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  1. #51


    That's not a lot of models or firepower output for a 2000 pt. army Mkerr. And only 1 Land Raider? Those Lone Wolves must be pretty expensive. I would think most 2000 pt. armies in 5th Edition should have enough firepower to stall 1 Crusader pretty early on. I don't think its a critique of your list specifically, just that the Space Wolves look really expensive, especially at 2k points.

  2. #52
    Occuli Imperator
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    Jul 2009
    Feast of Blades


    Maybe this is a duh statement, but how many points will you save by not adding the wolfguard? Sometimes we get that itching feeling like we want our tac squads to be able to handle anything...However, you might be able to afford something cool if you don't do the Wolf guard (I really wish I had the codex so I could help more).


  3. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by Duke View Post
    Maybe this is a duh statement, but how many points will you save by not adding the wolfguard?
    A Wolf Guard with a Wolf Claw is only 8pts more than a standard Grey Hunter. Not exactly a bad deal, lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by revnow View Post
    That's not a lot of models or firepower output for a 2000 pt. army Mkerr. And only 1 Land Raider? Those Lone Wolves must be pretty expensive. I would think most 2000 pt. armies in 5th Edition should have enough firepower to stall 1 Crusader pretty early on. I don't think its a critique of your list specifically, just that the Space Wolves look really expensive, especially at 2k points.
    The Lone Wolves are dirt cheap (start at 20pts), but you pay for them in another way (i.e., they always give up a kill point to your opponent).

    Yeah, you may have to screen the Crusader with the Rhinos to get it there. Ragnar is really just a conceit in this list (I just want to try him out). I suspect that I'll drop him and add a cheap Wolf Lord and a second Land Raider for a more competitive army.

    Something like 2 units of Blood Claws in Land Raiders (with Rune Priest and Wolf Lord) and 2 units of Grey Hunters in Drop Pods would be an interesting start. All Drop Pods is also viable with this codex. A unit of 10 Grey Hunters (with 2 meltaguns) in a Rhino is ~180pts, so all Rhinos is also viable.

    I'm going to give the army a spin and see how it works tonight. I'm sure there's TONS of tuning that needs to be done.

    -- mkerr
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  4. #54


    I've got a list revision that's going up on the blog tonight (we decided to open up the conversation to everyone).
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  5. #55
    Occuli Imperator
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkerr View Post

    ...I'm sure there's TONS of tuning that needs to be done.

    -- mkerr

    Weird, I never have to tweak my lsits, they always come out just perfect the first time,


  6. #56


    Can we have your take on a SM Bike army? Either with Mech or with Terminators, or just Vanilla Marines? I found them moderatly effective, but I want to see a mean (perfect) list!!

  7. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by 40k Addict View Post
    Can we have your take on a SM Bike army? Either with Mech or with Terminators, or just Vanilla Marines? I found them moderatly effective, but I want to see a mean (perfect) list!!
    My lists are far from perfect, lol! I have been tinkering with a couple of bike armies so I'll see what I can put up. I'm intruiged by Scout Bikers (relatively inexpensive, big unit sizes, astartes grenade launchers, cluster mines and locator beacons) and I'm also interested in Space Wolves bikers (cheap, big units, nasty in close combat). I'm not as interested in building a Vulkan bike lists (effective, yes - fun, not so much) -- so I'm not sure how mean I can make them, lol!

    I'll add it to the list and see what I can put together.

    Thanks for the comment!

    -- mkerr
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  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by mkerr View Post
    Right now I'm trying to figure out if I can make a Skarbrand list and an all-Tzeentch list. Tough challenges, I suspect, but it could be a lot of fun.
    All-Tzeentch is amazing actually.

    The Bluescribes

    4 Flamers of Tzeentch
    4 Flamers of Tzeentch
    4 Flamers of Tzeentch

    13 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch(The Changeling, Bolt of Tzeentch)
    13 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch(Bolt of Tzeentch)
    13 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch(Bolt of Tzeentch)

    Daemon Prince (Mark of Tzeentch, Breath of Chaos, Instrument of Chaos)
    Daemon Prince (Mark of Tzeentch, Breath of Chaos, Instrument of Chaos)
    Daemon Prince (Mark of Tzeentch, Breath of Chaos)

    1996 pts

    Everything has at least a 4+ invul. Pink horrors may be the best troop choice in this book. 13 horrors puts out an amazing amount of shots. Attach the Scribes to a flamer unit so you can pavane them together or towards you for maximum firepower. And you still have 4 MCs to run rampant on your board.

  9. #59
    Occuli Imperator
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    Feast of Blades


    Mkerr, its been a month since your last "list of the week," what happened buddy? lol.



  10. #60


    I knew someone was going to call me on that one, lol. I've been working on a Rogue Trader game (and a new super secret project) for the past few weeks.

    You can get more details on some of my progress on the Flywire: [URL=""][/URL]

    But thanks for the reminder and I'll put up some new lists soon!

    -- mkerr
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