help for the painting stage to help create a coherent feel to the finished building. _______________

  5. #25


    Heya Hephesto!

    Nice all the way around, mate. That Vault is awesome and the best use of that kit I've yet seen. Very well done.

    Question... The Vet. Sgt. of your Assault Squad... Doesn't that helm plume make his neck hurt?

    Cheers mate!

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