Overlord : MSS, Semipaternal Weave, Warsycthe, Res Orb, Phase Shifter = 205
Vargard Obyron : 160

Royal Court

Cryptek of Destruction : Eldritch Lance, Solar Pulse, Gaze of Flame = 55
Cryptek of The Storm : Voltaic Staff, Lightning Field = 35


10 Warriors, Ghost Ark = 245
10 Immortals, Gauss Blasters = 170


5 Lychguard, Warsycthes = 200

Heavy Support

2x Annihilation Barges = 180
Doom Sycthe = 175

Fast Attack

3x 1 Heavy Destroyers = 180

Just started collecting necrons and this is my army so far. Basically I just stick the Overlord, Vargard Obyron and the stormtek in the squad of Lychguard and I can either deepstrike them into enemy lines to cause havoc and draw fire from the rest of my army, or hold them back and counter-attack any of my units that get assaulted while the rest of my army just blasts away at the enemy. I am aware that Lychguard aren't the best choice for CC but I really like the look of them and the Overlord and want to make them work, any feedback or advice about my list is welcome.