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Thread: Zone Mortalis

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Lightbulb Zone Mortalis

    I was just curious what everyone's thoughts are on the Zone Mortalis. I personally think it gives really interesting opportunities for game play that you don't normally see, but I also feel like it might be prohibitively expensive.

    So then, I have a few questions.

    1. What are your opinions or ideas on how to play with the Zone Mortalis, has anyone made scenarios in addition to the ones FW released? What do you think would be fun ways to include ZM, or to play with it as a stand alone table as well?

    2. Has anyone encountered similar (in use, not necessarily quality) products that may be cheaper and serve well in a similar capacity? This could be even as just walls, without the mounted tiles.

    3. Any ideas on how one might construct something similar, effectively enough to cast a mold of it?

    Thanks in advance for your ideas!

  2. #2


    You could make wall tiles from plasticard that could be molded and made from resin, and use those to make wall sections and even floor tiles, however, like a lot of things, it depends how you value your time, its a long, involved process to make enough tiles to get a good layout, although the FW ones seem expensive, you might find your hobby time is valuable enough to be worth the investment

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Los Angeles


    Actually, you could make Zone Mortalis tiles very cheap out of cardstock, and they'd be a lot more solid than most people tend to think. The basic shapes are very simple and sturdy, and after that it just depends on [URL=""]how much detail[/URL] you want to put into it. If you use some thin superglue on the finished product, you could make them as hard as plasticard. The tiles themselves could just be cheap particle ones from any home improvement store (usually about a buck or so for a 12" square).

    I'd bet if you got together with your gaming group, you could knock out ten or a dozen of them while watching one or two movies. Even alone, you could probably do that many over a weekend.
    Exitus Acta Probat

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Alright alright thanks guys. I was figuring on using particle board for the base, which is why I was asking about walls. I would really love to get actual pre made walls, but I don't mind if the detail is as high as Mortalis. I might just try and get a bunch of people from the gaming group to go in on it. If we have 10 people paying part of it it's actually pretty cheap.

    Anyone have cool ideas as to how to use them though? Still thinking on this one. Has anyone come up with some cool ideas looking at the terrain they wanna share?

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