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  1. #1

    Default Festus WFB counts as 40k nurgle sorcerer?And other questions.

    I already bought the model from my local shop, I am sure the friend i usually play with won't mind, but what about competitive games? He is ,after all, a nurgle sorcerer.
    I am thinking no problem but am throwing it out there because i haven't seen the question posted in search.


    The following are fluff/modeling/competitive perspective questions

    I have decided on the dimensional key artifact and the default force weapon (key is not a weapon),Can i use the staff he has to represent both?

    I am mounting him on the chaos nurglings for the steed,set up differently than their normal pile, the question is should the character be standing on a dais supported by nurlings,supported directly by the nurglings, or something else?

    Finally should i use his backpack or use a csm backpack? If i use the default pack i will be able to mount a bolt pistol to the side.

    He is a really nice model and i dont mind modding it a little bit to represent the 40k universe but i dont want to do too much to it.

    thanks ahead for your thoughts and happy holidays!
    Last edited by MrBo; 12-17-2012 at 10:41 PM.

  2. #2


    From a competitive view, I see no problems with using the model for a Nurgle Sorcerer. He's Nurgley, he has sorcerous things about him. Therefore he's a Nurgle Sorcerer. The only problem about competitive concerns is when it comes to modelling for advantage. For example, mounting a particularly powerful close combat character on a significantly larger base, or placing a model that comes with a larger base on a much smaller base so less models can attack it. Worse examples are modelling a character that is physically substantially smaller than the standard model so that it can more easily gain cover saves or evade being shot altogether.

    Those are the biggest crimes of fair play. In regards to Festus, he doesn't look smaller than a Chaos Sorcerer, he fits on a 25mm base like a Chaos Sorcerer. He's a GW model. That basically means he easily passes any problems for any tournament. Models that are larger than the original standard model really only benefits your opponent so I doubt anyone minds when they're bigger.

    As for modelling, I would use the backpack Festus comes with as the Dimensional Key. The rules state it needs a victim to function, so toss that victim into the backpack and it opens up a hell maw. I personally would sculpt on an iron star of chaos with a daemonic maw in the centre to make it look like it can spew out the stuff of the warp. Just cut off the rusted cleaver and move it over. But you can use the staff to represent both, though that does stand to confuse things and miss out on a chance to change the model a bit.

    For the bolt pistol, I'd still put one on there somewhere. Maybe have a Nurgling carry it for him.

    As for the Palanquin of Nurgle, that one is gonna be harder to figure out. I'm not sure how I'd handle that without having the parts to play around with. Perhaps in this case it would be better to mount him on a Terminator base (40mm), since the Palanquin does confer the Very Bulky special rule to whoever rides it, and typically models on 40mm bases have the Bulky special rule. Other than that, dry fit lots until you find a decent way of modelling it, or maybe someone else has a great idea that I haven't had yet .

    With these, you can change the model just enough to make him different from the Fantasy Festus, but still keep most of the model unchanged. That should be a good start of discussion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Las Vegas


    I agree with Cursed13's post above, and want to add that the palanquin would not be that difficult to kitbash or convert. Personally, I would model it as a hover unit using the thrusters from the Landspeeder Storm and then building the platform on top of that with plasticard and bits to give it a 40k feel. If you really want the old-school vibe that the original Palanquin had, replace my thruster idea with a layer of Nurglings.

  4. #4


    I might try to add shoulder pads? He doesn't look like someone wearing power armour at the moment? - My 40k Blog: Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Guard Grots, Conversions, Battle Reports and more.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    northern ireland


    then would you think it would be possible to convert him to be an epidermus of some discription?

    currently working on a line of sci-fi bunkers and tunneling, input always appreciated

  6. #6


    thanks cursed thats an awesome idea modding the backpack, starting sketches on it,
    I am going to use the 60mm base for the nurgles to be holding up the sorcerer,although i could probably use the bike base also as i was going to run him with bikes.
    miteyheroes, i was thinking about that, he all fat and what-not , it would be easy to mod so that it looked like the armour was being absorbed by his skin i might pursue that avenue
    And arch , i like the epi model , when the new daemons codex comes out ill be picking him up also so no need to make one =)
    thanks again all

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by MrBo View Post
    miteyheroes, i was thinking about that, he all fat and what-not , it would be easy to mod so that it looked like the armour was being absorbed by his skin i might pursue that avenue
    Oh, that could be epic! - My 40k Blog: Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Guard Grots, Conversions, Battle Reports and more.

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